Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Blight looked at her sad face and said "Don't be, I got to save a beautiful woman like you, but alright, I'll take you on your offer… but you want me to drive? Your legs are still shacking" and he smiled at her while saying this, he then saw her looking at her legs before looking back at him while giving him her keys in embarrassment, he then heard her say "Thanks again… and it seems like I'm the bother now" and as Blight grabbed the keys from her hand, he held her hand as he said while looking into her eyes, "Not in my eyes your not" and as he kept staring at her eyes, he saw her appearing even more embarrassed and shy, before he let get of her hand, he then saw her going to sit at the other front seat, so he smirked as she got in. Blight got in the car and started to drive after she gave him some directions, but as he drove, she got a few tissues and put it on his neck and kept her hand there, he then heard her say "My names Lisa by the way…, and thanks again" and Blight said "My names Blight, and yeah I know, weird name, and it's no problem at all" he then heard her say "No… I think its a nice name" and with that, he looked at her and smiled, he then noticed she was staring at him but he didn't say anything about it. Blight saw Lisa smiling before hearing her say "You know…, you really are a very attractive man… and apparently a hero..." and as Blight heard that, he kept smiling while saying " I've been called attractive before, but a hero, now that's a first" and as he kept driving, he started turning left before he heard her telling him which house she lived at and as he got there, he parked before taking out the keys and giving it to her, he then helped her take the bags in and smiled inwardly at how many times he caught her staring at him, and as he sensed upstairs, he sensed the kid getting up, so he made the kid go back to sleep, before he helped her with groceries before getting thanked again, he then heard her telling him to sit down before she headed upstairs and as she did, Blight watched her with his abilities and saw her opening Ben's room slowly before closing it again carefully, he then saw her smiling as she went to the bathroom and grabbed some stuff before heading down.

Blight, as he saw her heading downstairs, started playing with an action figure and when she made noise next to him, he looked at her, before asking "How old is he? Or it could be a she?" he then heard her laughing before saying "My son just turned 5 last week" and as she said that she went up to him, she then said "There's blood on your blue shirt… do you want me to clean it for you" and he told her in response that he didn't have any other shirts on him right now, and he heard her say "I...know, I don't mind" and so, he just stood up and took off his shirt, he then saw her staring at his body, so he said "Where do I put it?"

Lisa, who was staring at his ripped body, snapped out of it before taking it from him while she kept glancing at his body, she then said "Imma start to clean this now ok" and he couldn't respond as she just left, he then sat down again and smirked, he then stopped smirking as he heard her coming back in, he then saw her sitting next to him, before she asked him to turn around, Blight then played as if he was in pain as she rubbed the rubbing alcohol on him, he then felt her touching his back before she went and put a large bandaid on him, and after that, he tapped his neck before looking at her while smiling, he then said "Thank's"

Blight thought of doing something next but instead saw she was really close to him, and he saw her moving even closer, so he stopped thinking about it and got kissed by her, he then started kissing her back while inducing lust into her, and after he did, he stopped the kiss and said "Are you sure? I don't want this to be like this because of what happened today" and as he said this, she kissed his again before saying "I am, and I want you for who you are, a handsome man that saved me, helped me, and is really sweet... and sexy" and as he heard her saying that, Blight saw her standing up before she took him to her room before and locking it and as they got in she started kissing Blight, and as Blight felt this, he smirked as he thought of making this a day to remember for her.


Lisa woke up feeling never better, and she could say, she hasn't felt this good waking up in a very long time, she then looked around before looking at her nude body covered by a blanket and after that, she looked to her left and didn't see Blight.

