Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Blight, as he watched Layla sit down fearfully next to him, grabbed her and moved her closer to him and after he did so, he put his arms around her shoulder, and he then heard her making a few fearful sounds as her body shook, and so he said "I'm not gonna hurt you, rather let's just talk" and as Blight said this, he caressed her shoulder while waiting for to calm down a bit, he then asked " You believe in miracles and fate correct?" And as he asked that, he heard her fearfully stuttering "Y..e-ss" and Blight replied after hearing that "But you believe that God is that one who does those things, no?" And after hearing another fearful yes from her, he said "But what would you think if I said that, a few days ago, you were supposed to be healed by Roy, but your so-called 'miracle' was given to somebody else by God, and that somebody else also prevented you being healed by your second lucy chance" and as Blight said that, he saw her not responding but her body calmed down even more, so he held his free palm in front of her and showed her a holographic picture of Deans face and as he made the hologram, he said "You thanked a man who stole your so-called 'miracle', and your future…, do you understand how sad that is..., you will die in 4 months, while he will live out a long, long life… and God chose him to live, and not you"

Blight watched as she stared at the hologram of Dean, so he waited and as he saw her looking down while grabbing the helms of her shirt, he heard her say "Well, there must be a reason for that… God must have great plans for Dean and how he will affect the future and who am I to judge God? God, he who is merciful, and forgives all, must have a reason for him to abandon me" And as Blight heard that, he said "A plan? Well yeah, but actually, he's just writing a story or rather a book, and too abandon you? It's more like a pity part in a story, it's just to make the story better, no? Lots of authors do so" and as he heard her reply "A story?" And he said, "Well yes, it's about those two brother's, and it's funny really, millions will die due to it, and in the end, he will destroy humanity because of it...., well, it's because of how the story became really..., now let me ask you this Layla, is this God really merciful? Is he truly forgiving?"

Blight waited for a reply and heard her say nothing, so he said: "You don't really believe me, but I'm not lying to you as I have yet to lie to you this whole time" And as Blight said that he heard her say "I'm not sure if you have been telling the truth this whole time, or if anything you have said was real" and as Blight heard that, he smiled while saying "How about I send you… to the future?" And as Blight said that, he saw her staring at him, he's eyes then flashed purple before he saw her falling asleep, he then sat there for a bit and looked into the illusion he created for her, and it was an illusion based on the Apocalypse World in supernatural, and he made it the same, but he made this version a bit more… apocalyptic and the humans... were more desperate and cruel.

Blight then took out his phone and called Lisa, after he saw a text from her, he then heard her asking him to get some Cheerios for Ben and some fat free milk, so he said "Sure, I'll get it after I'm done" and so he chatted with Lisa for a bit, before ending the call, he then conjured a book and started reading for a while, he then looked at Lisa's illusion and saw himself killing Michael to save her, he then saw himself talking to her about the so-called 'Future' and so he thought "Well, that should be enough… she's been there for a few days already" and as Blight thought that, his book disappeared before he woke up Layla with his abilities, he then made it seem like they teleported from the apocalyptic world to the hotel room, and as he did, Blight eyes flashed purple before saying "Now wasn't that fun" and as he looked at the dirty Layla, he said "You should take a shower… you still have some archangel dust on you... and whatever that brown stuff in your hair is..." and as he did, he went and sat on the bed, he then watched as she stared at him, so he smiled, he then saw her looking at her phone before looking at her mother, he then saw her putting two fingers on her mother's neck to check her pulse, so he said "It's only been a few hours since we left, so your mother is still alive and even if she was dead, I showed you that I could revive people, no? So don't fret to much about it" and as he saw her staring at him again, he raised his eyebrows before he saw her going to take a shower, he then smiled after that, and as he was smiling, he thought about a few things while looking at the past out mother, and soon, Layla came out in new clothes and as Blight saw this, he thought "Well, time to go…, can't do too much on her too early … she seems lost in thought anyway" and so Blight said "I'm going now Layla" and as he said that, he heard her asking if they could talk, and so he said "I've told you so many things for the past 3 days we stayed together, and you learned from the natives of the future too no?" And as he stated that, he heard her say "But… I don't know much about you… or why you showed me that while telling me about everything … and why me in general… I'm nobody special right? As you said, I'm just a nobody in Gods story" and as Blight heard that, he said as he stood in front of her "I am the miracle you weren't expecting… but at the same time, I'm not a miracle… due to how I work it... I am, after all, a devil" and as he finished those words, he lifted her chin up and stared into her eyes, he then saw her staring back at him while glancing at his lips, he then asked, "Do you want to live Layla, Even if God doesn't?"

