Min-soo had a dream that night. He dreamed of his sister Erika crying and holding onto him as his life ebbed away. He felt cold. Yet he could also feel the warmth from his sister's tears. In this dream, he opened his eyes and saw the despair within her eyes that sought to drown him, he could not handle it and it pulled him awake.
Min-soo sat up and had already forgotten what he dreamed of however, the turbulent feelings and his muddled mind betrayed the contents.
"It must have been something scary." He muttered to himself.
Looking over to the clock on the wall, Min-soo saw that it was only 6am. Knowing that he could not fall back asleep, Min-soo grabbed his phone and wrapped up in his blankets decided to watch some funny cat videos to calm his feelings.
However, for some reason his mind could not help but wander and before he knew it, he was hit by a wave of nostalgia and loneliness. Min-soo was not the type of person to watch funny cat videos by himself. In fact, it had been Erika that had loved to watch them and so being the good brother that he was, Min-soo accompanied her to watch them.
This was what they did to while away the time during Erika's stay at the hospital to recover from her heart problems. It also got their minds off the passing of their parents.
Feeling melancholic, Min-soo closed the video and decided to get up. Completing his morning routine, he went downstairs, had a bowl of cereal before going for a jog around the estate.
Breathing in the fresh and crisp morning air, Min-soo felt reinvigorated and went for another lap. Midway through, his phone started to vibrate and the music he was listening to cut off, he took out his phone and seeing the caller ID immediately picked up.
"Morning Gramps."
"Min-soo, so early and already out jogging, reminds me of my younger days. In fact, you know your Grandmother and I would always wake up at 5 in the morning and we would jog along the Han River, ah those were the days. Of course, every morning we would jog pass old Kang's house and to see his face as I waved to him alongside your Grandmother. Haha."
Min-soo felt his Grandfather's good mood and could not help but laugh along, already having left behind those sad feelings he woke up with.
"So, why did you call me this early, Gramps?"
"Are you free today? Your Grandmother and I are coming over, the little lass I talked about the other day is free today. So, we were planning on having lunch together."
"Oh. Okay" Min-soo responded lamely.
"Good. Good. That's the spirit. Right, I will send you and Hyun-woo the time and location later. I won't keep you from your morning exercises, only with a fit and healthy body can you attract and retain the ladies." His Grandfather joked excitedly before hanging up.
Min-soo shook his head in slight exasperation at his Grandfather's good mood. However, he remained non-plussed and continued with his jog.
Returning home and after taking a shower, Min-soo once again descended to the kitchen to look for something to eat. At this time, though, the Lee family chef had already clocked in and cooked up a big breakfast for Min-soo.
Min-soo chatted for a while with the chef as he ate his breakfast. The chef's name was Han Kwang-sik and was only turning 33 this year. At such a young age he was already the owner of a one Michelin star restaurant in downtown Seoul.
As for how he was able to achieve this, it was mainly due to Min-soo's father's patronage of Kwang-sik since he graduated from high school. In fact, every year Antares Group handed out over twenty scholarships across nearly every field in universities across the country.
Kwang-sik was fortunate enough to have not only been able to score a scholarship for gastronomy but was also able to become a student of a three Michelin star chef. As a result, Kwang-sik had developed a natural fondness for the Lee family and Antares. So, every week he would try to spend two days at the Lee family house, preparing meals for the family.
Min-soo and Kwang-sik had known each other for almost six years and in the past would sometimes even go clubbing together along with Nam-joon. But in the last couple of years and especially after Kwang-sik found himself a girlfriend, now spent more of his time pampering her rather than hanging out with his mates.
Kwang-sik and Min-soo were discussing the latest Marvel movie when Hyun-woo came in.
"Young Master, the time for the lunch is at 2pm and the location is at the Gates of Orion." He said while giving Kwang-sik the side eye.
Min-soo feigned ignorance and nodded his head before turning back to Kwang-sik.
"Oh, shit. I better hurry then. Can't disappoint the Big Boss." Kwang-sik shouted before running out of the mansion.
Min-soo laughed at this sight, it was almost eleven in the morning and by the time Kwang-sik arrived at his restaurant it would already by half past eleven and with only two and a half hours to prepare a feast, he would need to squeeze out every drop of his imagination and effort.
"Right, Hyun-woo do you think we will have time to drop by the office and get a progress report from Uncle Sun?"
"Hmm, yes. I do believe so. I will give President Sun a call now."
While Hyun-woo dealt with that, Min-soo ran back upstairs and changed out of his shirt and shorts into something more presentable.
By the time he came back down, Hyun-woo had already brought the car around and was waiting for him.
"President Sun says that he was just about to call you for your authorisation over some issues."
"Did he say what they were about?" Min-soo asked with some curiosity.
"No, he says it would be better to discuss it in person."
"Ah, okay. Thanks Hyun-woo."
"No need, Young Master."