Taehyung pushed Yoongi's chest hard. Yoongi strumbled down. His shoulder hit the wall. Pain. Yoongi glared at Taehyung. Taehyung tried to control his anger but can't. The tears rolled over his smooth skin. He wiped the tears on his face immediately. His unstable emotion making him hard to breathe. Taehyung is mad. Extremely mad. Yoongi smirked.

Everyone in the room was shocked. Never expect to see Taehyung losing his temper like that. Jimin is the most surprising members. It has been a while since the last time he saw Taehyung got mad like this. Jimin hugged Taehyung from behind. He tried to hold Taehyung from getting mad at Yoongi. He knew Taehyung is a bit sensitive now. Taehyung rolled his eyes and glared at Yoongi.

"If you dare to insult and talk nonsense about my friend again, I'll kill you," Taehyung warned Yoongi. He pointed his finger straight to Yoongi eyes. He pushed Jimin's hand from hugging him and walked away.

Yoongi laughed at Taehyung's warn. He stood up and hold his shoulder, he said "What? What you gonna do? Running away from responsibility? Just like Jimin?!".

Taehyung who just opened the door smashed the door hard and run to Yoongi. Taehyung wanted to hit Yoongi's face to make his mouth shut. Before he reached Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon blocked his way and held him hard to avoid him from hitting Yoong. Yoongi who saw Taehyung coming near him, trying to move forward. He's ready to fight with Taehyung. However, Jungkook and Hoseok pulled his hand and painful shoulder. Making him hard to move.

"Why? Why? You want to hit me? Go ahead!" Yoongi provoked Taehyung.

Taehyung trying to get out from being stopped by Namjoon and Jimin, but he couldn't even move his body. "Get out! Don't stop me! That hyung should get a lesson!" Taehyung shouted at Namjoon and Jimin.

Seokjin who sits silently and observed everything shouted out loud. "Ya!! Stop it both of you!! If you want to fight, get out of this room!! Everyone, get out!!!!! I don't want to see anyone here in front of me! Get out!!!"

Everyone turned around and looked at Seokjin. Seokjin's eyes, his face, are all red. Seokjin who looked very shocked previously, finally threw a word. Everyone becomes quiet. Even though they joked around with Seokjin a lot, there is a level of respect to him as the eldest brother which no one dares to ignore or be rude to him.

The one who is the most pitiful here is Seokjin. In his head, he still couldn't accept the reality. What is going on here? He tried to analyse the whole story. Why did Yoongi claim that everything was set up by Jimin? Why Jimin didn't say anything when he was wronged by Yoongi? Is it true that Jimin set him up? But why? What did he do to him until Jimin trapped him into this humiliation? He can't understand. Before he could ask, Bang Shi Hyuk and Manager Sijin entered the room.

"Ya! What is going on here?! Why so noisy? Everyone listened to your shoutings outside the room. Don't you feel embarrassed?! You are BTS! You want people to talk behind your back?!" Bang PD shouted at them.

Everyone became quiet. They are all adults, should act like an adult. But the air was too negative and impossible for Bang PD and Manager Sejin not to notice their dark expression. Sijin looked closer at Taehyung and other members. Their expressions were all the same.

Bang PD came closer to Taehyung. Taehyung is the only members didn't spare any glance at him. He saw the tears on his face. Bang PD sighed. He looked at Sejin, "Did you do your work? Why they become so messed up like this? What's wrong with him?" Bang PD pointed his finger at Taehyung face. He knews Taehyung was crying.

Sejin came closer. He told everyone to dismiss. Everyone went separate way except Seokjin. He stopped Jimin before Jimin could leave.

"Let's talk," said Seokjin to Jimin.

"Let's talk later. Taehyung seems so terrible. I want to check on him," replied Jimin.

Seokjin pulled Jimin's hand hard. He holds his breath and trying to hold his anger, "Why? Why don't you check on me first? Am I invisible to you?".

Jimin and Seokjin locked eyes. Jimin really wanted to talk to him personally, but he really worried about Taehyung.

Sejin saw both of them didn't leave the room. He can clearly see their tough expression. Seokjin held Jimin's arm so hard. He doesn't want them to fight. Although they're not young, but who knows?

