
Putting that aside, Min-soo suddenly got a call and answered it, "Lee Min-soo speaking."

"Min-soo, your Mother's been nagging me, go visit your maternal Grandparents." His Father immediately complained.

"Hey Dad, wait, why didn't Mum ask me herself?" Min-soo asked curiously.

"What do you mean? She's already asked you at least three times. But you know how your Mother is, she dotes on you too much. Oh, I heard some interesting stories from the party with the little Miss of the Lee family." His Father began speaking excitedly.

"Uh, Dad, it's nothing interesting at all." Min-soo tried to shut it down.

"The Young Master of the Kwon family and the Miss of the Lee family, son, you shouldn't play with people's hearts like that." His Father teased happily.

Min-soo could already see that shit-eating grin of his Father's as if he were before him, "Dad, Grandma said she's been missing you lately, and you haven't been home, are you going to visit them anytime soon?"

"Oh, almost forgot, we're having dinner tonight at home, make sure you're there. Since you are too busy to visit your maternal grandparents, they're coming over tonight. Since my old man is in Seoul as well, it will be a nice gathering, what do you say?" Min-soo could feel that his Father was so, so, excited to spend time with his in-laws and his own parents.

Unlike his Father who dreaded interacting with the older generation, Min-soo did not mind, in fact he was a little excited, after all, in his previous life, his family had always been just his parents and Erika and only Erika after their parents passed away.

So, having such a large family made him feel grateful for whatever deity had given him this second chance. Of course, it would have been better if Seo-yeon could be there too.

Min-soo had visited Seo-yeon a couple of times and on each occasion, he would spend some time sitting and chatting with her. He had told her about his life so far and had hoped mentions of members of BTS would elicit some response. But nothing had changed.

At least, the doctors had cleared him of any potential lingering damage to his health from the crash and the subsequent coma. However, it did not make him feel any better seeing Seo-yeon lying so peacefully on her hospital bed.

Min-soo shook his head of these thoughts and decided to take a walk outside to get some fresh air. He put his phone back in his pocket and placed the file on Tae-hyung in a secure drawer and head down.

Stepping out into the lobby, he found it to be more noisy than usual. He saw Hyun-jung, Jae-eun and Jang-mi all gathered in a circle speaking in excited tones. As he walked over, he noticed there was another person, who had been hidden from his view by the three others.

The woman was facing towards him and looked to be around the same age as Jang-mi, she was dressed in activewear and looked a little out of place among the other three who were dressed professionally.

However, she was not in anyway intimidated by this, in fact, she seemed to be the one driving the conversation. That was until she noticed Min-soo. At which point her mouth fell open mid-sentence and a look of horror descended.

The other three turned around in curiosity and recognising Min-soo immediately gave him a bow and greeting.

Min-soo nodded and smiled politely before asking, "And who is this?"

Jang-mi took the initiative and introduced the still shocked woman, "CEO Lee, this is my friend Chung Yoon-ji, the choreographer that Hyun-jung-unnie recruited."

Min-soo was a little confused by this. "Wait, aren't Chung Yoon-ji and Hyun-jung university friends? So, how are you friends too?"

This time Hyun-jung answered. "Oh, that's because we met when I was doing my Masters degree and Yoon-ji her bachelors."

"Oh, that makes sense then, and I assume you all know each other?" he asked as he looked at Jae-eun.

"Yeah, I met both Yoon-ji unnie and Jang-mi unnie at a university event. We've been friends since." Jae-eun explained.

At this point Min-soo realised he still had yet to greet Yoon-ji, "Sorry, my apologies, Miss Chung Yoon-ji, I am Lee Min-soo and I welcome you to our company. I hope your time with us will be long and memorable."

Realising that Min-soo was speaking to her, Yoon-ji hurriedly stammered out a reply. "Um, erhh, thank you, CEO Lee. I'm sorry you had to see me like this, I will be in your care from now on." She then bowed.

Seeing that his presence was adding unnecessary pressure to their conversation, Min-soo decided to leave.

"Very well. Thank you for coming in and I hope to see more of you in the future, if you have any problems, either Hyun-woo or Jang-mi can sort things out for you. Anyways, I better be off, have a good day."

"Have a good day." The four of them replied in various manners.

Min-soo walked out of the building and wandered around the compound for about an hour, he dropped by the newly refurbished security building that housed Park Taehong and the other guards. Park Taehong was out recruiting some extra guards, so Min-soo merely greeted those in the building before leaving.

He then found a quiet spot in the gardens and sat down and basked in the sunlight. Min-soo felt bliss as he soaked up the warmth and before he knew it, he fell asleep whilst seated on the bench.