"ANSWER ME !!!" Bellowed a distraught Shantanu, listen the the screaming Shantanu the girl turned around and looked at the man she had called husband moments ago, she smiled and said "The unfortunate King of kuru clan, the king of the grate kingdom of Hastinapur, desindent of the grate king Bharat.... My Name is GANGA, I who had the power to destroy the earth on my birth, had to be stopped by Grate Lord Shiva himself by offering me to flow through his hair to reduce my force of flow making me sutable to flow on earth peacefully. I who animals, humans, devils, devtas and even gods consider pure and sacred is standing before you. " listening to this proclamation by the women who was his wife moments ago shocked him to his core, for a moment his brain stopped functioning, he looked dumbfoundedly at the women who clamed to be the river goddess Ganga.

Ganga continued " long long ago There were eight celistial beings called Vasus( they were called Dhara, Anala, Anila, Apa, Pratyusha, Prabhasa, Soma and Dhruva) they were the embodiment of eight primodial elements they were lead by Dhara who simbolised earth, one day the eight brothers were enjoying themselves in a forest. When the wife of Prabhasa (simbolised by sky or ether) saw a beautiful cow and persuaded her husband Prabhasa to steal it, which Prabhasa did with the agreement and aid of Dhara and his other brothers. Unfortunately for the Vasus, the cow was owned by the grate and powerful sage Vashistha who learned through his ascetic powers that the Vasus had stolen it and immediately cursed them to be born on earth and suffer a mortel life, hearing this the Vasus became terrified and pleaded to the grate sage for mercy, taking pity on the Vasus he told them "The eight stupid brothers who stand in front of me, I will show you mercy... if you can find someone willing to give birth to you and killing you within a hour of your birth then you can become free from my punishment but you still have to bare the burden of the curse I have given you, each of you will have to leave behind a portion of yourself in the women who gives birth to you and on her ninth pregnancy all your essence will combine and condence into the new life making it a mortel hence Fulfilling my curse, it's up to the mother weather she kills or let's the ninth child live you will be free. " the Vasus came and bugged ME to be there mother and I aggried to there request I incarnated on this earth met you my king, and gave birth to the eight Vasus and fulfilled my promise by killing them and freeing them from there mortal life. I was never going to kill my ninth child I just wanted to let him bathe in my waters, but you... you did not trust me and questioned my decision and tried to stop me braking your promise. So I shall take this child with me and leave " a few tears rolled down her tender eyes, she turned around and left with the child disapearing into the flow of the river.

The unfortunate king now heartbroken and distraught loked at the disapering back of Ganga. He did not know weather he would ever get to meet his son or the mother of his son Ganga.

He stood up steeled his heart and turned around and left for his kingdom Hastinapur.