Lunox and Caesar together with Esmeralda, travelled back by Esmeralda's Spells, it was quite of bump ride for other people riding with the stars with them. As they go to the desert plains from were Khufra's hideout place was.
Lunox:" So who is this Kuh- I mean.."
Esmeralda:"Oh Khufra, he is a he and definitely does not wanna play games around."
Caesar:"Then who is this guy who is a bad man."
Esmeralda:"Well I cursed him once and It felt good and-."
Caesar:"What you mean you yelled a curse word?"
Esmeralda:"No.. Of course not... Maybe I will in the future..."
Lunox:"Ok were here but what part of the desert have significant to a tyrant."
Esmeralda:"Well from the definition of tyrant he rules a land that is Unrighteous for him and went all crazy boggery thingy.."
Lunox:"Oh... I never knew what A tyrant means to be honest."
Esmeralda:"Really who come... You've encountered a lot of them.."
Lunox:"I did!?"
Caesar:"Man, you have a lot of things to remember but where is the beginning of it?"
Lunox:"Don't ask me I don't know what it is even. I mean I have lost my mind from crazy slumber."
Esmeralda:"Wait.. I think I heard something..."
As Esmeralda saw a moving motion of rising sands they saw this..."
Esmeralda:" Mummies?! "
Caesar:" Are these people or creatures mummified? "
Esmeralda:" I hope not.. "
Then they hear a notorious laughter in the distance.
?????? :"Hahaha!!"
Lunox:"I think I know who that was.."
?????? :"SUPRISE, Suprise... We've got company in our hands..."
The Creature stretches their hand and leap closer to them. It was Khufra..
Lunox:"Knew It.."
Caesar:"You're good at guessing Lunox."
Khufra:"Peasants stay away now, and It's my 3rd streak of fighting in a row."
Caesar:"Esme.. How many curses did you put to this weirdo?"
Esmeralda:"I can guarantee that it were 2 curses.."
Khufra slams his fist on the ground causing their platform to crumble and the surroundings as well.
Khufra:" I've got devastating power, and all of you would suffer."
As Khufra swings his arm all over them. All of them managed to dodge all of his attacks.
Caesar uses Amabite form
Caesar:" *fast mummbling*."
Turns into Intellectus. While Lunox uses her Order power.
Lunox:" Stop this at once!"
Khufra:" Never for forever!"
Lunox's order powers send him back where he was before.
Order - Lunox's balance power was this one and the darkness. It reverts them back when their was peace and no violence was intended, though their compassion cannot be changed.
Khufra:"How dare you, left me here in flu."
Caesar(Intellectus):" Won siht pots.
Then Esmeralda ran fast when Khufra was sent back. Lunox suddenly used Order on Esmeralda to her from attacking anyone. Esmeralda was frustrated at her.
Caesar transformed back.
Caesar:"Welp.. I think I should stay out of this situation."
Caesar sat down far from the battlefield watching them argue and fight.
As for Lunox and Esmeralda's matter.
Esmeralda:"I though you would help. Instead you backstab me."
Lunox:"I'm giving ORDER. And violence is one thing that I hate the heck most..."
Khufra:" Oh.. A friend or a foe are you're an ally or not. Then I must know what is next."
Lunox:"Also.. I don't understand why you put a rhyme curse on Khufra.."
Esmeralda:"Well It's a signification on how I hate Khufra so much. Of course..."
Lunox:"Uh... Hatred over there and Hatred over here as always."
And as Caesar watches.
Caesar:"Life and Tale at once, Fantasy and Reality as one and were similar by its differences and flaws and less. Together as one. Just like Lunox, she maintains balance from different sides with different perspective. The perpetuatually of life goes round as it goes as time passes by as we go through this cycle. Yet different but they blend together... "
Somehow the most deepest but rather simple platitude came into his mind as his mind cleanses.
Caesar:" What am I talking about a moment ago?"
As his mind wonders into the depth of his mind never to be lingered again... Probably.
Caesar:" Maybe I need to be careful and help them cooperate and defeat that tyrant..."
As the fighting continues to create a huge ruckus for the deserted dimension what would happened in the future if they won against khufra or not...
(To be continued...)
As everything unfolds and folds all over and over and over again within the story...
Bye bye everyone!