The Sleeping Giant

Min-soo stepped out of the airport and into the cool windy breeze of San Francisco. Flying into the city he had seen the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and was as curious as ever to explore the sights.

However, Min-soo knew he had something more pressing to do. If he still had time, perhaps he would have a look around.

Min-soo was about to hail a taxi when he suddenly got a phone call. Stepping to the side, Min-soo took out his phone and saw it was from Park Jin-young. With a slightly surprised expression, he then answered the call, "Hello? This is Min-soo."

"Ahh… CEO Lee, Si-hyuk called me earlier and he asked me to give you his address. He said don't worry about calling him, just go to his house. He seems to be in a better mood today, but you should still take care if you want to recruit him. Uh, anyways good luck. I won't take up anymore of your time."

"Right, thanks Mr Park."

"Haha, anytime, anytime." He responded before the call ended.

A second later, Min-soo received a text message from Park Jin-young with Bang Si-hyuk's address. Getting into a taxi he gave the driver the address, this time there was no chance encounter with a future member of BTS. Unfortunately.

Min-soo was dropped off about forty minutes' drive from the airport, outside a nice slice of suburbia. Double storey brick houses with front lawns and backyards, the quintessential homeowners dream. Something that was rare for somewhere as land scarce as South Korea. At least without paying exorbitant prices.

Looking around, Min-soo was suddenly struck with a sense of nostalgia. He and Erika had lived in a suburban area just like this. They had both loved the quiet neighbourhood as well as the sights of greenery, much more so than the convenience entailed with living in dense urban areas.

They had the money to fund a lifestyle in the city, but that life was not for them. So, they eschewed it for the suburbs. It also helped Erika recover faster from her ordeals.

Min-soo missed her very much.

Min-soo was pulled out of his daze when he heard the voice of a young girl shouting, "Mummy! Mummy! There is a strange man outside. He is just standing there."

Feeling a little embarrassed at being called out like that, Min-soo looked up and saw the small head of a little girl peaking around the corner of the house. Upon meeting Min-soo's eyes the little girl shrunk back before running away.

Min-soo walked up the path to the front door and was about to knock when the door opened and a middle-aged man with a round face and glasses gave him a suspicious stare. He immediately recognised him as the man he had come all this way for.

Bang Si-hyuk. Hitman Bang. Co-CEO of BigHit Entertainment and arguably the main driving force behind the success of BTS. At least, this was the case in his previous world.

Min-soo took the initiative and introduced himself, "Mr Bang, I am Lee Min-soo. I think Mr Park Jin-young may have mentioned…"

Before he could finish, Bang Si-hyuk suddenly interrupted, "Right. Right. Jin-young called earlier, come inside, we can talk more. There is only one reason why you came all this way."

Bang Si-hyuk then walked towards Min-soo and then shouted, "Yun-seo, get over here. Come inside, you still have not finished your homework."

Si-hyuk gave Min-soo an apologetic look and opined, "Children."

Min-soo nodded in a show of support. The little girl he saw earlier then came flying around the corner and Min-soo took a step back whilst Si-hyuk took a few steps forward with his arms open. The little girl jumped into her father's embrace and was spun around a couple of times.

"Yun-seo, did you help Mummy put the clothes up?"

The little girl nodded, while looking at Min-soo with a curious gaze.

Si-hyuk proceeded to introduce him, "This Big Brother here is called Min-soo. Say hello to big brother Min-soo."

The little girl mumbled shyly, "Hello, big brother."

Min-soo smiled and greeted her in return, "Yun-seo, hello."

Si-hyuk then walked back inside while carrying his daughter. Yun-seo continued to stare at Min-soo, as he followed them inside.

Seated around the dining table in the kitchen, Si-hyuk asked, "Tea? Coffee? Or water?"

"Water will do thanks"

"Hah, water it is."

Passing Min-soo a cup of water, Si-hyuk sat down opposite him with Yun-seo beside him with her head down attempting to finish what appeared to be her homework.

Min-soo opened his mouth first, "Mr Bang, since you know why I am here, then I will be blunt. I just started a new company and I am looking to get into the business of creating idols. But I need your help with the music. I am not a music genius. I do not know how to arrange or compose. However, I believe I can provide the vision and the resources to create a future for the industry in Korea."

