Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Blight, as they got to the car, asked if Lisa need him to drive, but he saw her shaking her head before he got a kiss from her, and after she did that, he heard her say to him "I'm alright now, don't worry about it" and so he smiled as he went inside the car, he then chatted with her and Ben as she drove him to his motel, he then grabbed the bag he conjure earlier before leaving to go eat somewhere nice and… healthy apparently, as she was into a healthy lifestyle. Blight ate with the two while smiling, he also made the kid smile a lot, and this was due to him influencing the kid to make him like whatever he did, but he did so on the down-low as he didn't want this to be a thing as he would stop it later, but for now, he needed to do so to get Lisa to like him even more, so he then held Lisa's hand under the table while looking at her and he felt her grabbing his hand as well, so he smiled even wider while looking at her, he then saw her staring at him before giving him a kiss and Blight naturally kissed back, and this happened, they got interrupted by the kid after kissing for a while and as he saw Lisa being embarrassed after leaving the kiss, he just laughed it off.

Blight, after eating a meal with the two, paid the bill, and it would seem Lisa didn't want that, but Blight just said "I'm already going to be staying at your place, it's the least I can do" and he even held her hand as he did so, and sure enough, he was able to pay the bill as she stopped pestering him about it. Blight, as he got to Lisa's place, took out his bag from her trunk, he then went inside with her and asked her if she needed help with Ben, as Ben fell asleep on the way there, but he heard her say as she smiled "I got him, but thank you, now come on in Blight"

Blight entered and left the bag at the living room, he then watched as Lisa took Ben upstairs and thought "Now, to see how much she's fallen for her so-called 'hero' " and with that, Blight waited till she got down, and as she stood in front of him with her hand touching the wall while smiling, he asked, "Do I sleep on the couch? or somewhere else?" And he smirked inwardly as Lisa apparently looked at him awkwardly, he then heard her say "Aren't you gonna stay in my room…? I… I thought we... I thought you.. umm" And Blight just started laughing before saying "Sorry, I just wanted to hear you say that, but look at you, inviting me into your house, then your room… should I be scared?" And Blight actually saw her taking this seriously as he saw her look a bit frightened and worried, he then heard her say "I'm I moving too fast? I haven't done this in a while, ever since Ben was born…" and Blight thought "Thought she would get that I'm joking, I even made a playful face to go with the words... now she just sounds desperate" and so he went and held her as he said " If we are being honest, then yes, this is fast, but I don't hate it… and I really like you, so I'm glad that you are like this, and I was just joking with you, but you look so cute when your nervous" and with that, Blight held her chin up before kissing her, he then whispered in her ear after the kiss, "Ben's asleep, so, you wanna go back to your room and have a little, well, work out?" And after doing so, he kissed her neck before he felt her grabbing his hand while leading him upstairs.

Three days passed, and Blight lived with Lisa and Ben during these three days, he played around with Ben after he came back from school, and had plenty of workout sessions with Lisa, and right now, it was midday, and Ben was sleeping in his room upstairs, and Lisa was staring at something he gave her, Blight smirked inwardly but said in a sad tone "I'm supposed to leave for Michigan tomorrow…" and as he saw Lisa just staring at the plane tickets without any response, he smirked even more, he then thought "Right now it's December 5th, so the brother's should be getting rid of that plane crashing demon, ironic, is it not? Showing her this as they deal with planes... it's funny really" and as Blight got too here with his thoughts, he then heard her say "Will you be coming back…? And… what about us" and Blight rolled with "The thing is, I don't know about returning, and about us? You tell me what you want" and he got an instant reply from her as he heard her say "I want there to be us, I want to have an actual relationship with you Blight, not just sex, I want… to be with you and you with me... and Ben" and Blight gave her a sad smile while saying "You do know, long-distance relationships don't work right?" And Blight smirked as Lisa didn't want to give up, as she said to him "We can try Blight", he even saw her eyes tearing.