Sejin came closer to them, "Let him go, Jin-a. Bang PD is watching you. Jimin, Pdogg is looking after you. He wanted to talk about music that you mentioned in Vlive. Go follow Bang PD. And you...Jin, I want to talk to you. Wait for me at the parking," said Sejin. He gave the van key to Seokjin.

Everyone went back separately. Seokjin at the parking saw Hoseok and Taehyung standing in front of the BTS van. He unlocked the door and everyone went in. All three of them were so quiet until Sejin hyung came.

While driving, Sejin asked what is actually going on. Hoseok tells everything to Sejin. Hoseok told Sejin that Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi talked among themselves about the secret that Jimin made. However, Jimin refused to tell them everything. He didn't open up. So, Yoongi forced Jimin to tell at least to both of them so that they can sort out the issue together. But Jimin becomes irritated which made Yoongi become mad. He raised his voice at Jimin.

Jimin wanted to leave, but Yoongi swore at Jimin. That was when Taehyung, Namjoon, Jungkook and Jin bragged into the room. They came because of the loud voice of them arguing. The staffs started gathering outside, wanted to know. By the time, all the members came in, Yoongi stood up and threw the chair to the side. So, the members misunderstood the whole situation. Yoongi wasn't in the right mind and accidentally told a bit about the secret.

Jimin slowly pushed back Yoongi to the corner to avoid him revealing the secret. But, Yoongi pushed Jimin's hand too hard and accidentally hit Jimin's face. The slap wasn't hard, but because of the situation was too tight, it looked like a real fight. So Seokjin tried to defend Jimin, pulled Jimin to his side and asked Yoongi to explain everything.

After that, Yoongi told everything about Jimin's secret to BTS members which make everyone shocked. Jimin didn't say anything, but he looked extremely shocked too. He seemed like confused with Yoongi's words. Everyone disbelieve what was happening. Can't believe what they just heard.

Taehyung couldn't hold his anger any longer when Yoongi started to humiliate Jimin. Jimin tried to say something, but Taehyung suddenly shouted and argued with Yoongi. He tried to defend Jimin. Yoongi told Taehyung not to be rude. But Taehyung started tearing up while arguing. Both of them swore to each other and threw things.

Except Seokjin, the rest of BTS members trying to avoid them from fighting the moment the saw Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's collar. Yoongi pushed Taehyung's hand, but Taehyung was faster. Taehyung pushed Yoongi's chest hard, and Yoongi strumbled down. They continued arguing until Seokjin shouted and yelled at them. Then, Sejin and Bang Shi Hyuk entered the room which stopped the quarrel.

After hearing the whole story, Sejin asked Seokjin, "Jin-a, are you okay? What are you going to do now?".

Seokjin scratched his head and rubbed his face with his palm. He puzzled. He said, "I'll check with Jimin. I want to know from his side. He was about to say something but everyone was arguing and messed up everything. I can't believe he did that to me. He betrayed me! But why? I don't understand".

Taehyung turned his head to Seokjin and said, "Hyung, trust Jimin. There must be something that we don't know. Jimin won't do something like this. We know him. We trust him. But why let unnecessary rumours like this ruin our friendship, our trust? We don't know the whole story yet. Okay, I'm sorry that I made trouble, but that because I trust Jimin and I don't want to hear any nonsense Yoongi-hyung talked about him. So I hope you trust Jimin too. Even though it might be true, but we need to hear from him first".

Seokjin quiet. He doesn't know how to react to this issue.

Taehyung tried to convince Seokjin again, "Hyung, listen here. This is the first time right this situation happen to us? I know last time our members had a fight too, and you even suspected Jimin before this right? But this is the first time Jimin raised suspicion like this, right? Don't you feel weird why it suddenly happened among our members? Don't you think that something is going on and purposely making us distrust each other? I don't think your trust to Jimin is that shallow, but don't you think something is fishy here?".

Hoseok nodded his head. He agreed with Taehyung. It makes sense. Suddenly Taehyung looked like a genius, "Correct, hyung. Although Jimin admitted, but it just doesn't make any sense why Jimin would want to do that? This is all because of Eunbi, Hyunjae and Steve. Seriously, how come they related to each other with our member? Later at home let's talk about this all together again," said Hoseok.

