
Fate exists, it is absolute and undeniable. People you are fated to meet, you will meet even if you don't know when or where so keep calm and stay hopefull.


Three years passed.

The unfortunate king Shantanu who was once naive and so in love had grown up and became a ideal monarch. Under his rule his kingdom of Hastinapur became prosperous and it florished as Shantanu vanquished many mighty foes and ruled peacefully.

The kingdom was now at peace the people were happy but the Royal Advisers became worried as the king was turning thirty one this year and he had not taken a wife let alone making her the queen of the kingdom., he had not even taken a consort.

Three years ago the king had come back from his journey of nine years. No one knew what had happened in those nine years, as the king had travelled incognito without taking any of his plathora of servents with him, just him and his horse.

Three years ago the king had returned and taken the helm of the kingdom from his the old king, his father King Pratipa, he took charge of the politics and stabilised the kingdom.

The king was amiable and acomodating but whenever asked about the years of his journey he refused to answer.


Every year on his birthday he would go to the river bank of Ganga to conduct an ritual, calld yagya (search on google if you are curious).

This year he again went to the banks of the river Ganga to do the yagya but to his surprise when he reached near the river he found the bountiful river dry of its water. Surprised king Shantanu followed the dry river up stream and found the river water was being blocked by hundreds and thousands of arrows, the site of hundreds and thousandof arrows blocking the mighty river surprised him even more now he grew even more curious, when suddenly he heard sounds of arrows being shot and of mistical techniques being used. The brave king ran twords the noise and to horror he saw a boy fighting a woman, the women he had loved, the women who was once his wife, the women who had broken his heart, Ganga. The boy and Ganga were equally mached, both not losing a single inch to the other.

Seeing Shantanu Ganga stopped and noticing the presence of another the boy too stopped and turned around to look at the intruder. Seeing the innocent and cute yet brave and determined face of the young boy he sensed something familiar, ignoring the boy he looked at Ganga the unspoken pain in his heart was reflected in his eyes. Steeling his fragile heart and mind he questioned Ganga "The goddess of the name Ganga, who is the river itself bow down in your presence. " lifting his head he continued "I am the ruling monarch of the grate kingdom of Hastinapur Shantanu, I an forced to ask you why you have been fighting this young boy and who is this brave little one who is able to stand toe to toe with you ". Looking at Shantanu Ganga smiled replied " The boys name is Devvrat and he is your son O king". Shantanu's jaw almost touched the floor lets just say he was surprised, he looked at the boy and then Ganga and then at the boy again.