(Hello everyone! So, this is a fanfic that I've been working on for a while now. I borrowed several elements from Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. This is my first fanfic on this site, so constructive criticism is welcome. Appreciate!)
"Kill them all," said the strange talking man on the even stranger horse.
Gendry was standing next to Lord Eddard Stark in the muddy street of a small village near the eastern shore of Gods Eye as the strange man Lord Stark had called Vargo Hoat ordered his men to take Stark unharmed and kill the boys with him. Gendry was one of those boys, though he looked more like a man. At fifteen years of age he was as tall as Stark, and was stocky and well-muscled, his right arm bigger than his left from seven years of pounding metal with a hammer he now held tight in his right hand. His bulls head helmet was in his left, and he now put it on his head, covering his thick mop of coal black hair. Gendry had deep blue eyes, and wore a two week old growth of beard on his face, dark and getting thicker. He gritted his teeth and prepared to do battle once again. It seemed like he had done nothing but run from danger, and fight, since he had left King's Landing not two weeks ago.
He was the cause of some of the danger. The King had sent men to kill him because he was a bastard, son of the dead King Robert Baratheon. Nothing had shocked him as much in his whole life as when Lord Stark had told him the dead king was his father. He still didn't quite believe it. A long time he had sat on the ground in the forest after Stark told him this news. It couldn't be true. It just couldn't be. But the more he thought on it the more he was coming around to believing it was true. Jon Arryn had come to see him in the Street of Steel at Master Mott's shop. Then Ned Stark, both asking questions about his mother, long since dead. He barely remembered her. He didn't understand why they were asking about her and when he asked Master Mott he told him to mind his work and forget about it.
But others wouldn't forget about it. After his master kicked him out and told him to join the Night's Watch others came looking for him to take him back to Kings Landing. Or kill him. First the gold cloaks, and then that lot that tried to kill them a few days ago. He'd be dead too, if it wasn't for Arry. Arya, he had to remember. She was Arya Stark, lady of Winterfell, not Arry the orphan boy who had short greasy hair and dirt under his, her, fingernails. Some lady! Gendry had seen high born ladies before in his master's shop. They were always dressed properly for a lady, had beautiful hair and nice smiles and smelled nice and made him blush when they commented on the size of his arms. They didn't call him a liar or punch his arm when they got mad. Not like Arya.
She was different in so many ways. She was short, with short ugly hair, a face like her father's, and a fierce toughness to her. Most of all though, she had killed, and he was sure those ladies in King's Landing had never killed even a mouse in their lives and would cry over a broken fingernail. Not Arya. Gendry thought she was a liar when she told him she had killed a boy in King's Landing. Now he was sure she wasn't lying about that. She had saved him from a gold cloak at the holdfast. She had stabbed him and killed him before he could kill Gendry. She had told him to free the prisoners from their cage and he had done it. She talked to Jaqen, she told him to find her father. She told them to wait for Jaqen to come back no matter how much he and Hot Pie and Lommy had wanted to leave the village. She became their leader, a little girl of ten. Maybe ten. He wasn't quite sure how old she was. The funny thing was they followed her and did almost everything she had asked.
Then Jaqen did come back with her father before leaving them. For a brief moment Gendry thought all the running was done. Lord Stark was with Tyrion Lannister and over two hundred men, who would protect them and take them safe to Harrenhal and then maybe they would even get to Winterfell. Lord Stark promised them all work and a place to live.
But it all was for nothing. Now they would surely die in this street. Over twenty strange looking armed men appeared out of the mist. Some were on horses, others on strange black and white striped animals that looked sort of like a horse. They had many weapons, swords, crossbows, short bows, maces, morning stars, spears, and the odd curved weapon the Dothraki held. Gendry had never seen the like before.
Stark talked to them, asked for their help. Oh, they would help Stark alright. He was a lord after all. But not these boys. They had to die. But not without a fight.
Without thinking Gendry stepped in front of Arya as soon as Hoat ordered them to die. He had heard her gasp slightly as Hoat told his men to kill them. The man Ned Stark said was a Dothraki smiled wickedly and raised his curved weapon and seemed set to charge when Stark spoke quickly.
"You and your lot lay a hand on any of these boys and I will kill all of you! I swear by all the gods, old and new!" Stark growled at the men.
There was a terrible lingering silence that seemed to go on forever and then the Dothraki laughed and then more men laughed as they rode their horses and strange animals up closer to Hoat. But not Hoat, he didn't laugh at all.
"Who are they to you?" Hoat asked, a puzzled look on his thin face.
"My wards," Stark replied in a firm and commanding tone. He sounded like a lord should, Gendry thought. You had to if you were a lord or no one would listen to you. "I swore to protect them. Tyrion Lannister knows they are with me. If they die I'll tell him who did it and he'll tell his father and there will be retribution. You know what kind of retribution Tywin Lannister pays those who wrong him?"
