Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Blight, as he got in, sat on a chair, he then smiled as he saw her looking at him in amazement, he then asked her "What can you offer me? You know, to heal you" And he heard Layla say as she stuttered "10-...10 grand, but can I as ask you...what was that light? Are you a miracle from God?... are you an angel?" And as Blight heard that, he said " I am no miracle from God sweetheart and I'm not really an angel, and no, I don't want money" and as he said that he heard her asking him what he wanted then, he then said "I want you, and that means, your body, your soul, your obedience... I want it all" and as he said that, he saw her opening her mouth a bit and staying quite, he then heard her say " My body.. my soul? Are you a devil? how.... what is this, what are you?" And Blight smiled as he said "I'm a devil, nothing surprising about that, and hey, angels take souls too you know" and as he said that, he heard her asking him to leave and to never return, and so he said "But I don't want too, did you really think I would, I came for you after all" and he stood up as he said this, he then saw her going for the door and so he smirked as his eyes flashed purple, he then watched as she struggled to open the door, and soon enough, he heard her screaming for help, so he started walking to her and as he got closer to her, he then stood near her and said "Are you really gonna keep trying? No one can hear you, you know and I'm not going to harm you" and as he said that, he still saw her trying to open the door while screaming, so he stood by the wall and rest his back on it while folding his arms and then he just watched her display and as he did, it took her a minute to stop, he then saw her staring at him, before glancing at her phone by the twin bed, so he said to her "By all means, go try calling for help, you won't get any, and even if help comes… I'll just kill them" and as he said that, he saw her just staring at him before hearing her say to him "What do you want from me" and as he heard that he walked up to her and smirked, he then lifted her chin up before saying "I want you" and as he did, he kissed her, but he then felt her kicking his balls, so he stopped the kiss and said "That's not gonna work, but your welc..." and before he could continue, she kicked him down there again and again, and after she did so for a few more times, he asked "You done yet? " and as he said that, he saw her staring at him in fear and shock, so he moved back away and said "Come here and sit" and as he saw her not doing so, he deepened his voice and said "I said I won't hurt you, so don't make me change my mind" and with that, he saw her hesitating for a bit before coming to sit down, he then asked "You have less than 4 months to live, and yes I know you probably think it's 6, but no, it's 4, and I'm giving you life, a future, and in return I ask you for you to be mine, and it's not like I'm gonna eat you or devour your soul, to be honest, I'll just make you feel really good while your with me, but I'll corrupt you though…, because why not" and as Blight said that to Layla, he saw her shaking her head, and after he saw her doing so, he heard her say "I won't be tempted by the devil, and no matter what you say, I won't fall for it…, so just kill me then" and as Blight heard this, he smiled as he looked at the door, he then heard a knock, and Layla looking surprised at the door and as she was about to scream, Blights eyes flashed purple, before he let her continue screaming, he then saw the mother coming in and Layla telling her to run, but the mother just came in and locked the door before sitting next to Blight, and Layla couldn't understand this as she asked what was wrong with her mother, so Blight said "Oh, don't look at me like that, I'm doing this for a reason, so you can stop trying to tell her to run, but you see, since you won't belong to me..., there will naturally be consequences ... you see, I'm going to kill her, and then I'm going to kill your father, and soon your sister and her kid then all your friends and those who you care about" and with that, he saw her staring at him in shock while her lips were trembling non stop, he then saw her eyes tearing up before she actually started to cry, he then heard her say "W..hy… me" and all he gave her was a smile before saying "Life works in mysterious ways no?" And after that, he then started caressing the mother cheeks while saying "So what will it be Layla?" And he heard no response from her, he then had the mother stand up and he went and stood behind the mother as he kissed her neck, he then heard Layla asking him what he was doing, so he said "Well, I'm going to rape her before I kill her" and he finally saw her finally saying she would be his, and he smiled as he said "Well, you see, I gave you a chance but you said no, so I'll be having your mother instead for now, and I'll think about what to do with you after" and as he gave her a twisted smile, he heard her say "You can't… please no" and Blight went closer to the fearful Layla and said, "But I can and I will..., and trust me, your mother ain't my type, but this is a lesson…, and oh, let's spice things up, shall we?" And as Blight said that, he eyes flashed purple and after that, the mother appeared to have clarity in her eyes, he then heard the mother say "If… I sleep with you…, you will heal my daughter correct?" And Blight ignored the mother words as he told Layla "You see, I put her back to normal, and just gave her info that I can heal people as long as I get sex in return… and look at this, your mothers love is strong... even to have an affair with me" and as Blight saw Layla trying to call out to her mother, he then said "She can't hear you, she can't even see you, you see, she thinks she's at my place right now, so just watch the show, of how your mother would do anything for you" and as Blight said that to Layla, Layla seemed to wanna stand up but couldn't, he then looked at her mother and said "Yes… but you're a bit old… so strip and show me your body, and I'll tell you after" and as Blight saw her hesitating before actually doing so, he said to Layla, "Look at this sweet woman, even willing to have sex with a stranger just to save her daughter… too bad, she's still gonna die afterwards and this is all on you..., all you had to do was say yes, and now poor mommy is gonna die" and as Blight saw she was about to say something, he eyes flashed purple and he saw her looking shocked before he heard her making muffled sounds, he then went up to the nude mother and said "You really love your daughter, don't you? And as he asked her, he went behind her as he sniffed her neck, he then saw the mother shaking before hearing her say "I don't want her to die…, I can't lose my baby…, So I'll do anything for her" as Blight heard that, he smirked and said "Alright then, get on the bed, I'm making this a night to remember… as if it were you last night in this world" and as Blighty said that, he heard Layla muffling sounds getting louder and he ignored it as he smirked even more as he got on the bed with her mother and slowed downtime in the room.

