Why Don't You Stay? (1)

Song Ren sat on the armchair next to Song Sheng's bed. She sized her brother up and said, "so are you going to explain, or will it be Song Mei?"

"It's nice to see you too, Ren," responded Song Sheng sarcastically.

Song Ren's lips twitched, "Likewise brother."

Qian Meigui bit her lips down quickly before composing herself. She walked around the bed frame and found a space in front of Song Sheng. Qian Meigui sat and said, "I asked Sheng for help."

"I see," she began, "then it must be worst than I thought." Song Ren kept her arms crossed below her chest, calculating and thinking. She shot a glance at Qian Meigui, "What do you suspect?" she asked her with a neutral tone.

Qian Meigui straightened her back and raised her chin. "I believe that another source is trying to ruin the reputation of the company. This situation is only minor, but we can't act like every other company that blows it over and provides 'Hush money' to the plaintiff."

Qian Meigui rose to take documents from Song Sheng's nightstand, she handed them over to Song Ren and returned to her seat on the bed. "There is a pattern with similar accusations within the company. Our father—Song Rui—has been letting the legal department take these matters without looking into them properly for years. Sooner or later, an accusation, such as the case with the Jian's, might spread over the media. Then it will be difficult to control."

After Qian Meigui spoke her piece, she realized that Song Ren and Song Sheng were quiet. Song Sheng's mouth was slightly agape, stunned. While Song Ren wore a sly smile, Qian Meigui looked towards both of them, "What is it?" she asked.

"You're good," Song Ren said with a knowing smile. "What is it that you suggest I do?" she asked genuinely.

"You need to address this publicly. You are the face of Song Pharmaceuticals now, and the public needs to see the integrity of the company. Show that you care, Ren, and then our competitors will never win. Those who are trying to bring you down will only feel foolish," said Qian Meigui seriously.

Song Ren nodded, propping her elbow on the armchair, she tilted her head with a smile, "Xiao Mei, you are officially my legal representative," she said casually.

"Eh?" Qian Meigui questioned. She was not sure what this meant. She was only part of the Public Relations Department and felt comfortable with her position. "I don't have the credentials," she stated.

"You do," Song Ren said. "I know you took courses in law behind father's back." She continued, "I know that you still need the official qualifications; therefore, you need to go back to school for one more year."

Qian Meigui looked at her sister with widened eyes. The sister who helped her face bullies in school and never wavered from a fight. She recalled times when Su Feng harrassed Song Ren, and she faced him with equal measure. Qian Meigui held back her emotions, deepening her gaze and said firmly, "I accept."

"Good," Song Ren stated. Qian Meigui smiled shyly, feeling confused, excited, and anxious at the same time. She turned to face Song Sheng who gazed at her with a warm smile. Her heart lept, but she shook off the feeling. "Congratulations," he said with a deep magnetic voice.

"Thank you," She said quietly.

Qian Meigui rose, then approached the night table, "I am going to get something for Sheng," she said awkwardly before leaving the room hastily.

Song Ren nodded. After Qian Meigui left the room, she turned to face her brother. "You've been awfully quiet Sheng. Are you not happy with her promotion?" she asked, almost demanding an answer from him.

"That's not it," he said irritated. "I'm proud of Mei, more than you can believe," he confirmed.

"Then what is it?" Song Ren asked.

Song Sheng looked away from her, "It's nothing," he claimed.

"Why are you helping us?" she asked curiously, "is the Entertainment Industry not complex enough for you?"

"No. Isn't it obvious? I am doing it to help my family."

"And yet you left the Pharmaceutical company."

"Are you still angry?" Song Sheng retorted.

"No," she began to say gently, "but I feel as if you are always keeping things from me. I'm not a little girl anymore," she said.

Song Sheng looked at his sister deeply, "I know," he said. "But don't forget, we're on each other's team. So, I would never hesitate to help you."

Song Ren's gaze narrowed, "Sheng," Song Ren began with a slightly softer tone, "Don't forget I am observant. I see and know things; it's practically embedded in my mind, same as yours. Whatever you are keeping from me, I will find out soon. But all I know are fragments of Xiao Mei's past, and I can see that she's meant to be more than what our father prevented her from becoming. But it's time to stop protecting her; Xiao Mei is more than capable of taking care of herself."

Song Sheng lowered his guard. What does Song Ren know?

Song Ren rose, straightening her long coat. At the same time, Qian Meigui walked into the room, holding a thermometer.

"I will make a public announcement addressing the situation before I leave the city," she said.

"Where are you going?" Qian Meigui asked curiously. Her eyebrow rose interested in what she had to say.

"I am going to visit the Su villa," she said calmly.

Qian Meigui smiled slyly. Song Ren rolled her eyes, "That bastard wants me to meet them," she claimed. Qian Meigui's grin grew, "Don't pretend that you don't like him," she said. Song Ren's eyebrow twitched. She turned her heel, her lengthy hair swayed, "Take care you two," she said as she left the bedroom, dismissing the topic.

Qian Meigui stole a glance at Song Sheng, who was laying over the covers, and she approached him. He crossed his forearms behind his head, watching her movements. "I need to take your temperature," she said.

"Mhm," he responded.

Qian Meigui took his temperature, "you're fever has subsided. You need a bit more rest."

"Okay," he said.

Qian Meigui cleaned up the room and said, "I'll leave you to rest."

Song Sheng furrowed his brows, "why don't you stay?" he asked her.

Qian Meigui's lips parted open slightly. How can he say something like that so calm and resolute?

"All right," she finally answered.