
Su Feng lost his presidency. Though, the company nearly went into an uproar. None of the employees were happy with the new change. None of them knew Su Guiren.

He never once bothered to visit any of the departments while Su Feng treated his employees like friends, more than his colleagues.

It hit the tabloids — Su Feng's illegitimacy; his 'unfitness' to run the company. Song Ren had enough. What's more, was the there were now pictures leaked of her and Long Huojin at the private charity banquet on some media outlets.

There was a picture of them sipping wine and laughing. The photos were completely out of context as she was merely teasing Long Huojin for denying his feelings for another woman. It made Su Feng look like a joke. But despite everything that was happening. He appeared to be calm as he ate breakfast in front of her.

Song Ren wondered why he didn't appear too fazed about the situation. How does he keep his cool?

"How are you so calm?" she blurted out.