"Shogyo Mugyo!" A girl chants to her umbrella attempting to cast a magic spell
"I'm not making any progress! I cant even feel a magical aura anymore!" She utters to herself, frustrated at her spell's results
"Kagura! Your friend is here!" Her motherly voice calls out
"A friend?" Kagura said as she ran to the door hesitant to open it, tightening her grip on the door knob
"Wait... It can't be him!" She utters to herself as she slowly opens the door
"Good evening" a boy waves at Kagura, greeting her with a smile
"Hayabusa!? I thought you were going to have a match with one of the ninjas from Scarlet sect?" Kagura asked
"I won but to be honest she almost broke my arm." Hayabusa answered
"She?" Kagura said looking oddly puzzled
"Yeah. It was a girl. I still can't believe a person from the Scarlet sect could be that strong. She was pretty too" Hayabusa mumbled to himself
"That's what you get for being so confident you'd win. You're not the only strong ninja in the world, you know. You should never look down on anyone!" Kagura explained, crossing her arms.
"Yeah yeah. Stop it with that corny stuff" Hayabusa utters rolling his eyes
"C-corny!?" Kagura said, as she turned around and shut the door on Hayabusa face, clearly offended by Hayabusa's statement
"Haha. You look cute when you're mad, shortie" Hayabusa giggled at Kagura's actions
"Shortie!? I swear, if you don't stop insulting me like that, I just might snap and put you inside my umbrella! And I'm only fifteen, I'm still growing!" Kagura said behind the door with an annoyed tone.
"I definitely believe in the FACT that you will still grow" Hayabusa said, clearly joking and sarcastic
"Oh, so we're being sarcastic now?" Kagura said, still anoyed
"Fine fine. I'll comeback tomorrow if you want. I'm pretty exhausted so I'll head home now. Bye!" He said, taking his leave
Kagura walked back to her room, losing all motivation to practice casting spells again. She laid on her bed with her hands over her eyes whispering to herself, "A pretty girl? How dense and shallow can you get, you charming idiot"
Kagura, the most talented mage in town, master of the Ying and Yang arts, and Hayabus, the Shadow sect's most skilled ninja have been the best of friends since they were kids. Kagura always saw Hayabusa as more than just a friend but unfortunately Hayabusa lacks that time to think about such things, too focused on getting stronger and progressing with his techniques.
Hayabusa walked towards his home, he saw a figure of a girl standing infront of his door step. As he went closer he recognised the mysterious person, it was the girl from na Scarlet sect he fought earlier.
"You need something?" Hayabusa asked, standing behind the girl tapping her shoulder
"M-my name is Hanabi! Please agree to have rematch!" Hanabi shouted shortly before formally bowing
"Hayabusa" He said
"Huh?" Hanabi said with confusion
"My name is Hayabusa. You said you wanted to have a match again?" Hayabusa asked
"Y-yes!" She said while her face became red as a tomato
"It's not that I'm turning down your offer but... aren't you tired?" He asked, while unlocking the door to his house
"Tired? Oh, please a single battle like that hasn't used out even a fraction of my energy" Hanabi lied. She was hurt knowing that her overconfidence got the best of her
"If you say so. But I have to refuse for now, I don't really have anything to gain by battling with you" Hayabusa uttered as he grabs the door knob to enter the house only to be stopped by Hanabi in the middle of the process.
Hanabi blocked the entrance. "Listen, I didn't come all the way here just to take "no" for an answer. Meet me here tomorrow, 5pm sharp", she said with a loud voice, her eyebrows meeting. She left not waiting for Hayabusa's answer.
Hayabusa stared into Hanabi's direction, her silhouette getting farther and farther, blurrier and blurrier. He walked in his house before being greeted by his pet dog.
"Aww...you missed me, Cherry?" Hayabusa pets the dog, calling out it's name. Hayabusa walks towards the living room to sit down on the sofa, resting his chin on his hand.
"Maybe I'll go..." Hayabusa utters as he falls asleep
"Three warriors? Destined to beat me?" A deep voice said, tightening their grip on a gigantic sword, "Haha...Hahahahaha don't make me laugh with impossible remarks. I have battled faith many times in the past and I always claimed victory. I'm not afraid to go to war again..."