Unexpected | Remember (2/4)

Lunox and Esmeralda kept fighting Khufra and themselves all over an argument about Esmeralda's hatred over Khufra. Lunox disagrees with Hatred solutions, because she knows there is another way to solve the problem.

Lunox:"Violence is the most ungrateful of all for me to watch."

Esmeralda:"This isn't Violence, it is justice!"

Lunox:"You mean this anger and frustration's deadline?"

Khufra:"Less talking more actions, you will learn your lessons."

Caesar used his Amabite form and uses his interruption spell on both Esmeralda and Lunox. And uses Mind Twist on Khufra.

Mind Twist - It can reverse everything you think about of your decision doing every opposite of what the target thought. And never harms the spell caster.

Khufra:"¿gnideneppaH s'tahW"

Then Lunox and Esmeralda saw what was going on with Khufra. Everything he does was reversed.

Lunox:"What happened to that shmuk?"

Caesar(Intellectus) :"I twisted his mind."

Lunox:"You wha...?"

Esmeralda:"Well that takes care of my archnemesis."

Khufra:" ¡revo t'nst sihT"

Esmeralda:"Did we win.."

Caesar(Intellectus):".. No.."

Then Khufra's think reversed straight.

Khufra spoke backwards.

Khufra launched forward but though on his mind backwards.

Lunox:"How the heck did he do th-."

Lunox got slammed by Khufra's arm causing Lunox to flew away from the distance. As Lunox got interrupted.

Caesar(Intellectus):"OH YOUR DEAD!"

Esmeralda:"I'm with you their. STAR!"

Esmeralda used her Falling Moonlight powers and Caesar's Brain Drain.

Khufra:"Ah..... hA.!!"

Caesar and Esmeralda both sealed him away from any dimensional parallel of the Multiverse. Esmeralda used Locked Star to seal him successfully.

Caesar transformed back into his own normal state.

Caesar:"Well, We did it with Killing and Violence."

Esmeralda:"Well we didn't killed him. I wish I did it."

Caesar:"Hey.. Hey.. You kinda killed the guy already by sealing him to a hopeless world which more killing than ending his life you know."

The both clamped their hands and said..

Both:"Locked it."

Then Lunox came back from the distance flying with her wings.

Lunox:"You people... shouldn't do that... because violence is the best way to get punished by me..."

Caesar:"You know it would take years to solve that specific problem you know."

Lunox:"But we could just try and work it out."

Esmeralda:"I'll not agree with that opinion."

Caesar:"Listen Lunox, don't be fooled by them cause it might be the same lie that would hurt you over and all over again.. Some solutions needs Violence thats why you have to accept it."

Then Lunox recognised the line Caesar said. The one particular one.

Lunox:" Could say that one more time?"

Caesar:"What line exactly?"

Lunox:"That deep line of yours."

Caesar:"Oh the Remember line?"

Lunox:"Yes exactly repeat it."

Esmeralda:"This is weird.."

As Caesar renounce the speech he said. Her mind starts to remember things and she sent on one of her dreamscape.. Alone..

As Caesar and Esmeralda saw her being frozen again they began to think.

Esmeralda:"Why is she just frozen."

Caesar:"She must be dreaming again.."

Esmeralda:"Umm... Like that stand still and her eyes wide open like she listening to us."

Caesar:"Just let flow and wait for her to unfreeze and be normal again. Sooner or Later..."

As for Lunox's perspective everyone stop and everything she only see Caesar talk the same things he said that she ask for him to renounce. Afterwards Caesar suddenly stopped talking with his mouth open from his last Words. Lunox reacted to their sudden pause of time and everything. While she is an aware that she is one of her dreams again.

Lunox:"Uh.. Why did you stopped talking man?"

And Lunox also saw Esmeralda paused.

Lunox:"Huh.. The crazy astrologer stopped talking as well. Well that's what you two get for doing violent things."

Then the dream falls and was colored with darkness and starts to fall off all colors around filling everything with nothing. Caesar and Esmeralda are also being replaced by the spreading darkness. Lunox was kind of scared for Caesar being separated from him and also her other new fellow. (So called only though.)

Lunox:"Hey.. Why are you fading Caesar and also weird astro.. Oh astrologer. How come I forgot that lady.. And another thing."

Then she realise Caesar and Esmeralda were gone after see spoke her words.

Lunox:"Caesar..? Um.. Uh. Esme.? Anybody?.. Hello.. HELLO! We're are they.. And where am I."

Then she assumed that Erodith was also with her. She shoutedly asked.

Lunox:" Erodith..! I know your there..! Erodith? Nobody.. Seriously..."

Then she regret asking that specific question. Lunox:" Why did I bother asking.. I even know all people saying that to me. My closest friend Caesar now said those words and as always that lingering feeling remains.. Somehow they never have been forgotten..."

Then she included her glowing toes.

Lunox:"Even my toes indicates that I have know this and have not bit forgotten about it..

Maybe its for the best. As a person who control balance is a blessing and also a curse just like that one game said... (It's a reference to BS from GTA SA) oh how did I even know that."

Then her glowing toes grow higher reach her legs now.

Lunox:" Woah.. It.. it has been expanded.. Wow.. I'm really getting good at this. Even if I had amnesia.."

Now her glowing toes grows weary and have grown above to her legs near at her leg joints.

Then in Caesar and Esmeralda perspective.

They also saw her glowing toes gone to her glowing leg.

Caesar:" Woah.. What happened.."

As for Esmeralda, she was shocked and freaking out like what is going on because Esmeralda never noticed Lunox's glowing toes. Now she saw it growing weary to her leg.

Esmeralda:"WHAT THE?!


Then Caesar explained.

Caesar:"That thing your freaking out on was glowing toe. It shows the fragments of memories Lunox remembers."

Esmeralda:"What happens when it grows until it consumes her?"

Caesar:"I don't know. And I don't if Erodith told us what would happen would be true, because I am gonna cry."

Esmeralda:"Psh.. Dramacation..."

Then on Lunox's perspective again.

Lunox:"I think I might be stuck her in the emptiness of this nothingness... *sob* I'll never see anyone again *sob*."

A strange path appeared and a projection of her memories. She walked through it and reacted.

Lunox:"What is this?"

(To be continued...)