Why He Left

Song Sheng left Song Pharmaceuticals because of his grandfather.

When Song Sheng was in business abroad, he received a call from Song Hai. They spoke for hours talking about the companies, the feud between their divided family, and if he was ever returning.

Song Sheng was dead set on not returning for another while. He couldn't. Not when he left because Song Sheng didn't trust himself around Qian Meigui. Even before he left, they were so close to crossing the line that he had to escape.

But then Song Hai asked why Song Sheng left. Song Sheng couldn't tell him. Then, his grandfather later revealed why he didn't give Song Rui the company. His grandfather said that Song Rui was too driven and that Song Rui would limit himself in the Entertainment industry.

He then gave Song Li, the second son, Song Entertainment, because he felt that he could take it. But Song Li grew too ambitious, too greedy. His grandfather wanted him to return home.