Lisa, as she didn't see Blight, felt saddened by this as she thought "...He left didn't he…, I really liked him though... why, what did I do wrong..." she then remembered the sex they had before she continued thinking "And my god is he a monster in bed… well, he's the best one night stand now I guess… but maybe" and as she thought of this, she went looking around at her bedside table and saw no note or anything, she then became even more saddened by this and thought "Maybe he thought I was easy… stupid… why couldn't I just ask him out and taken things slowly with him… I'm so dum,. ughhhhh" and she looked at her phones contacts just to make sure, she felt even worse before thinking "Ben, is he up?" and as she thought of her son, she left Blight leaving her for now and headed to her son's room after getting dressed, she then saw nobody in there, so she headed downstairs before she started to hear some noise and as she got to the end of the stairs, she quietly headed to the kitchen door before looking at the two who were talking, she then saw Blight and her son talking to each other as they ate cereal and eggs and as she did, she then smiled as she thought "He didn't leave", and soon, she saw her son laughing as Blight played with his hair, and she then went in and as she did, she saw Blight staring at her before saying "Hey Lisa… this little guy knocked on the door and woke me up..., I tried walking you up, but I guess… I went a bit much on you yesterday …, Oh, I made extra for you though, and I got my shirt from the laundry after Ben told me where it was" and as she heard that, she went and saw the food, before saw her son smiling at her before eating again, she then kissed Blight and said "Thanks for not… leaving" and as she said that, she saw Blight staring at her before saying "I'm not that type of guy… who does one night stands… and I… was worried about you too, so I wanted to make sure you were alright as well" and she heard that, she couldn't help but smile again and give him a long kiss before stopping as she heard her son say "What are you doing mom?" And as she was about to respond, she heard Blight laugh before saying, "Aren't you gonna show me your drawing Ben, the one you got an A on?" And as she heard that, she saw her son smiling before saying "Wait it's in my room, I'll have to find it" and with that, she saw him getting off of his chair before leaving, she then saw Blight standing upright next to her before he started kissing her, she then heard him say "Kissing me like that, and last night, you passed out after only a few hours…? but before you did, you said we could go at it in the morning, so let's" and as he said that, he lifted her up on the kitchen table before he started kissing her, but she pushed him away and said to him "Not now Blight… Ben will be back any minute now… how about later tonight?" And as she said that, she saw Blight just staring at her before he kissed her forehead, she then heard him say "Alright… I'll take you up on that" and so she smiled and kissed him on the side of his cheek before saying "Thanks… and this time, I'll try going for longer" and as she said that, she saw him smiling before she heard him saying "Oh really, I would be really surprised if you could, as I am really good at sex, and you should know, with how you begged for more right?" and as she heard that, she playfully punched him, before she got down the kitchen table with the help of Blight, and after he slowly took his hands off her, she saw him staring at her while smiling and she couldn't help but do the same, and she stopped as she heard her son entering, she then saw Blight being amazed by the drawing, and grabbing him and playing with him, she then sat down and ate as she was the two play with a smile on her face.


Blight put down Ben and said, "Common little guy, let's finish our food first, you gotta eat to grow alright?" And as he said that, he heard the kid say "Alright" and went to eat after putting his drawing at the dining room table, he then looked at Lisa and saw her smiling at him, so he went and sat beside her as he continued to eat, and as Ben came back, they chatted for a bit till they finished eating.

Blight after eating, saw Ben going to the bathroom, he then said to Lisa " I should go now, and I'll meet you later tonight alright" and then he saw the smiling Lisa stop smiling, he then heard her say "Do you have something to do?" And as he heard that, he said "Not really, but I gotta pay for my room for a few more days, it expires today" and as he said that, he heard her say "Room, right…, you don't live here, you said that before…, where are you staying" and as he heard that, he told her about the motel, he then heard her say "How long… are you gonna stay?" And he didn't respond immediately after hearing her question him, and he took his time to say "A few days I guess, I'm just traveling really around really… and as my work is done on my laptop, I don't really have to stay anywhere, and so I just explore the states for fun and I've already been doing so for 4 months now'' and Blight gave out a smile as he said this, he then saw her looking down for a bit before saying "If you want…, you can stay here… with me…, till you leave" and so Blight smiled and said "That's not a good idea, who knows, I could be a serial killer or a bad person, you shouldn't be inviting people like this you know" and with that, he gave her a sad look, but all he heard from her was "If you were one, wouldn't you have done something by now?… You had a few chances already, but here we are..., and I don't think I could see you as being a serial killer or a bad person Blight..., so stay with me… till you leave" and with that being said to him, Blight stayed quiet before saying "Alright, sorry for the bother then" and he smirked inwardly as he watched her smile in response before giving him a kiss.

Blight watched as Lisa told Ben to get dressed as they were gonna go eat out today, she then told Blight, "Let's go pick up your stuff alright, and get some food" and he nodded as a response, he then smiled while saying in a joking manner "Are you… asking me out?"and after saying so, he laughed a bit while holding her, he then heard her say maybe before she kissed him and left to do her hair apparently, and as she left, Blight stopped smiling before he went and sat on the couch, his eyes then flashed purple before thinking "The bag in the room is ready, but it's gonna be a long 3 years till I meet Dean… should I just use hypnosis on her…, but well, that's no fun, to be honest, and that could affect the story in an even worse way as Chuck writes about everything and I truly wish to see what he'll write about me" and Blight continued thinking about it for a bit, before deciding what to do, he then saw them both dressed and smiled as he left with them.

To Be Continued.