Before they reached the Seokjin's restaurant, they received a message from Namjoon in the group chat.

Namjoon: 'Everyone should gather at home at 11PM. I don't care what you guys are doing. Leave it. Our meeting tonight is important. More important than our comeback'.

Jungkook: 'Yes, hyung. I'm already here'.

Hoseok: 'Why so early? It's just 7PM'

Namjoon: 'He left his camera. But, by the time he reached here, he went straight to his computer'

Hoseok: 'Except Taehyung and Jin hyung, Is everyone there?'

Jungkook: 'No, only Namjoon hyung and I here. He bragged into my room and talking boring stuff'

Namjoon: 'It's not boring stuff. It's our future. A very serious issue. Tougher than my program'

Hoseok: 'What program?'

Namjoon: 'Problematic man'

Jungkook: 'Hm...the name fits Namjoon hyung well. A problematic man'

Jungkook: 'Ah...hyungs! Come back home fast! Namjoon hyung broke my mouse!'

Namjoon: 'Sorry. I threw that Cookie plushy toy to you but miscalculated it, so it hits your mouse. Sorry'

Hoseok: 'He purposely did that'

Namjoon: ' know...i'm problematic. It happens'

Namjoon: 'Where are the others? Why so quiet?'

Hoseok: 'I'm eating with Sejin hyung, JIn hyung, and Taehyung-i. Jimin meet with Bang PD and Pdogg producer'

Namjoon: 'Wooo...I guess there will be a Jimin's song for our comeback, right? He has a good melody last time. He should compose a song and give it to us'

Hoseok: 'By the way, where is Yoongi hyung?'

Yoongi: 'Studio'

Namjoon: 'Hyung, don't forget our meeting tonight'

Yoongi: 'Okay'

Hoseok: 'So short. Okay, let's gather everyone there. Sejin hyung will join our meeting tonight. He has something to say'

Jungkook: 'Bring back foods too. We are hungry'

Hoseok: 'Okay'

At the BTS dormitory, although it wasn't heated like before, there is an awkward mood among them. They didn't talk much. While waiting for everyone to return and take their shower, Namjoon and Jungkook ate the food that Hoseok bought for them. Everyone gathered in the hall room. But they can't start the meeting. It's because they can't contact Jimin. Unreachable. Jimin is missing. Maybe he tried to refresh his mind. The meeting that night was cancelled.

The next day, Jimin was still unreachable. They can't contact the police because he is a public figure. Bang PD, Pdogg and all his close friends couldn't reach him. Everyone is looking after him. Yoongi started to feel bad. He blamed himself for getting mad at him.

5 days passed by without any news. Everyone started to become panicked. Thank God, they only have an individual schedule and one group performance left. Therefore, Bang PD decided to announce BTS extended their break. This will buy more time to find Jimin before Lotte performance in that week.

After the news went out to public, Jimin suddenly replied to their group chat.

Jimin: 'Don't worry. I'm safe. I'm at Busan with my friends. I'm sorry to making everyone worried'

Namjoon: 'Ya! We have been searching for you for 5 days! Come back now!'

Jimin: 'I'll back tomorrow'

Seokjin: 'Come back fast. Let's drink together and talk slowly'

Jimin: 'Okay, hyung'

Jimin: 'Seokjin hyung...'

Seokjin: 'Oh.'

Jimin: 'I'm sorry'

Seokjin: 'Come back first. Sorry later'

Jimin: 'Okay, hyung'

Yoongi: 'Come back now. Don't wait tomorrow. Jungkook and Taehyung were crying every night'

Taehyung: 'Jimin-a...I miss you. I need you'

Jungkook: 'I didn't cry. I'm just exercising and the sweats keep dropping onto my skin.'

Taehyung: 'Actually, he cried while exercising'

Jungkook: 'Come back home and see yourself'

Hoseok: 'I'll tell everything to you, Jimin-a'

Jimin: 'I miss you, guys. See you tomorrow night'

Taehyung smiled after reading the group chat. He decided to be the strongest supportive friend to Jimin. Whatever happened, he will trust Jimin.