Blight thought " Now for the game changer" and so he said, " It won't work Lisa" and with that, he saw her tears falling down, he heard her ask why can't they at least try, so he responded with "I want there to be us, so instead of a long-distance relationship… how about I don't leave…, If you rip apart that ticket then I…" and Blight stopped as he saw her ripping the ticket, he then said, "You do know I could have refunded that right? And Really? Couldn't you at least let me finish...." And he didn't get a laugh from her, but rather, she sat next to him while holding him, he then heard her say "You won't leave now right?" And with that he smiled as he held her hand and said "I won't" and he stared into her eyes as did she, after a minute of doing so, he said "But for real though, that ticket was first class with food benefits" and all he got from her was a laugh and smile, he then heard her say in his ear "How about I make it up to you in bed, right now?" And with that, he stopped her and said "Wait, since we're doing us now, I think I should find a place to stay and it can't be here, so we can really do this, dating you, you being my girlfriend and all the other stuff as well" and Blight saw Lisa staring at him, he then heard her say in a serious tone as she held him "I don't want you to leave me though, I let two people I fell for leave me, and I won't let you be the third, so we can do the dating, as you stay with me… alright?" And Blight thought "I think…, I may have done something wrong to make her into me this much, or is this due to men leaving her, hmm, Well, I just don't want to deal with the kid though, so living by myself would be ideal and more privacy" and so he tried saying he won't leave her even if he got his own place, but all he got in return was, her saying "What's the point anyways? You're gonna be waking up in my bed most of the time, might as well just stay" and as he heard that, he thought "Now that's actually... true, well, so be it" and so he said "Alright then, now… to get you to pay me back for that ticket" and he smiled as he heard her say "Since it was expensive... I'll be sure to pay it back in full" and he had his hand grabbed by her as she led him to her room.

Weeks passed as Blight lived with Lisa and Ben, and as it did, Blight remembered the surprised expression he got from Lisa as he told her he owned stocks in the stock market and what he did for a living, and he even told her, he was well off in terms of money, and that he donates to charity for children a few times a year, and he actually does do this and this was due to him needing to create this 'saint' type identity, and in return of him telling her this, she appeared to have fallen even more for him, and now, she lets him take her anywhere in the house as long as the kid wasn't there and Blight didn't mind this, as all this was useful for him for what he has planned for her, but today was a special day for Blight, as he planned to test something out, and he was gonna play with a religious woman as well.

Blight, smiled and waved at Lisa, as he told her he was going to go sign of few papers and buy a few things, and that he would be back soon, he then saw her and her yoga class, as she was a yoga instructor, wave goodbye at him as he was about to leave, he then smiled before and left, and after doing so, he then walked for a bit, before sensing around and teleporting away.

Blight smiled as he teleported to Nebraska, and he came here after Sam and Dean left, and the brother left naturally after dealing with that crazy woman who controlled a reaper, he then started heading for the hotel his target lived in, and as he got there, he smiled and entered, and as he pressed for the elevator, he saw it appear and oppen, he then saw his targets mother in the Elevator, and smiled at her as he entered and she left, he then thought after pressing the 4th floor button " Now isn't that intresting, I guess I'll be having a one on one first then, but She will be a good test subject, to see if Chuck will interfere…, and well, I won't touch Dean and Sam for now, so I wanna see if he will interfere, and this will help me learn since I plan to play with others before and after the brothers meet then and I'll see if I can enter that book his writing about in supernatural, and what will be written about me? and maybe I'll get a fan..., who knows, hehe, but all in all, it's too soon for anything much... for now that is, so starting small it is" and as he thought of this, he headed for the target's door and smiled as he knocked on the door, he then heard "Yes, just a minute" and soon enough, he saw his target, Layla, so he smiled at her as he said "Faith huh, you know, you won't have a miracle for that brain tumor of yours, and you will die soon enough" and with that, he saw Layla looking at him weirdly as he said this, he then heard her say "Excuse me… but how do you know about this, and who are you?" And as Blight heard that, he said, "Well, let's just say, I'm here to make a deal as I can heal you" and as he said that, he saw her staring at him before saying "Please leave, I don't know why you are doing this, and how you know about me, but I won't be falling for scams, have a good day" and as she was about to close the door, Blight raised his hands and made light appear, he then said "I'm not like Roy, I'm the real deal" and as he saw her staring at his hand, he then made it stop glowing and after doing so, he asked "Can I come in?" And as he asked, he saw her looking at him in a daze, he then waited for a bit, and saw her looking at him in amazement, he continued with, "So?" And as he saw her opening the door he smiled as he entered.

To Be Continued.