"What! Seriously?! Are you kidding me??" Hoseok shouted. He can't believe all this time Jimin deceived them. But why? He can't understand.

"Yes. It's true. The one that I spoke just now is Eunbi," Jimin clarified.

Hoseok stroked his hair. His forehead started sweating. He can't believe what he just heard from Jimin. He wants to know the reason Jimin did this.

Hoseok hold both of Jimin's shoulders. He stared at Jimin's eyes longer, "Jimin-a, tell me the truth. Why did you do that to Jin-hyung?"

Jimin shocked. He looked puzzled. "I...," Jimin unable to continue his words when the bell suddenly ringing. Hoseok and Jimin looked at each other. It seems like their foods reached home. Jimin opened the door to get the food. He took the food and bringing in front of TV. Hoseok on the other hand set up the table and told Jimin to sit faster as he wants to know the whole story.

Jimin continues his unfinished story, "Hobi hyung, it's not like I want to hide anything to everyone. I dont intend to cause harm. What I did was just..."

Before he could continue his words, suddenly they heard someone unlock their door and rushed into the house. It sounds like someone calling Hoseok. The noise makes them stop talking and check the door. They found Namjoon and Yoongi at the door. They both were sweating. Blood running in their body make their face looked all red. They're short of breath, like chasing over something.

"Hobi-ya..." said Namjoon. He run towards Hoseok and checked his body front and back. "Are you okay?" Namjoon asked. Hoseok looked puzzled. Confused. What is going on?

Yoongi slowly walked in. His eyes met Jimin. He glanced at Hoseok and asked Jimin what is he doing here. Jimin told them briefly what happened in the morning. Both Yoongi and Namjoon relieved that nothing bad happened.

Hoseok and Jimin still confused why both of them rushing home with all sweats. Yoongi glanced sharp at Namjoon. Namjoon avoid eye contact with Yoongi. Embarrassed. What is happening? Jimin and Hoseok wanted to laugh and pushing them to tell them what was just happened.

Yoongi started complaining. "Hobi-ya, you should marry with someone like this friend. Do you know what happened. He dragged a busy person like me to go home just to check whether you are okay or not," Yoongi tell the story.

Hoseok make a weird face and keep distance from Namjoon. "Why did you do that? I don't understand why you are worrying about me," Hoseok asked.

Namjoon grinned. He said while scratching his head, "No...I heard you shouted at the call. I thought something bad going on. I called you once again but you didn't pickup. So I told Suga hyung and dragged him home".

Jimin shakes his head. It funny but sweet. As expected, he is a very responsible leader. Yoongi saw pizza on the table. He came to the table and take a bite from it. Jimin opened a can of Sprite and handed it to Yoongi.

While eating he asked, "But why did you screaming?".

Hoseok checked his phone. He just realised the phone was at the floor. The battery already died. Probably because the phone fell down when he got shocked on the prank. Or maybe the battery already dead because he didn't charge since morning.

Namjoon and Hoseok sit next to Yoongi. Hoseok answered, "Jimin prank me. He stood behind me without saying anything in the dark and put the light under his chin. I got really shocked. I thought someone broke our house".

Jimin laughed and said, "I am sorry hyung".

"That was what I heard over the phone. I heard him screaming. Then dupp. He hang up the call. I called again. But Hobi didn't picked up. I called again and again, it didn't go through. I got really worried and told Yoongi hyung about it," Namjoon explained further.

"That was when he bragged into my studio and pulled me. I told him to go and check alone. But he talked nonsense and dragged me here. Namjoon-a, you should be responsible for our comeback delay," said Yoongi.

Namjoon surprised, "Why me? Hobi is the one make me worried. He is the one should be responsible".

Namjoon laughed looking at Hoseok reaction after Namjoon pushed the blame to him. Hoseok looked surprised. He looked everyone and stuttered.

"Why? Why? Why me? How long have you been living with me. You guys should already know that I got scared easily. Jimin-a, please be responsible. You are the reason Yoongi hyung can't finish his song," Hoseok tapped on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin laughed. He drank the Sprite before he took the blamed. "Hahahaha. Okay, hyung. Let's just make me the one at fault. I'll take the blame like Hobi hyung told. Yoongi hyung, I'm sorry," said Jimin to Yoongi, while opened a can of Sprite, kneeling and gave it to Yoongi.

