"Thirty-two!" Gusion chimed, snapping his fingers when blue orbs appeared within the crescent shaped wall, transforming into the two usual rune monsters.
Fanny groaned at the sight of the annoying species in front of her—and no, we're not talking about the jungle monsters. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?" she asked, turning to the monster and stabbing the glowing amethyst on its head.
"That's what I'm supposed to ask you, madame," Gusion chuckled, leaning his back on the wall and crossing his arms, kicking the smaller monster away from him. "I'm the midlaner—so I think I'm supposed to get the top buff for easier rotation."
"Uuh huh—" Fanny rolled her eyes as she swung her sword to cut off the limbs of the monster to stop it from attacking her. "—not gonna happen."
Helpless, the creature fell to the ground, unable to move. Fanny twisted her sword, loosening the hold of the monster's head on the amethyst. Just as Fanny was about to take the enchanted stone, a glowing dagger was thrown onto it, jabbing the monster and making the gem roll down to Gusion's foot.
He bent down to take the amethyst, but the sharp blade of Fanny's sword stopped his hand. "Stop wasting your time here if you don't want your ro-ta-tion to be delayed," said Fanny.
Gusion snickered, "Alright, calm down. I'll leave for your sake, I wouldn't want my handsome face to trouble you, m'lady."
"The fact that you're alive is enough to piss me off," Fanny retorted, shoving the amethyst into her pocket. The ground beneath Fanny shook slightly; a blue glow emitted from the dirt, forming a ring around her. The buff made her feel lighter.
Quickly, Fanny left the area before the brunet could say anything else to put her off. "Tsk, that annoying woman," Gusion clicked his tongue before running to the stone monster in the bottom jungle.
Minotaur walked to him, handing Gusion the glowing topaz whilst trying to heal the health he lost, "Who the HELL makes the tank take care of the buff alone?"
Gusion grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, "Ah, sorry about that—I should've come sooner."
× × × × ×
"First blood!"
Claude's body disappeared into small red orbs, getting ready to resurrect. Fanny smiled and skipped toward the crab—what an easy kill! She stabbed the crab, red orbs appearing in place of blood. If this was a real creature, she wouldn't have even thought of hurting it—but it wasn't, it was still just a mere fragment of this "world" that she was in.
Hearing footsteps approach her, she slayed the crab with one swing of her sword before retreating into the bush. She peeked from the tall grass, her swords ready in case of an ambush.
"Seriously, why do I have to go against this woman again—she's an assassin for Prometheus' sake!"
"Exactly why I was sent to go with you, Claude," Diggie hopped alongside the marksman, "Don't worry, I think I'll be able to counter Fanny."
A grin appeared on Fanny's face, taking in Diggie's words as a challenge. She pulled on her gear's trigger, sending out a cable on the wall right beside Claude's head. Diggie cried in fear before retreating the other way, "Claude, RUN!"
"Run?" Claude repeated in confusion and turned to look at Diggie. But Diggie was nowhere to be seen, instead, centimeters before Claude's eyes was steel, a cable made of steel—and that alone almost made Claude piss himself. He teleported to Dexter's holographic clone and sighed. "Thank Prometheus."
Panicked, Dexter nudged Claude to look where he was pointing, which he did. Fanny laughed at his face, "Did you really think—" Fanny grunted, pulling the trigger once more and shot out the fifth cable, "—that you'd be able to escape me?"
The assassin flew towards Claude and swung her blades in a circular motion—giving claude a huge gash on his arm. Fanny fell back outside of the enemy turret's range, and placed her hands on her hips.
"Ha, that doesn't hurt, does it?" she panted, wiping the sweat off of her forehead.
Claude stared at the holographic blood on his arm, "Of course not," he shrugged, "What hurts me is the fact that the enemy is worried about me."
Fanny scoffed, "Oh, do I really seem like a wuss, worried about hurting someone?"
"Well, you aren't a wuss, that's for sure," Claude chuckled, shooting the blue creeps, "I know that you know very well how this world works, you wouldn't even think twice about hurting the enemy. But what hurts my pride is to be beaten by a girl."
"Aw," Fanny laughed, "Don't worry—if by chance we reach late game, we'd be paper to you."
A blade is thrown to Claude, jabbing his chest. Gusion appeared in front of Claude, a look of distaste in his eyes.
"You don't have to worry," he said, voice dripping with venom, "Fanny's not gonna be the one to kill you anyway!"
Five daggers embed themselves into the ground behind Claude, a visible white glow emitting from the blades, "Bye-bye," Gusion whispered, and with a flick of his finger, the blades flew back towards him, piercing the thief's back.
"An enemy has been slain!" the announcer's voice echoed throughout the dome as Claude's body, once again, disappeared into red orbs.
"Seriously?" Fanny snapped, sending a sharp glare at the assassin before her. "We were talking, if you couldn't already see that!"
"Huh?" Gusion hummed, tilting his head in a taunting manner, "Chatting with the enemy during a battle? That's new."
"I'm sure that's new to someone like you," she spat in annoyance, "you antisocial narcissistic asshole!"
Gusion feigned hurt, placing his hand on his heart, "Ouch. . That was harsh."
"Just go back to your lane," Fanny waved him off, "I've already taken the crab here, your rotation was a waste."
"That's exactly what I told him," Minotaur sighed, shaking his head, "but he insisted, so I just went with him."
Fanny stared at the beast, it didn't take a genius to figure out that he was angry. "You know, you should really listen to your tank," she scolded, turning her gaze to the creeps that were jabbing her leg, "He seems a lot more smarter than you are, Gusion."
"Why do you keep on insulting me?" Gusion whimpered, "I've never encountered a woman that I couldn't woo from a single look!"
"Sorry, but I'm not one to go for the looks. Maybe if you show a little decency from your personality, I'd consider you as a person worthy of my time."
"Requesting backup at the bottom lane!"
Minotaur looked at the holographic map at the sky, and sure enough, their bottom lane was getting ganked. "We have to go, Gusion," he said, pulling at the male's shirt.
"Alright," Gusion brushed Minotaur's hand off of his back. He turns to Fanny, "We're going."
"Finally!" Fanny exclaimed with a mocking tone, "Just leave."
Gusion stayed silent, turning about and running along with the tank. "She's seriously insensitive," he comments, getting his daggers ready for battle.