Hoat nodded. "I have heard of the Lannithter notion of retribution. Very well, Lord Thtark, you and your wardth can…"
Suddenly there was a thwang sound from the mist that still partially surrounded them. An arrow sprouted from the belly of a strange man with a three pronged forked beard colored green. He let out a soft "Oh," sound and then fell from the saddle of his horse into the street. Another arrow zipped close by Hoat's head and then two more men fell from arrows, one of them the Dothraki.
"It's a trap!" yelled one of Hoat's men.
"Dondarrion!" Hoat screamed in fury. His fierce eyes blazed at Stark as he drew out a long sword. "Thtark tricked uth! Kill them all!"
Several of Hoat's men started to lift bows and crossbows and fired arrows and bolts at them as Hoat and others prepared to charge.
"Get back in the house!" Stark yelled at them all and Gendry didn't need any more encouragement. He turned and ran and was first to the door, hitting it hard with his shoulder and then falling in the doorway but landed well inside the house, his helmet flying from his head and landing near the fireplace. Arya tripped over him and landed in front of him, and then Hot Pie dove over the two of them, landing with a heavy thud by the table where they had breakfast not twenty minutes ago. There was a loud scream and then Lommy came in, falling over them all, shoved inside quickly by Stark who closed the door behind him just as an arrow hit it.
"The table!" Stark shouted to Gendry, and Gendry got up and grabbed the table and in one swift move in his strong arms lifted it and pushed it against the door.
Outside they heard screams and yells and swords clashed and horse hooves pounded, but no one came near the house.
"Lommy!" Arya said with a small cry from the floor. "Father, he's hurt!"
Gendry and Ned Stark looked around and Lommy was lying on the floor on his right side by the fireplace with Hot Pie and Arya bent over him. A crossbow bolt was buried deep in his back on the left side up high and blood was seeping out, soaking his back and the floor under him.
Stark bent to Lommy and looked at the wound. Lommy was paler that he normally was and his eyes were wet and he blinked rapidly.
"It hurts," he gasped and blood flecked at the corners of his mouth.
"Aye, lad, I know it does," said Stark in a gentle tone.
"Do something!" Hot Pie said in despair, looking at them.
But Lommy's eyes had stopped blinking and his head dropped and Gendry knew he was dead. Arya was sitting next to Gendry and she stifled a small cry and grabbed his left arm tight. He looked at her and her eyes were wet and he saw fear and anger there. She quickly took her hand off his arm and rubbed her eyes just as quickly. Ned Stark reached over and closed Lommy's eyes forever.
"No," said Hot Pie as he sniffled and Stark placed a hand on his shoulder. "He's gone, lad."
Then someone pounded on the door to the house. "Open up in there! In the name of the King!'
Stark stood and went to the door, and Gendry and Arya were right behind him with weapons out. "And what king would that be?" Stark asked through the door.
"King Robert, the only true king. Pity he is dead," came the voice.
"I know that voice," said Stark, and strangely, Gendry thought he did, too.
Stark looked at the table and Gendry pulled it away and then Stark opened the door. A large fat man in wine colored robes under his armor and carrying a large sword stood there. He did a double take and then broke into a broad smile.
"By the Light of R'hllor! Eddard Stark!" said Thoros of Myr with a gale of laughter.
"Thoros!" Stark said as he shook the fat priest's hand and clapped him on the shoulder. He turned to them. "Come on out, these are our friends."
"Friends who got Lommy killed!" said Arya hotly. "Hoat was going to take us to the Imp's camp!"
"What's this boy?" Thoros asked in surprise. "The Imp?"
Stark sighed. "It's a long story. Where's Dondarrion? Is he dead? We've heard rumors."
"Not dead," said Thoros in a serious tone. "Not yet, anyways. Come."
They left the house and outside saw a scene of battle just ended. Six of Vargo Hoat's men lay dead or dieing in the street, and the rest were gone. The mist was clearing up and they could see many men, some looking at the dead on the ground, others chasing down Hoat's dead men's horses and the strange striped animals, and a third larger group were at the end of the street where Hoat's men must have fled. Some were on horse back and others on foot. All were in different clothing and different kinds of armor and all had weapons.
"You have any losses?" Stark asked the red priest.
"No," he replied. "Thank the Lord of Light."
Stark looked around. "Where's Dondarrion?"
"Dondarrion is not with us this fine morning. We were foraging yesterday when we spotted Hoat's group last night, camped nearby. I sent a rider back to fetch the rest of our brotherhood. But Hoat moved early this morning so we were tracking them. This small group got separated from his main group in the mist. But I feared they were about to attack you so I decided we had better do something about it."
"They were going to let us go!" Arya said loudly.
