Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Blight, as he got to Supernatural, looked behind him and saw the tear he created, mend itself within an instant, and after it did, Blight stood there and looked around and saw he was in a forest, he then sensed around and found a person, so he read that man's memories and found out he wasn't when he thought he would be as he thought he would be in the year 1983, when the show actually starts, but no, he was in the year 2005. Blight smiled as he thought "So Dean meets Sam tonight huh, well, it's too early in the show to do anything" and as Blight thought that, he left the forest and found himself by a road and Motel with a bar, he then looked around before he smiled and went in thinking "If this was the year 1983, I might have been cautious of Chuck, but right now, he's sealed himself, to become...Chuck, the prophet, well, lets just say, he's playing around, so no need to hide myself, but first, I need to find out something" and as Blight got to the motel, he rented a room for a few days before he went into the bar, he then looked around and saw a few people looking at him before looking away, and as he looked around and thought of the bikes outside, he thought "A biker gang huh, haven't seen much of them in my previous life in NY, or in teen wolf, my, how rare" and as he got in, he went and took a seat, before a waitress came and gave him a menu, he then took it from her and saw her chewing her gum with her mouth open and as she kept chewing it with her mouth open, he heard her say "What is a handsome fellow like you doing here?" And as Blight heard that, he looked at the big boobed middle-aged waitress, and said "Naturally… I came for the food, but seeing you, I just change my mind", he then heard her say "You know, that ain't the first time I've heard it, but it is the first time Imma give in to it…, Stay until closing time handsome and will see where this can go" and as Blight heard that, he said "Well, I'm staying in the motel right here that's connected, so how about you come to me..., and don't worry, I'll rock your world if you do, anyway, My room number is 9" and as he said that, he winked at her before opening the menu, he then heard her say "I'd like to see how you'll rock my world handsome" and as she said that, she touched his shoulder before leaving and Blight glanced at her before thinking "Well, this day an age, stuff like this is easy..., anyway, What was in Cicero, Indiana… and why am I not in California after going into supernatural …, well, no matter, it doesn't interfere much with my plans… and it's too early to interfere with the show" and as he saw the menu, he waited for the waitress before telling her what he wanted, he then heard her saying "Anything for you handsome" and Blight just winked at her before looking around, he then saw the half-full bar becoming rowdy as hell, he then looked around at a few people, and saw a few women giving him glances or some giving him winks, but he ignored them, and started to create a record of himself being born here as an orphan, and after he finished, he took out his new Id and saw "Blight Angelsin, age 23" and a few more things, and then his eyes flashed purple and smiled as he thought "Now I even have my old lives degree as well", he then smiled before putting them away.

Blight got his food and his drink, and it was a chicken cutlet sandwich and coke, and so he ate and after he finished eating while smiling at the waitress, he left after nicely tipping the waitress and saying "I'll be waiting to rock your world" and he smiled before heading to his room, he then thought as he got to his motel room "Is Teenwolf on pause, after today..., I'll go back tomorrow and see if a day has passed or not"

Blight took out his phone and thought "They don't have these type of phones yet do they", he then started reading his book that he just conjured for a few hours, and after a few hours, he heard a knock on his door. Blight put the book away before getting up to open the door, and after opening the door, he saw the waitress smiling at him, he then heard her say "Wasn't really expecting you here… thought you were just joking hun" and so he smiled at her before he opened the door even more as he gestured her in. Blight saw the waitress smiling at him before going in, he then smirked as he closed the door.

The next morning, Blight finished taking a shower, and as he got out of the bathroom, he looked at the passed out waitress on his bed, he then clothed himself before teleporting where he came from yesterday and created a tear to Teenwolf and went in, and soon he stepped in teen wolf again and after looking around, he found himself near the Nemeton, he then sensed around before going back to supernatural again, he then smiled as he thought "So Teenwolf does pause, now that's neat and useful" and as he thought that, he looked at the tear mending itself before he went to get food. Blight went to explore this small town as he remembered there was something that happened here in the show and doing so might jog his memory, but it didn't, so he's flashed purple before remembering "Right, Lisa and her kid Ben, season 3" and as he thought about that, he sensed around before he smiled, he then returned to his motel room and saw the waitress not being on his bed, but he could hear the shower ruining, and so he thought about something before thinking "Still have time"

Blight went into the shower and ignored her words of surprise before he just took her in the shower. Blight watched as the waitress appeared happy as she wouldn't let him go and kept kissing him as they had shower sex.

Blight after an hour of shower sex, got asked by the woman "Are you staying?" And as Blight heard that, he said "Nope" the woman then said "Thought so… but if you ever pass by, you know where to find me alright" and she then gave him a kiss before leaving, but she did say "And that night…, was the best handsome, you really did rock my world" and Blight smiled as a reply, and just watched as she left while closing the door behind her.

