
Both Qian Meigui and Song Sheng were surprised to see Song Rui home. Alarmed, Qian Meigui approached Song Ren, wondering what was going on. She then noticed Yang Rei, their mother, sitting at the armchair, watching the entire dispute.

Song Ren's eyebrows knitted tightly as if she was waging war against her own father. Song Ren was the epitome of her father, the same appearance, a similar temperament, and yet, they were different. Although Song Ren inherited most of her appearance from her father, Song Rui's eyes did not shine; it was almost as if he'd seen too much that it snuffed out over the years. Qian Meigui only hoped that none of his children would ever burn out like him.

"What's going on?" Qian Meigui asked. Song Rui appeared to be surprised by her bold question, but she did not waver. Qian Meigui was no longer that shy girl from the last time she had seen them; she was fearless, defiant, and strategic now.