"Why me?" Bang Si-hyuk could not help but ask.

"Because you have the skills and the talent that I sorely lack. I have heard a few of your old songs and I think that is exactly the thing I am looking for. I am going to start with a boy group and the style of music that you have made in the past will be a perfect fit with them. I am sure of it."

"How can you be so sure? Park Jin-young and I failed fourteen years ago, as did many of my colleagues. What makes you think you can succeed now where we failed those many years ago?"

"Because I am not you or them. I am me." Min-soo declared full of confidence.

Bang Si-hyuk scoffed at Min-soo's arrogance, but at the same time felt a little respect.

"Big words, big ambitions, but why should I cast my lot with you? There are plenty of others out there, that are more established and I have better relations with and that I can hit the ground running with. Who knows how long it will take for you to gather together the necessary talents? And who knows how long it will be before they're ready to debut."

Min-soo could clearly see that they had already gotten over the initial hurdle, his greatest fear had always been that Bang Si-hyuk had lost all interest in making music and had retired for real, but seeing him start edging for benefits, it was clear he was still full of great ambitions.

"What are you looking for specifically? I can offer you the best salary package in the industry and more. If you want your family to come with you, I can even pay for everything it costs to bring them with you."

"That and I want to be more than just another composer of yours. I want to have first dibs on all songs. I'm not saying you can only make music with me, I am just saying I want input, real input."

"Of course, that goes without saying. You will be a core member, in the future you may even be more important than I am in regards to the success of our company." Min-soo agreed.

"Very well, Jin-young said you were rather easy to talk to, no need to be circumspect and doubtful. So, I will trust in his words and trust in you. I hope you will not let me down." Bang Si-hyuk acquiesced and declared his intentions.

Min-soo and Si-hyuk shook on it.

"You have my word. We can formally negotiate your contract of employment when you arrive in Korea. When do you think you can move?"

"Oh, I will need to consult my wife. She already figured I would accept. She's so wise. But I think in a week or two we can start the process."

"Ah, as a show of good faith, what's your bank details. Let me chuck a deposit in there." Min-soo proposed.

Si-hyuk tried to refuse, but Min-soo was vehement and in the end texted Min-soo his bank details.

Min-soo immediately transferred half a million US dollars to Si-hyuk. Who upon seeing the notification looked shocked.

Min-soo gave him a pat on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it, this is only a small amount. Soon we will be making many times it."

Si-hyuk shook his head at this rash display of youth. Min-soo decided it was a good time to leave. Si-hyuk called for a taxi using his phone and while Min-soo was waiting, Si-hyuk's wife came in.

She was quite the beauty and Min-soo could see where Yun-seo got her looks from. She looked to be in her mid-thirties and she smiled and greeted Min-soo in a pleasant voice.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I am Si-hyuk's wife, Soo-jin."

Min-soo returned the greeting and they continued to chat and get to know each other a bit better as he waited for the taxi. Soo-jin was rather accommodating of the fact that Si-hyuk wanted to return to Korea.

In fact, she said she had always known a day would come where Si-hyuk would try to get back into the industry. Si-hyuk only kept his head down in slight embarrassment and nodded along every now and then, while pretending to have his full focus on his daughter.

Before too long, they heard the taxi pull into their driveway and Min-soo bid the family goodbye.

"See you soon, CEO Lee." Bang Si-hyuk lightly chuckled.

"See you soon, Producer Bang." Min-soo responded in a similar tone.

"Bye Big Brother." Yun-seo waved and Min-soo waved back.

Soo-jin waved with similarly bright eyes and watched as Min-soo got into the taxi and left.

She turned to her husband and saw his excited eyes. Fourteen years ago, they had left Korea. It took nearly ten years before she saw her husband touch music producing software and it was only a year ago that she saw him put down the past and put his feelings to paper, once again.

Fourteen years might seem like a long time. But to Soo-jin she only saw the hope and the promise from Min-soo as a way for her husband to finally realise his dreams.

Defeat and setbacks were inevitable, but Soo-jin knew Si-hyuk was only stronger and better now than he ever was. The music world should watch out, for a giant was coming to sweep the industry clean. This was her fervent belief.