Blight, after hours of sex, got off the broken mother, he then looked at Layla who was staring at him this time with tears falling down her eyes, and there was some shock that could be seen on her face, Blight then dragged the mother by the hair to Layla, he then said "You have any last words you wanna say to your mother Layla?" And as he lifted her mother by her hair next to Layla, he heard Layla making loud muffling sounds, he then said "Oh right" and with that, he's eyes flashed purple before he could hear her speak again, he then heard her begging for him to spare her mother and that she would do anything, he then said in a sympathetic tone "But I don't like giving second chances though" and he then heard her pleading even louder saying she would do anything, he then said, "Alright then..., but here's the catch, if anytime you disobey an order, your mother will die" and as Blight said that, he made showy lights with a chain coming out of the mother into Layla, he then said "I'm being sympathetic here, as I really don't like giving second chances, but this seems fun, no?" and as he said that, he saw her staring at the illusionary chain that was in her mother coming out of her now, he then said "Interesting right? Now I don't have to do anything to kill her, it's all on you now, just one mistake and your mother falls dead because of it" and as he saw her staring at the chains in shock, he then said "You don't want this? Would you rather just have me kill her right now then?" And as he said this with a cruel smile, he saw her starting to look at him before he heard her begging not to kill her mother, he then asked her if she understood what would happen if she didn't listen, he then saw her nodding, and so Blight said "Now say you belong to me" and as he saw her staying silent, he smiled… but as he was about to say something, he heard her saying those magical words.

Blight looked at the tear full woman who held her mother in a hug, he then said "Get up" and as he saw her getting up, but still staying beside her mother. Blight smiled, he then raised his hand to her head, but as he did, he saw her being afraid, but in the end, he didn't see her move away, and as he touched her head, he played with her head and said "You know, I could just let the tumor kill you and just play with you for 4 months, but that would be wasteful… after all, you do belong to me now" and as he said that, he saw her staring at him, so he healed her and after doing so, he made his hands that were touching her head glow brightly, he then made her head feel warm there as well before removing his hand.

Blight, after healing Layla, sat by the bed in the hotel and fixed how time moved in the room, he then looked at Layla as she held her head in shock before going to grab her mother, and as it got to here, he heard her asking "I...Is my mother… alright?" And as Blight heard that, he said "Well, just look at her face, all you can see is pleasure, she's just out of it due to too much stimulation" and as he said that, he saw her looking at her mother's face before hugging her, he then said "Come here" and as he did, he saw her shaking a bit, before letting her mother down slowly, he then saw her walking up to him, so he patted the spot next to him as if he was gesturing her to sit right next to him, on her twin bed.

To Be Continued.