
The next morning, Qian Meigui woke up with her heart feeling light. It was the weekend, so she had the next two days off after an exhaustive week of attending classes and completing assignments.

Still, she had to study regardless of not having school or classes. To kill time, she opened one of her textbooks and began to read.

After reading for hours, she took a break by going to the kitchen, making herself some lunch. She had no idea where Song Ren or the twins were or had been doing.

As adults, they rarely communicate with each other about where they went or how they plan their days. Since the house seemed quiet, Qian Meigui figured she was alone.

Qian Meigui ate some eggs with peppers, mushrooms, and spring onions. She also had some rice and beef in a bowl. As she was still eating, she heard someone enter the house.