After Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin ate together, all of them returned to their room.

In the room, Hoseok tried to talk to Jimin about the real intention Jimin allied with Eunbi to frame Jin. But Jimin looked so confused and avoided the topic. Jimin said he can't talk about it at home because the other members might overheard the conversation.

"Hyung, I promise you that I will explain to you later. But not now. Not here. I am so sorry," said Jimin.

Hoseok tried to pull Jimin's hand, "Jimin-a...".

Jimin slowly push Hoseok's hand. "Hyung, let's talk about it later. Dont worry. I didn't do anything wrong. Let's just sleep and talk about it later," said Jimin to Hoseok.

Hoseok sighed as Jimin walked towards the switch and turned off the light. He really wanted to talk about it with Jimin and sort out this issue together.

He sit on his bed. He looked at Jimin long. What actually had happened? Why did Jimin say he didn't do any wrong? Is backstabbing not a wrong thing? What actually that he did after the BBMA? Why he did that? Hoseok got confused. Too many questions prompted in his head. But he has no answer to any of the questions. Limited information. He touched his head. What should he do?

Suddenly he heard a sound outside his room. Seems like someone went to the kitchen. Hoseok walked to the outside of the room. He found Yoongi cooking ramen in the kitchen.

"Are you eating again, Hyung?" Hoseok asked Yoongi.

"Oh," Yoongi admitted short and cold.

Hoseok laughed. " really eat a lot today, hyung. Before go back, after go back, and now before sleeping".

Yoongi denied, "I'm not going to sleep yet. I'm going to write a few things first. Then let me decide whether I should sleep or not".

Hoseok amazed with Yoongi's passion. "Hyung, can join you? I was sleepy earlier, but now I'm not after hearing to that spirit," said Hoseok.

Without saying anything, Yoongi immediately take another packet of ramen and cook it. Hoseok smiled. He knows Yoongi make it for him too. That means Yoongi allow Hoseok to join him. Yoongi is someone who taking care of people from behind. He even cooked extra ramen for his part too.

In Yoongi's room, they started discussing about music while eating. They're talking too much until they forgot the reason why they gather in the room.

"Ah...I shouldn't let you in. See. I can't do my work," said Yoongi.

Hoseok smiled, "We talked about work. So it's a part of work".

Yoongi clean the foods on the table. "Should I go back to the studio? I don't think I can work here," said Yoongi while brushing his eyes.

Hoseok laughed and pointed his finger to Yoongi, "Hahaha. Hyung, you're sleepy right? Don't pretend to be fine," said Hoseok.

"Ah...this is all because of you. Now I'm too lazy to walk to the studio," Yoongi mumbling. Trying to blame Hoseok for causing his laziness and unable to continue his work.

"Hyung, you ate a lot today. Plus, you worked since morning. No wonder you are sleepy. It is better you sleep and continue tomorrow. Your body need a rest," said Hoseok.

Yoongi with bluntly responded, "You should be blamed for delaying my work. You should be punish".

Hoseok quiet. He looked like he is done with Yoongi.

Yoongi noticed Hoseok's reaction, smiled. "But I'm thankful you're thinking about my body. If our fans see how we treat each other, there will be a lot of new SOPE videos on the YouTube".

Hoseok laughed, "Wow. Did you watch all those fanmade videos on YouTube? I thought you aren't interested," asked Hoseok.

"I pretend didn't know about it. But I watched it all. I'm an observer in some way. Pretend not to know, but actually knows everything," Yoongi answered.

Hoseok stroke his hair and said, "Sometimes I really want to know how you managed to know a lot of things when you seemed not interested in everything and stuck in your own world". Hoseok paused, "You are scary, tho". He commented short and laughed.

Yoongi clicking something on this PC. He played the music guide. Seems like he already composed a song but the lyrics haven't fixed yet. He thinks what to write for the song. The music sounds a bit sad and sorrowful. He repeated the same part several times. Trying to get the emotion and idea of the lyrics.

Hoseok closed the eyes, trying to feel the song too. The room becomes quiet. Only the music feel the room. Yoongi sighed, "Ah...should I write more? The lyrics isn't strong. I don't think Army can relate to this song".

Hoseok trying to cheer Yoongi, "No, hyung. It wasn't bad. You just need to adjust the lyrics. But actually what this song is all about? Tell me what you are trying to write. I will give you an honest opinion," said Hoseok.

Yoongi twirled his chopsticks. "Actually I want to write a song about betrayal. A betrayal from someone you never expect. Could be a lover, or family, or friends. But I have difficulties to make it relatable to people who listen to this song. When Army listen to this song, I want them to feel, 'Ah, I understand this feeling. It happens to me too. Finally, someone understands my feeling'. I want them to react like this. If possible, I want them to cry or reflect their life after they listen to this song. Even though betrayal is hurt, everyone deserves to be happy," Yoongi explained to Hoseok what kind of song he wishes to deliver this time.