Yoongi laughed and teased Hoseok, "Hobi-ya...What are you doing? Why you make him kneeling like this? If there's camera here, people will think I'm bullying him".

Namjoon added the fire and teased Hoseok, "Right, Hob-a. Why did you blamed Jimin? You shouldn't bullying a younger brother. Are you a gangster?" Yoongi and Jimin laughed while Namjoon teasing Hoseok.

Jimin pretended to defend Hoseok, "It's okay hyung. It's me who prank Hobi hyung. Let me responsible for our comeback".

"What are you talking about? No. No. You're not wrong," said Namjoon.

Yoongi added, "Correct. Don't be sorry, Jimin-a. It's Jhope's fault.

Hoseok's eyes opened wider. He sit straight and stared at everyone. "Wow. I can't believe everyone gang up to against me. Wow! Jimin-a, how can you also did this to me?" He glared at Jimin.

Yoongi suddenly shouted, "Ya! Are you glaring at him?"

Namjoon joined Yoongi in teasing Hoseok. "Ya, Jung Ho Seok! Are you mad at him? You are disappointing me!" said Namjoon while taking Hoseok's Sprite and drink it.

Jimin playing victim opened a can of coke, bowing, and give it to Hoseok. Jimin said in a sad voice, "It's okay hyungs. I used to it. I like Hobi hyung, but Hobi hyung doesn't like me".

Hoseok panicked and pouted, "What are you guys talking? Who said I hate you, Jimin-a? You are my brother. Okay. Okay. I'll take the responsibility for the delay in our comeback".

Jimin clapped his hand like a baby. "Wow, my hyung is so cool!". He stopped when he accidentally clapped his hand harder, "Ouch!".

"Wait. Do you want to blame me for this too?" Hoseok fingered at Jimin's hand. Everyone silent. They looked at each other's face. Wondering whether Hoseok has becoming sensitive.

Yoongi take a pizza and put it all inside Hoseok's mouth. "Take this. Take this. Stop talking too much while eating. It's okay. I will take the responsibility too," said Yoongi.

Hoseok coughing and spitting when the pizza were pushed by force into his mouth. Namjoon gave the coke to him so that he can drink.

"You guys can take the responsibility. Share it among yourselves. I don't want to take responsibility," said Namjoon while grinning.

"You are a bad boy," Yoongi commented short while eating the pizza.

Namjoon smiled, "Yes, I am a bad boy. But Army called me Mr. President". He made a proud face and raise his eyebrows. He drank Sprite in front of him like a champagne.

"No, hyung. They called you God of Destruction," Jimin attacked him suddenly.

Out of sudden the Sprite fallen from his hand and dropped on the pizza. All of them shouted at Namjoon. Can't believe what was just happened. Pizza that was originally topped with cheese is now filled with Sprite.

Everyone was shocked. Jimin feel dissatisfied the most. "Ah hyung! I just eat one slice and I am the one who paid for this food!" Jimin screaming. Hoseok slapped on Namjoon's tight. Namjoon feel bad, he apologises to Jimin.

"I'm sorry. So sorry, Jimin-a. I will buy a new one for you now," said Namjoon. He immediately take his phone and reorder again.

Jimin sighed, "Then, I need to wait again".

"Sorry. I'm buying now," said Namjoon in his lowest tone. He feels bad for Jimin.

Yoongi gave his part to Jimin, "Take this pizza. I only bite 2-3 times. I already ate with Hoseok just now". Jimin takes it and eat. Suddenly he felt bad towards Namjoon for being fussy.

"It's okay, hyung. No need to buy new one. Next time just buy me foods," said Jimin to Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded, "Okay, next time I will buy for you. Ah, seriously. What is wrong with me? I'm sorry, Jimin".

"It's okay, hyung," said Jimin.

Hoseok smiled and tapped Namjoon's shoulder, "Finally, you have something that you need to be responsible".