Hoseok wanted a rest. A deep sleep.

He got so tired for the entire day following Yoongi to Big Hit studio. He completed writing his rap part for the upcoming comeback before the end of this year. He need to do his part as soon as possible or it will effect the entire schedule. So he woke up really early and now have not enough sleep. Headache.

Hoseok left Yoongi at the studio after they ate and returned to BTS apartment. Right before he went into his room, he heard a voice. A mysterious voice whispering angrily in his room. The sound was so soft. Like mumbling alone. He couldn't hear the words properly.

He froze. He calculated whether he should open the door or leave the house and sleep with Yoongi in studio. He was very sure no one at home because everyone already returned to their hometown. Except Namjoon and Yoongi because of pending works, they will leave later. But it's impossible to be Namjoon. Namjoon just arrived when he left Big Hit.

Hoseok looked around the house, the house was dark when he entered the house. Except for Yoongi, there's no way his members will let the house dark when they left alone in this big apartment.

So whose voice that he just heard? Is it a sasaeng fan broke into this apartment? But it's a man voice and they rarely have a male sasaeng broke into their house to this extent. Although it's possible, living in an apartment with one of the highest security system, it will be really hard even to enter the parking lot.

So who is it? A sasaeng fan? Or a ghost?

Hoseok trembling alone. It is possible for ghost to stay in this apartment that often left empty. Ghosts could be staying in this home longer than BTS. They make party while BTS was travelling all over the world.

He hid in the kitchen and called Yoongi for help, but he didn't pick up the call. The moment he trying to call Namjoon, he heard something dropped in his room.

He dropped the phone on the table right after Namjoon picked up the call. "Hello..Hello? Hobi? Are you there?"

Hoseok panicked. He run into Yoongi's room to find a baseball bat. He took the one that look like the best quality. He is ready to hit someone.

He hold the bat high. Slowly, he walked towards the door. The nearer he is, the tighter his fingers holding the bat. As he goes nearer, the voice become clearer than before.

"Just do what I told you to do. There's no need for you to teach me what I am supposed to do. Just follow my instruction if you want to be safe!" the voice sounds irritating. Wait. Isn't it Jimin's voice? He supposed to be at Busan now. He returned to his hometown this morning. What is he doing here? But...the thing is what make him become so angry like this? With who he is talking now?

He wants to listen further. He opened the door a little. He tried to snoope and being a busy body. He saw Jimin with a messy hair arguing over the phone.

"Don't worry. I'll save you. But if you ruin me, be prepared for your life. I'll strangle you alive," Jimin threaten someone over the phone in Busan satoori. The moment Hoseok want to listen a bit more, suddenly a call ringing in kitchen. Hoseok run towards the kitchen to take the call.

"Hello? Ah...Namjoon-a. I'm sorry. I accidentally press call button. Oh? Yea...I already reached home safely. Hmm...okay. Good night.," said Hoseok. He dropped the call after speaking with Namjoon. He turned around and found Jimin already stand behind him with a flashlight under his chin.

"x#$&@ Oh My God!! A ghost!" Hoseok shouted and cursed. He got caught by surprised. He almost stumbled down. He didn't expect for Jimin to stand at his back without any sound and in a dark and pretend to be a ghost.

Jimin laughed at Hoseok and hugged him. Hoseok reaction was too funny. He turned off the flashlight from his phone.

"Jimin-a, don't stand behind me next time! I'm really surprised. What are you doing here?" asked Hoseok.

Jimin switched on the hallroom light. " I missed my flight. I'll return to Busan later," Jimin answered.

Hoseok sighed. He knows Jimin is always late. He knows one day it will backfire him. Like now.

He asked Jimin again, "Then why you didn't switch on the light if you were home? You make me scared!".

Jimin continues " I just reached here. Why did you scared? Do you know what happened at the airport? I was thinking of taking the next flight but everyone started to notice me. It was really uncomfortable. I'll go back to Busan later".

"That's the cost of being popular. Have you eat?" asked Hoseok while walking towards room to return the bat.

Jimin smiled while following Hoseok, "Nope. Let's order something!" He suggested excitedly, while following Hoseok into Yoongi room.

"But I already eat with Yoongi hyung just now," Hoseok said.

"Ah...hyung please? I'll pay for you," Jimin offered. His eyes scroll over the baseball bat Hoseok holding. Before Hoseok give the answer, he prompted another question.

"What are you doing with this baseball bat?" asked Jimin curiously.

Hoseok joked, pretending trying to hit Jimin with baseball bat, "I'm going to hit you! Oh yeah Jimin! Dush dushhh" .

Jimin just stand and stared at Hoseok. He doesn't want to react to a bad joke. He waiting for Hoseok's response.

Hoseok paused and laughed. He said, "I thought you are a ghost or sasaeng fan. Why did you stay in the dark? I really don't expect for you to be here now. Be grateful. You almost got admitted into the hospital".

Jimin laughed at Hoseok, "If you really knocked me with this bat, we will be at the headline of the news tomorrow". Jimin still laughing while ordering foods through his phone app.

"Aren't we always at the headline of the news almost every day? Even not doing anything, we will still be at the front page," Hoseok a bit bragging about BTS popularity.

Jimin still laughed over the joke. Both of them left the room and sit in front of television while waiting for their foods.

While watching the television, Hoseok asked, "Jimin-a...".

"Yes hyung," Jimin answered.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked short.

Jimin turned to look at Hoseok. He find it weird that Hoseok asked this question. "I'm good. Why hyung?" he asked back.

"You sounds so angry just now. I'm sorry that I overheard your call. I don't understand anything. I just heard you were sound so angry from your voice," asked Hoseok want to clarify something.

Jimin quiet. He doesn't say anything. Thinking whether he should tell Hoseok or not.

Hoseok noticed his expression. He hugged Jimin shoulders. Trying to give him the confidence that he can trust Hoseok with any secrets. Hoseok can tell that there is something that Jimin is hiding. Since he already got caught, he just can make him as an ally.

" must be serious that you become this quiet. I don't think a talkative like you will be this quiet for no reason. It must be big, right? Don't worry. I'm your roommate. You can trust me. Whatever in the room will stay in the room," Hoseok trying to convince Jimin.

"Can I really trust you? It's really a big issue. I really don't want other members to know. They will misunderstand me. I don't want to create more trouble. They already lost trust in me once. It's unbearable. I don't to feel the same pain again," said Jimin.

Hoseok patted Jimin's head like a baby. He calmly tell Jimin, "I don't want to force you. When you are ready, you can let me know. Don't be too hard on yourself. Sharing is caring. Let's share our struggle together, okay?".

Jimin nodded. They watch the TV but both of them still lost in their thoughts.

Suddenly, Jimin touched Hoseok's tight. He changed his seating position and looked at Hoseok. He grabbed Hoseok's hand.

"Hyung..." said Jimin.

"Oh?" Hoseok asked.

With blinking eyes, Jimin asked, " I can trust you right?".

"Of course!" said Hoseok.

"I only tell you about this. No one know about this except you," said Jimin.

Hoseok changed his seating position and faced Jimin. He waiting for the answer, "Tell me everything. You can count on me".

Jimin took a deep breath before he request, "Please don't let anyone knows about this. It's only between two of us. Keep it as a secret".

"Don't worry. Just tell me," Hoseok said in curious.

"Dont be shock," said Jimin.

"Ya! Tell me faster. I'm dying out of curiosity now!" Hoseok shakes Jimin's hand hard. Pushing him to me him tell him faster.

Jimin took a deep breath again.

Jimin finally confessed. "I am the one that arrange Eunbi to see us. The one who set this up. I'm the mastermind".