Let’s Get To Work (2)

Qian Meigui poked Song Sheng as an attempt to wake him. He stirred, groggily opening his eyes in a daze. His breath shortened, trying to breathe as his fever progressed.

Qian Meigui scooped him up, over her shoulder. "I'll take you to your old room," she said. Song Sheng nodded with his head hung low. She guided him to the second floor and supported him like dead weight. He slowly shuffled until they reached the threshold of his bedroom.

Qian Meigui opened the door, and they both entered. Nothing in his room changed, as if time stood still — all of his photos, books, journals, and agendas positioned in the same place. Memories flooded her mind, and she felt the intense feeling of nostalgia.

Whenever they stayed up studying, they always wounded up sleeping under the covers of his bed. Qian Meigui always felt most protected and safe when she was next to him. It never occurred to her that she felt something more profound, even back then.

It was when she turned twenty did he start locking his room, shutting her out and she never understood why. Slowly, he grew more distant until he disappeared entirely, forbidding her a chance to speak to him about their friendship.

As they both stumbled into the room, Qian Meigui felt Song Sheng's body grow heavier. He dropped to his knees, and tumbled down, dragging her with him.

Qian Meigui fell with a soft thud against the carpet, glancing up at the ceiling and looked over at Song Sheng who rested his body on top of her. His black hair spilled over his closed eyes, but his chest rose and fell deeply. Qian Meigui pushed him over and helped him up again. He stumbled toward his bed until he climbed under the covers.

Song Sheng felt warm, so he kicked the blankets away. Qian Meigui went to the kitchen to collect a bowl of cold water with some rags. She returned to his room and submerged the cloth into the water, squeezing, and placing it on his forehead. She dabbed another cloth to clean the sweat from his body. He trembled slightly, and she waited until his shaking stopped.

Qian Meigui then sat him up and placed some medicine in his mouth through a spoon, waiting for him to swallow the contents down. She fed him some water, and his temperature steadied.

After Qian Meigui wiped the sweat off his body, she began to stroke the hair away from his forehead gently. His tense face softened, and his breathing deepened into a sleeping rhythm. She continued to stroke his head with soothing touches. She smiled to herself. Why does Sheng always get to this point? It was not the first time.

Qian Meigui observed him. In his sleep, his reserved expressions disappear entirely, replaced a soft and gentle face. Qian Meigui reached down to grab his hand and proceeded to linger touches on his palm.

"You'll get better," she said. Qian Meigui felt his hand tighten around hers as he slept. She silently cursed him. Her thoughts travelled back to the time he kissed her—no, he almost devoured her. Had he been conscious a bit longer, they would have done more than a hungry kiss. But to him, it was the desire of the body, whereas, for her, she wanted him because he was Song Sheng.

Qian Meigui wondered how she let herself get to this point. Song Sheng was her legal brother. And though they are not blood-related, it would be considered a taboo to the outside world. Perhaps Song Sheng was right to stop what they could have done. Had they submitted to their lust, it would drive a wedge between their family, the family she is indebted.

The Song's gave her a home, a family, a new life, and acting on her feelings for Song Sheng was selfish. She never considered his emotions or the feelings of others. Now, she realized that she would have to bury him deep in her heart.


The next morning, Song Sheng woke in a familiar place. He blinked and looked around the space to recognize his old room. His body felt sore from the fever he fought overnight. Song Sheng knew he overworked himself, but he did not want to let Qian Meigui down. So he came to the Song Mansion regardless of him facing the early symptoms.

Song Sheng looked over to see Qian Meigui's upper half of her body resting next to his. She was sitting upright on a chair, and some things surrounded her—a bowl, medicine, and some cloths. He was now sure that she watched over him overnight. And he wondered why he dreamt so well. He propped his head on a fist and gazed at her. Qian Meigui's hand was close to his. Song Sheng reached out to touch the back of her palm. And his fingers danced and entwined with hers, without waking her. Qian Meigui never stirred, but he watched her until she began to lift herself.

Song Sheng quickly retreated his hand when she rose. Qian Meigui yawned, "how do you feel?" she asked.

"I'm better now," he responded with gratitude in his tone.

Qian Meigui smiled. It was the first time she had smiled in weeks. He missed her, and suddenly, he was entranced. Her smile was warm and bright, and he had to look away to cover the blooming flush on his face. Qian Meigui was someone special to him, and she could never know the depths of his feelings toward her.

Qian Meigui left and shortly returned with a tray of food and an energy drink on the side to provide him with some electrolytes. Song Jinyi and Song Jun popped into the room with her, curious and worried. At the sight of his siblings, he felt some relief. He missed the twins dearly; they were his family. And because they were ten years apart, the twins were always attached to him when they were younger.

"Are you all right?" asked Jinyi in a worried tone. Song Sheng smiled, arm locked her head, attacking her and ruffling her hair. "Ah, quit it, Sheng," she said.

"He damn well looks all right," Song Jun said.

Jinyi threw a pillow at Song Jun, interrupting his words. She then approached him, pulling him by the ear, saying "you're so rude," she said as she dragged him out of the room, leaving Qian Meigui and Song Sheng alone.

Song Sheng took the tray Qian Meigui held and began to feed himself. She watched him quietly before saying, "I'm sorry for making you work so hard."

Song Sheng lowered his spoon and looked at her directly, "It's no bother, Mei. You can ask me for help anytime," he said with a smoky and magnetic voice.

"you're willing to help me all the way?" she asked.

"Yes," he began, "I will always be there for you." Qian Meigui's lips parted, "Just I would for Song Ren and the twins."

Qian Meigui's fists clenched above her knees, and she unclasped them to prevent him from noticing. She needed confirmation, and she received it. But she can't help but feel overwhelmed with sadness.

A moment after, someone entered the room. Qian Meigui and Song Sheng both looked towards the door ajar, where Song Ren peered through. She wore a long coat over her formal dress, carrying a briefcase. Her face severe and taut as usual, but she meant business.

"Hello," Song Ren said, "I heard Sheng is helping with the case?"

"How did you—? Qian Meigui began.

"I know," Song Ren said, "And I want to know what you two have been up to," she demanded.