"Fall in love with one of them?" Lesley laughed. It was supposed to be serious between the two but she just couldn't hold back laughter at the thought. "They killed my father, how could I fall in love with one of them?"
"Love is a fickle thing, my dear daughter. You might think that you haven't fallen for them but sooner or later you'll realise the feelings you have."
And being the stubborn child Lesley was, she shook her and said, "Then I won't acknowledge my feelings then!"
Her father shook his head and Lesley turned her head away from him and 'hmph-ed'.
"Dear, feelings of love cannot be avoided. Soon you will have to succumb to it."
"But father, they did us wrong!" She reasoned out, "How will I fall for murderers." She said with venom dripping from her tongue.
"You just might."
Lesley walked away from her father, annoyed that he could even think she'd fall for murderers.
She walked into the garden and grabbed her rifle. She sat under the growing apple tree to calm her nerves. Nature often did just that.
Before her hometown was destroyed she used to go to the forests whenever she felt bad emotions or whenever she felt stressed. The trees and the beautiful scenery often calmed her down. And once she was calmed down, she'd come back and talk in a more reasonable manner.
She remember back when her father was alive, there was a time that they had quarrelled. And Lesley came out to the forest, she felt the trees talk to her. Talk to her about how to speak to her father nicely. Crazy but true. That's why ever since then, the trees always made her think rationally.
"Fall in love with them? I'd never..." She trailed off, she was now conscious. "What if I do..."
She shook her head and slapped herself, "No Les! You can't and I mean cannot fall for them."
Truth be told, she was starting to think this was a stupid idea. Why couldn't she just take care of her brother, the most precious thing to her. Instead of leaving them.
She wanted to clear her thoughts, and so she grabbed her rifle. Pointed it to one of the targets within the garden. She looked through the scope, aiming her rifle so precise, that it would be a sure bullseye.
Then she fired, one shot after another. Slowly, the target's center had been punctured. The hole's sides melting from the heat the bullet had.
She put down her rifle and sighed, she just had one task. She had to make them fall in love with her then kill them. If she were to just assassinate them, the whole family and all the noble families they had connections with, will track her down and not only turn against her but also the Vance household. And she didn't want that.
"Just gain their trust, make them fall in love and kill them. Three thing Les, three things." She murmured to no one in particular.
"A lover? Pfftttt, never." Gusion laughed. He probably looked like a maniac laughing all alone but he couldn't get his brother's words out of his mind. It seemed really idiotic and funny to him.
However, as he walked down the stairs. He was still bothered by his words. Thinking about how a lover wouldn't have made him so cynical and will probably be there if no one supported his fighting style.
'Brother, how dare you make me think of these things.' Gusion thought as he mentally cussed his brother out.
Still though, as much as he wanted to ponder what wonders a lover would have given him he still was bothered by the words he told the elders.
--And he was right.
Because as soon as he got down, he heard his mother shout, "Gusion! How dare do I even call you son?!" And as he walked closer his mother slapped him and continued, "How dare you speak to the elders like that?!"
He looked to his brothers to see all of them muffling their laughter but one of them, and I mean Kamer, bursted out laughing. In return Gusion and his mother glared daggers at him.
"Sorry mother, they were pissing me off."
"Language dear!" Mrs. Paxley sighed as she held Gusion's cheek, "I want you to apologize to them after dinner."
"Of course mother." Gusion said as he sat down on his chair.
Another thing that made life all the more bothersome for him-- Having to apologize to the elders.
Sourly, he muttered, "So many things to do, so many thoughts."