
After showering, Min-soo laid on the bed. Like catching Pokémon, he was slowly gathering each member of BTS. It was a strange feeling, interacting and seeing them on such a personal level, of course, this was just in his own head. After all, none of them were the world-famous idols they were in his previous life.

Take Nam-joon for example, gone was the boy who gave up his tertiary education to chase his idol dreams. But now that he was here, Min-soo would not allow this world to go without experiencing the K-pop phenomenon.

With two members down, it became more urgent for Min-soo to find Bang Si-hyuk, otherwise even if he reassembled all the members of BTS, what could he do. He was no musical genius, he had no exceptional cheats, at the end of the day, he was only just a fan.

A fan with deep pockets.

Even so, Min-soo believed that with knowledge of the previous world and the help of those around him, it would not be a matter of if, but when, he would succeed.

As Min-soo tossed and turned in his bed, filled with thoughts and a little anxious about the future, his phone suddenly buzzed and then lit up. He grabbed it and saw that there was a message from another unknown number.

Curious he opened it. "CEO Lee, this is Park Jin-young, I hope I am not bothering you. I just called Si-hyuk and let him know you were looking for him. He hung up on me twice, but on the third time, he grudgingly agreed to meet you. Don't worry, he may seem a little grumpy but that's just a facade. I've done all I can, good luck. Oh, he said to just give him a call when you arrive in San Francisco."

Min-soo figured he would need to repay this favour in the future, after all it saved Min-soo a great deal of time. He had been a little worried as to how to even approach Bang Si-hyuk let alone try and convince him to come back to Korea with him.

Min-soo checked the time back in Seoul and seeing that it was only the afternoon there, decided to give Nam-joon a call.

"Min-soo-yah? What a surprise, isn't this like your first time calling me…. In like…. Forever?" Nam-joon asked in a sassy tone.

Min-soo felt like hanging up immediately but he remembered why he decided to call him and then spoke up. "Nam-joon. How are things on your end?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I spoke to Mum and Dad, Dad was a little annoyed at first but then came around to it when I mentioned your Gramps. Mum's always been quite supportive of whatever I want to do. So, it took a lot less convincing than I thought. How come? And how come you didn't ask me if I wanted to go to LA? What a bad brother." He grumbled.

"Haha. That's good to hear. Next time, next time I will bring you to LA…"

"Is that a promise? It's a promise!" Nam-joon interrupted.

"Fine, fine." Min-soo acceded grudgingly.

"So, why did you call me at this time? It's night where you're isn't it? Is everything okay?"

"Well… Yeah, everything is going well, I just wanted to ask you about your end is all. Anyways I'm going to bed, so see you when I come back. Don't spend all your time playing games." Min-soo warned playfully.

Nam-joon knew there was more to why Min-soo called, but having been friends for so many years, he knew Min-soo better than Min-soo sometimes knew himself. He figured that just hearing his voice would be enough for Min-soo and that if he needed any help, Min-soo would ask for it.

This was the way it had always been and he figured it would be so in the future too.

Nam-joon sighed as he put away his phone. Now that he was going to embark on the route of an idol, he would need to polish up his singing, rapping and dance skills. Not that they needed much work in, but having made his decision, he would make sure to do his best and put in 110% of his effort, to excel in it.

However, with his time being diverted to his own future, he became worried over his elder cousin.

Ever since that incident a couple years back, he had become more withdrawn and could barely look a girl in the eye let alone speak with them.

As the only boy in the family around his age, Nam-joon and his cousin were as close as brothers. He was worried that if he stayed indoors any longer, he would become incapable of returning to society.

He felt that would be a great shame, since, his cousin had such a great voice, in fact it was because of his cousin that he first became interested in singing and then rapping.

Nam-joon remembered that one time his cousin had asked him if they were to become artists what his stage name would be. As a naïve little ten-year-old he had asked why he needed a stage name, to which his cousin had bluntly replied, "Because your name sucks."

Feeling challenged and injected with youthful passion Nam-joon declared, "Rapmonster. Rapmonster. That will be my name."

His cousin only two years older than him, laughed before praising it, "I like it. I like it very much. Let's make a promise to each other. In the future, you will be Rapmonster and I will be Jin."

Nam-joon felt that since Min-soo needed talent. He might as well bring his cousin along and hopefully help to recover his confidence and fulfil the promise they made to each other those many years ago.