Blight laid down on the bed for a bit and thought "Should I just sleep somewhere for a few years… or live out a life, I already made an Identity, with a diploma in psychology from Stanford University…, and I can create an Identity this way in supernatural to play with Dean or Sam …, or should I do it another way, as in becoming a healer, or something else… so many choices" and as Blight thought of that, he thought of not doing his old job, but rather just doing investment and stock marketing since this way, he really didn't need to do much, so his eyes flashed purple for a bit before he smiled, as he thought of his stocks that he owned now, he smiled while thinking "Google, Target, eBay, Walmart, and Microsoft.. and a few future main banks… heh, I'm rich now and seeing how no one's bothering me after I did this, it seems god really did seal himself to play or didn't notice, and even if he did, I didn't really affect supernatural as these things don't affect it at all, but soon, something will" and as Blight thought that, he left and went to the bank and looked at his very wealthy bank account and thought, "I own a share in this Bank too right? Well, that's nice seeing how they're treating me, but In the end, I don't need this much money, or the money that's gonna keep rolling in… I just need an Identity, and conjuring money is a no go, since I wish to appear as a saint, and the money I use for good can't just be conjured as it will be investigated" and as Blight thought that, he took out a few hundred bucks, he then went to a cafe that had computers, and as he got in and paid, he went on a computer that was connected to a LAN cable as they didn't have wifi in this store and searched his name, and as he did, he found himself online, but nothing really on him, just apparently him being orphan who became rich through investing, and as he saw no pictures of himself, so he smiled, he then spent time researching on history for most of the day before leaving.

Blight sensed around before he thought "Might as well meet her as she's here" and as he thought that, he left and walked around for a bit before he saw her putting groceries bags in the trunk of her car and as he saw the empty streets, he smirked as his eyes flashed purple, and with that, one of her bags rip as she was about to put it in the trunk, and soon, a can of pasta started rolling in to the middle of the road, so he then smirked as he heard her say "Shit" and started picking everything up, and he's smirk grew even more as he saw her looking at the can of pasta, and his eyes soon flashed purple as he saw her going for it.


Lisa, right now just finished buying everything she needed, she then thought to hurry up and put everything in the trunk of her car and get home soon since Ben just fell asleep around 30 minutes ago and she needed some sleep from this tiring day and as she did, one of her bags ripped and as she saw that she said "Shit" and started picking everything up and as she put everything away, she looked at the Tomato paste can that rolled to the middle of the road, and as she saw no car's, she went for it, but she then stopped as she heard something on her left and so she looked, and what she saw scared her, it was a a car rushing at her, and as she saw this, she froze, she then thought "Nonono, please no" and so she closed her eyes as she saw the car right in front of her, she then felt she was being carried, and as she did, she grabbed on tightly before she just held herself with whatever she grabbed and closed her eyes even more tightly, but as 20 seconds passed, she heard a voice from a man saying "Wow, now that was close..., you okay?" and as she did, she thought "I didn't get hit?" And as she removed her head from apparently was the man's shoulder, she saw she was being carried by him in a princess hold, and as she looked at the young man, she thought "" and as she did, she saw him smiling at her.

Lisa soon noticed she was staring at him, and so she looked away, but she couldn't help but glance at him again and again, as she was dazzled by this really handsome man staring at her, she then said "Thank you…" and soon enough, she heard him say in reply "Its no problem, anyway that was really close, are you alright?" And as he said that, she nodded, she then heard him say "Umm, your hand...well nails… can you ease your grip a bit, there kinda hurting my neck" and as she heard that, she let go of him and got embarrassed, she then heard him say "I'm going to put you down now alright?"

Lisa started at him before saying "Oh yes, of course" and she saw him smile before he gently helped her to stand back on her feet as he let her go. Lisa couldn't help but get a bit embarrassed as she saw him smiled, so she looked down and felt something om her nails, she then looked at her nails as saw some blood and that shocked her as she looked back at him, but all she saw was him smiling at her before hearing him say "Well, I didn't see the license number or anything, and there are no cameras or other people right now…, you wanna call the police or someone?" And as he said that, she shook her head, she then looked at her nails and asked the man "Are you okay?" And as she said that, she saw the man looking at her nails before saying "I guess I got scratched by you, but other than that, I'm fine really" and Lisa couldn't help but feel bad but as she saw him smiling at her and she just looked down at the can she grabbed in embarrassment, she then heard him say "Well, let's take you back to your car alright?"


Blight smirked inwardly as he walked Lisa to her car as he held her hand, he then thought of the neck wound he caused, and smiled as he let it bleed, he then thought "How about we change her best one night stand to me… and make her fall for me…, heh, looking at her now, this is gonna be easy" and as he thought that, he smirked, and as he looked at Lisa who kept glancing at him and his bleeding neck, he smiled and thought "She still appears in shock, but she's showing worried expression as she looks at my neck, this is good" and as Blight got her to her car, he saw her looking at him, before putting the can away and closing the trunk, he then asked "Is it bad?" while he showed her his neck, he then heard her say, "It's not too bad... I think … but I ruined your shirt…" and as Blight heard that, he laughed and said "It's just a shirt, how many times can you say you saved a beautiful woman right?" and as he said that, he saw her smiling while appearing shy, he then asked "Do you… um, know a nearby clinic around her? I just got to this place yesterday, and I don't really know my way around here" and he gave her his loveable smile to go with that question, he the heard her say in a hurried tone"If…. If you want, I have some rubbing alcohol and bandages at my place…" and as he heard that, he smiled and said "I shouldn't, I don't wish to be a bother" and while he said that, he smirked inwardly, he then heard her say "No please, your not a bother, and I caused this even when you saved me…it's just a few minutes away as well and it's closer than the clinic that 15 minutes away… please, I feel bad about this"

To Be Continued.