Blight stared into Layla's eyes, he could see his own reflection and could feel her will, her greed growing for a chance to live, he then heard her say "I don't wanna… die…, but I don't wanna go against God" and as he heard that, he said "You aren't, but I am..., you see, he doesn't care much about you, so how are you going against him, I'm going against 'this' God, and so let me ask you again, will you live Layla. I granted you, your so-called miracle, I grantted you life... even though it's bound to me, will you still... live it?" And as he saw her staring back at him with a more determined look, he smiled as he heard her say "I… will…, I don't want to die yet, and I'm scared of what would happen to my family if I died…, we took out a loan to come here and pay Roy... and we still have medical bills to pay from medication I take..." and as Blight heard that, he thought, "Well now... this wasn't in the story... but this can used... oh how fun" and so he said as he glanced at the mother, "The medical bills, is it about your mother's cancer?" And as he saw her surprised face, he smiled inwardly, he then heard her questioning about it and so he said, "It seems your mother didn't want you to know since you were dying after all, but I sense that she has terminal cancer and with what I'm smelling around her..., I'd say she's got about a year and a half left to live" and as Blight said that, he's eyes flashed purple before he heard Layla saying, "No, that can't be, you're lying" and as he heard that, he said, "Why would I lie about that…,hmm, isn't her bag right there, just go look into it" and as he said this, he pointed at a bag, he then saw Layla looking at him before going to it, and as he saw her searching in it, he went and sat down for a bit, he then watched her as she read some papers before holding her mouth, crying, he then saw her coming to him and sitting beside the table crying.

Blight looked at her and felt his phone vibrate, he then saw it was Lisa asking him to get some vegetables as well, so he said "Alright" and then he looked at Layla, he then heard her saying "There… wasn't just that in there… there were divorce papers in there as well..., my dad wants to divorce my mom…" and as Blight heard that, he took the papers from her before reading it, he then said "Well, looking at the papers showing 300k in dept, I'm actually quite surprised you were able to take out another 20 grand loan..., well anyway, I got to go" and with that, Blight got up and started heading for the door, he then felt something and turned around and saw Layla holding his shirt, he then heard her telling him that she doesn't know what to do and also asking for his help, and so he said "So now you want help from me" And as he did, he heard her crying while saying "Please… help me, she's too important to me Blight, I can't watch her die" and so Blight turned his body around completely and stared at her, he then saw her wiping her face while facing him, he then said "And in return?" And with that, he heard her say "W-whatever you want…, you already have me…, I have nothing to really offer you…" and as it got too here, she looked at him as if she thought of something and so she started to strip in front of him, he then heard her say "Even though you own me… this is all I got to offer... please Blight"

Blight watched her strip, and as he looked at her nude body, he smirked and said "So be it" and as he did, he pointed at the mother and made some light appear around her before putting his hand down and stopping the light, he then said "She's healed… now for you…" and as Blight said that, he stood right in front of her before he kissed her, and as he kissed her, he felt her kissing him back but not really, he then said after ending the kiss "Well then, I'll come back to play with you later" and as Blight was about to leave, he snapped his fingers and after he did, he gave her a check that appeared in his hands while saying "This should be enough to deal with your medical bills and there should be plenty left over as well, so don't over work yourself..., I got plans for you after all, and I'll be seeing you soon Layla" and before he left, he teleported her mother onto a bed before he, himself teleported away, and where Blight teleported was the room right next to there's and as he got there, he saw a male in a suite that was looking at himself in the mirror, he then saw the man turning around to face him, before he heard him say "Who are you, and how'd you get in here?" And as Blight heard that, he had his eyes turn into a demon's and as he did, he saw the demon staring at him before doing the same thing, he then heard the demon say "Who sent you? And those people next door are mine" And with that, Blight said "Come here" and he did so without hypnosis, and he smirked as he saw the demon walking to him with a surprised face, and as the demon got to him, he went and choked the demon as he lifted him up, and as he choked him, he opened his mouth and as he did, the demon's mouth opened and after it did, a black smoke started rushing into Blights mouth, and after a few seconds, Blight dropped the man after he finished devouring the demonic soul while thinking "It seems like I don't need hypnosis to control demons, but it's not surprising as I chose Jesse's powers, and he could do the same…, and well, I thought there would be a taste to eating them.., but it tastes like nothing… disappointing" and so he looked at the man who was coughing after being released by the demon, he then said "Truly disappointing" and after he did, the man started to disintegrate and with that, Blight took his soul before teleporting back home, and as he got there, he conjured a bag of groceries before smiling as he greeted Lisa who was smiling as soon as she saw him.

To Be Continued.