Jae-eun looked up as she heard a ding come from the lifts, as the doors opened and out came Han Hyun-woo. He nodded to Jae-eun who returned a smile and nod, before proceeding over towards Park Taehong.
"Mr Park Taehong?" Hyun-woo enquired.
"Yes and you must be Secretary Han."
"Indeed, thank you for coming today. We do apologise for the short wait, CEO Lee was just finishing his lunch."
"Oh? That's fine with me. Whatever is most convenient for CEO Lee." Park Taehong responded unfazed.
"Very well, thank you. Please follow me. Today is your lucky day, after the meeting you will be the one of the first to enjoy the first meals from our newly opened cafeteria." Hyun-woo answered as he engaged in some small talk.
Park Taehong followed after Hyun-woo and as he walked past Jae-eun's desk he gave her a wink and feeling embarrassed, she immediately popped her head back down.
Jae-eun was panicking on the inside as she whispered to herself, "A devil. He is a devil. But how can the devil be so handsome?"
Min-soo looked up as he heard a knock on his door. "Come in."
"Mr Park Taehong is here to see you, CEO Lee." Hyun-woo said as he opened the door. Behind him was a man Min-soo had been looking forward to meeting with.
Min-soo stood up and welcomed him, "Mr Park Taehong, it is good to see you, thank you for coming today. Please do take a seat." He then turned to ask Hyun-woo, "Has President Sun been notified?"
"Yes, he is on his way right now."
"Right, thank you. Mr Park Taehong, would you like a tea? Coffee?" Min-soo inquired politely.
Min-soo watched as Park Taehong's eyes swept the room before landing on him. Meeting his eyes, Park Taehong nodded to Min-soo as he answered, "Ah thank you CEO Lee, a tea would be nice."
Hyun-woo made his way over to the kitchenette and prepared some refreshments, while Min-soo walked out from behind his desk and guided Park Taehong over to the coffee table. As they settled down, they exchanged some pleasantries and a handshake before Min-soo decided to just ask him about their offer.
"Mr Park Taehong, I am sure you are aware of our current lack of security. So, I am formally inviting you to join us and take over the security operations for my company. Are you willing?"
Park Taehong raised his eyebrows at the bluntness and thought to himself that Lee Min-soo was quite straightforward. He began to feel slightly excited as his bratty chaebol expectations were not met. Instead he felt that perhaps Min-soo was exactly the employer he was looking for. Someone he could trust.
So, he decided to ask, "Why me?"
"Do you really not know why? Or are you playing dumb?" Min-soo responded quickly.
"Hm, so, the rumours are true? You had a falling out with Kang Dong-hyun?" He asked with slight surprise.
"Haha, a falling out might be underestimating it. The two coma victims from the crash earlier in the year were my younger sister and I." Min-soo revealed with sadness as he thought of the comatose Seo-yeon.
This time Park Taehong's eyes widened with shock, this was news to him and very unexpected.
However, this lit a fire inside him as he realised that he and Min-soo were perhaps not too different after all.
He understood that Min-soo was willing to take a chance on him precisely because of their past, but he also knew that by joining Min-soo they were not embarking on some melodramatic revenge mission. He could see that Min-soo genuinely wanted him to work for him, as he had no need to regard the Kang family's ban on him.
"But. And I must stress this, working for me does not mean I will go out of my way to seek revenge nor do I want you to go and seek revenge on some misguided belief. I want you to work for me as my new chief of security. That is all. We are not a judge nor jury nor executioner. However, should he cross our path and seek to cause any problems, then of course we shall deal with him then. Can you agree to this?" Min-soo asked with all seriousness.
Park Taehong took a tiny moment to contemplate, before he nodded and stuck out his hand, to which Min-soo gladly shook it.
"To new beginnings." Min-soo stated.
"To new beginnings." Park Taehong affirmed.
At this point, Min-soo heard another knock on the door and assumed it was Uncle Sun, "Come in."
"Ah, I hope I am not too late, say would you like to have a look at the employment contract first, Mr Park Taehong?" Uncle Sun inquired as he walked and offered him the contract.
"No need. I have full trust in the Boss and yourself." Park Taehong answered with great determination.
"Do you have any other questions?" Min-soo politely asked.
"When would you like me to start?"
"If you don't mind, you can start right away. In fact, we have nothing here, so I am afraid you are going to need to recruit some trustworthy subordinates. I am sure you have your contacts, perhaps you can find some old mates of yours." Min-soo hinted not too subtly.
"Right, right. I can do that." Park Taehong immediately got the gist of Min-soo's response. He had been meaning to ask if he could bring in a few trusted mates of his, but it seemed Min-soo had already pre-empted him.
"Very well. Thanks for coming in. You can speak more about the arrangements with President Sun and as for the budget, you can ask our Chief Financial Officer Choi Hyun-jung."
Taking the queue that their time was up, Uncle Sun nodded to Min-soo before he got up and guided Park Taehong to go find Hyun-jung. Park Taehong gave Min-soo a bow before he followed after
Uncle Sun. "Thank you, CEO Lee, I will never forget your generosity."
Min-soo only smiled and gave him a nod as he watched the two men leave.