Breaking Up Before It Began

Qian Meigui picked up the phone call. "Hello?" she answered.

"Mei. How are you doing?" Zhong Liu asked her gently.

Qian Meigui loosed a deep breath. "Mhm. I'm doing well," she said. "How are you?"

"I'm at work, but I wanted to take the time to check in on you."

Qian Meigui's lips parted. If she were to compare men, Zhong Liu was someone she wanted to give a chance to give her everything to him. But Song Sheng was someone that was in the back of her mind, that was persistent, that enveloped her thoughts even when she tried to fight it.

"Thank you," she began gently. "Can I see you later?" she asked.

Zhong Liu was surprised, but he responded coolly, "I get off at work around 5 p.m., I can pick you up from your home afterwards?" he asked.

"Mhm. See you then," Qian Meigui responded.

Qian Meigui continued to study and complete assignments. It was the afternoon when she arrived home. At the time, Song Ren and the others had woken up from their rendezvous last night.