Hoseok nodded his head. He understands completely what kind of song Yoongi wanted to make. He becomes quiet and started to think deeply about the meaning of the song before commenting on the song. Suddenly, he remembers about Jimin's confession just now before Yoongi and Namjoon returned. He looked at Yoongi. Yoongi still thinking about the lyrics. He cannot share about it to Yoongi because he already promised to Jimin. But the song Yoongi trying to make has the same vibes with the issue that Jimin is having now. An untold secret which he curious want to know the reason for Jimin's betrayal. Jimin didn't look like he wanted to harm BTS. But why Jimin admitted he is behind all this mess? Why he threatened Eunbi in the call? What is actually going on? Hoseok lost in his thought. He keeps thinking the reason behind all this thing for a few minutes. He tried to arrange the puzzle and figure out why it happened. Why Jin hyung? Why not other members? And why Jimin did it? He still can't find any rational of Jimin doing this. He doesn't understand the whole story. He sighed out loud without he realised.

Yoongi surprised by the sighed from Hoseok. Hoseok is still lost in his mind. He waved his hand in front of Hoseok's face. "Hob-a, why did you sighed so loud? If my work trouble you, go back to your room and sleep. That's fine, I'll get an idea soon. Why having so much thought?" Yoongi laughed at Hoseok. He surprised that Hoseok already into the mood and feel the emotion of the song so fast. He's a bit touched by Hoseok. Unexpected.

Hoseok returned to reality and smiled while rubbing his face. He slowly responded to Yoongi, "Actually, I can relate to your song, hyung. Suddenly, I remember all those betrayals that I experienced in my life. Your song draws me into those memories".

Yoongi curious what kind of memory that pulls his thought until he deeply sighed. "Why don't to share with me some of your experience. Who knows maybe it will be helpful for the lyrics?" asked Yoongi.

Hoseok's fingers scratching his chin. His eyes looked up, structuring his story. He took a deep breath before he started, "It's actually not happened to me, but to my friend in Gwangju. It happened just recently. My friend betrayed my other friend. All three of us are friends. I don't know what actually happened, but my friend did something bad to my other friend. I knew about it by accident. Unfortunately, this another friend still clueless about it. So only both of us know about it. Only I know about it and my friend told me to keep it as a secret. I told him to tell me everything so that I can understand and help him, but he still didn't tell me yet. He said he will tell me when it is a suitable and appropriate time to tell me," Hoseok told the story to Yoongi without disclosing the identity of the friend that he is referring to. He keeps the promise not to tell anyone about Jimin's secret. But since he keeps thinking about it, he wanted to see Yoongi opinion on the problem.

"What is the betrayal that he did to your friend?" asked Yoongi.

Hoseok gulped. He can't look at Yoongi's eyes. "He lied to my friend and caused harm to him. I don't know the whole story. But as far as I know, he admitted to me that he is the reason for all the trouble".

Yoongi find it strange. He prompted a question, "He didn't tell you the whole story, but why did you concern so much? What did he do to make you think so deeply? I don't understand".

"The problem is I don't know what is going on and he will bring everyone down together with him. I'm worried about him. I'm worried about what he did and what he is going to do. He doesn't look harmful. I don't think he actually has any bad intention. But his action is not parallel to his words. The step that he takes are so dangerous and will make people suffer. He, himself was pressured because of the betrayal he did. Since I already knew about it, I really wanted to help as much as I can. Now I got really confused about what is actually going on. I really want to know why he betrayed my friend," Hoseok clarified.

Yoongi sighed. Both of them quiet. Yoongi stretched his muscle on his back. He massaged his shoulder. He asked again, "Do you think Jimin will tell you later the reason why he did this? The problem is dragging for so long already."

Hoseok replied, "He said he will tell me later. I'll push him to tell me later. I just hope...." Hoseok paused. He shocked. He stared at Yoongi sharp.

Yoongi looked serious. He looked straight to Hoseok's eyes, "Tell me honestly, do you think he is the real villain? If he is the real villain, I guess he will shower you with a nice story so that you will be at his side. He has no reason to tell you the truth".

"Hyung....did you already know about it?" asked Hoseok. He can't believe Yoongi knows about it. Well, Yoongi always pretends not to know when he observed everything. He doesn't know when Yoongi learned about this. But, if Yoongi already knows about it, is there anyone else by chance already know about this too?

Yoongi nodded. "Yea...I knew it long before you. Just like you, I wanted to know why Jimin betrayed Jin hyung. No, not Jin-hyung, but us, BTS. It's about time Jimin should put an end to this and take responsibility," Yoongi complained.

"Are you playing a seesaw game, hyung? You already know but didn't do anything. Jimin also admitted but pretending to be a victim. What the hell is going on here?" Hoseok stressed.

Yoongi sighed, "I've been monitoring him for months. I want to see who will get off first. Jimin or me. If he didn't do it, I'll do it".

Hoseok rubbed his eyes. Why does he feel like he got trapped between two psychopaths?