Alucard and Granger feel their eyes on him- Leomord, who is blood thirsty, dead, and on his horse, Barbiel.
"Ready?", Alucard said. He arches his arm back and positioned himself with his blade. He didn't wait for a reply. He lunged and charged forward to Leomord.
He applied his passive skill, Pursuit. (as it is meant for hunting enemies) With this passive skill, it is always easy to close the gap between Alucard and the enemies.
After a short while, the ground splitted into two. The Groundsplitter skill enables Alucard to leap in an area in front of him and deal ground-splitting damage.
Barbiel leaps forward, to Alucard in the area where he lands, injuring him. Leomord swings his sword, but failing to injure Alucard. Alucard makes a backward side step, into which Granger shoots at his bullets in a forward direction, hitting Leomord. He grunted in pain.
The horse, Barbiel, neighed. Becoming more agressive, charges forward and knocks back Granger. He managed to avoid all damage by blinking towards the side. He shot two bullets, damaging the horse. He then blink towards the side, letting Alucard take the lead.
With his great sword, Alucard slashes in an area around him to deal enormous damage. Leomord, seeing his horse taking all the damage, unsummoned Barbiel. He took his sword, the Oathkeeper, and lunged forward to Alucard.
It was a long battle, and three of them suffered great injuries. Both parties are panting and heaving after swings. Bullet after bullet, Granger manages to position himself to injure Leomord fatally. Granger transform his violin into a gun and fills it with 3 super bullets. In the next 4 seconds, Granger shoot the super bullet forward toward Leomord. This bullets explode, but Leomord managed to survive. Each time Granger shoots a Super Bullet, he can move to another location, that's why Leomord wasn't able to catch him. Leomord was planning to escape, but he didn't succeed due to Alucard's passive skill, Pursuit.
"Finally... i am 'free'..." Leomord murmured...
Note from the author:
I had a hard time writing this chapter to be honest, I'm still not good at writing fight scenes. This is why this chapter is short. I feel sad and happy for Leomord though, at last he is free already from the pain. If you liked this story, please support me by leaving a comment below or by voting :)