Ned Stark quickly told Thoros the story. "More than two hundred men?" Thoros said in surprise when Stark told him about Tyrion Lannister's camp.
"Aye, closer to three hundred now. Including knights, Lannister cavalry and a band of wild hill folk from the Vale. They'll be looking for us. I came out to find these lost boys last night."
"Why is that?" Thoros asked.
Before he could answer another man approached them. "Lord Stark?" he said in surprise.
"Harwin?" Stark said as the man dipped his head in respect. He was young man, rather common looking. "Good to see you, lad."
"And you, my lord," Harwin said. He had an anxious look on his face. "What news of my father?"
Stark's face took on a sad demeanor. "I'm sorry, lad. The Lannisters killed him."
Harwin turned ashen. "Are you sure, my lord?"
"I saw him," said Arya quietly. "By the stables. He was dead. Everyone was dead." Gendry thought they must have been talking about what had happened in King's Landing the day Ned Stark was arrested.
The man called Harwin looked closely at Arya. "Who are you b…Seven hells…is it…" Harwin began but Stark grabbed his arm.
"Aye, and best be keeping that to yourself."
"Yes, my lord," Harwin said quickly as Stark let go of his arm.
Thoros looked from one to the other in puzzlement but said nothing and then looked at Arya and Gendry. For an instant his eyes stopped on Gendry and he got a puzzled look. "You remind me of someone. Do I know you?"
"You came into my master's shop in the Street of Steel a few times," Gendry said.
Thoros nodded. "Master Mott."
"Yes, my lord."
Thoros looked like he wanted to say more but then he turned to Stark. "Hoat will be back with his main force soon enough. And if Tyrion Lannister is looking for you also we best be leaving here," Thoros said. "Dondarrion will want words with you. We should leave now."
"I'm not coming," said Stark and Thoros and Harwin exchanged surprised looks.
"Lord Stark, we can't let you be taken prisoner again," Thoros said.
"I told you I was not a prisoner," Stark said. "I'm trying to help end this war and see my family safe. I'm going to Harrenhal to negotiate with Tywin Lannister and then to Riverrun to bring peace terms to Robb."
Harwin spit on the ground. "May the Others take the Lannisters," he said fiercely.
"I know your pain, Harwin," said Stark gently. "We lost many good people in King's Landing along with your father. But how many more must die? I will negotiate for your pardons as well. All of you."
Thoros snorted. "We left King's Landing under your command to bring the king's justice to Gregor Clegane. But King Robert is dead now. Most of our men are dead now. They arrested you for treason, killed all your people. The land is in chaos, the small folk are bleeding. And you are going to negotiate? With Tywin Lannister? You know what he is like, Lord Stark. He will not forget your son raised an army against him. He will not forget your wife took the Imp hostage. The song "The Rains of Castemere" is not based on a myth!"
Stark sighed wearily. "Aye. But we need time, Thoros. Renly and Stannis Baratheon are building their forces. You understand what that means?"
"Yes," the red priest answered. "War is not over yet."
"Aye," said Stark. And then a man came running up to their small group.
"I saw some cavalry coming through the farmer's fields from the south," he told them in a hurry. "Lannister colors and banners."
"That would be the Imp," said Stark.
"Come with us," Harwin asked, almost pleading, looking at Stark and then his daughter. "You can't trust the Lannisters, my lord."
"No," said Stark. "But they still have Sansa as hostage so I must suffer them for a little while longer at least. May the gods protect you."
"God," said Thoros solemnly. "One god, Lord Eddard Stark. May you walk in his light."
Thoros turned without another word and shouted to his men. "Time to leave!" And quick as that they started to melt off towards the north, moving through the fields until they hit a tree line and disappeared. Not five minutes later a bunch of horsemen came in from the south. In front was a dark haired, tough looking man in black leather armor. Next to him was a tall man in Lannister colors carrying a lance. Twenty other Lannister cavalry men came with them, riding hard into the village.
"Lord Imp is mightily pissed this morning," said the man in leather armor to Ned Stark as he jumped down from his saddle. "What happened here?"
Stark went off to talk to them, leaving Gendry, Hot Pie, and Arya alone. "Let's get Lommy," Gendry said after a few moments.
They went back in the house and Lommy was still laying there, blood around his body. Gendry bent to him and wrapped his strong right hand around the crossbow bolt and gave a sharp tug. It came out dripping in blood and Hot Pie gave a small wail. Arya said nothing and her eyes had an intense look of anger in them. Gendry threw the bolt on the floor. Arya found a blanket and they gently rolled Lommy's body in it, avoiding the blood stain as best they could, and then carried him outside.
"We should dig a grave," said Arya in a quiet voice.
"Yes," said Hot Pie as he sniffled. "He was my friend. He needs a grave."
"There was a shovel in the forge," said Gendry. He stood and started walking toward the small building with the forge they had found the day before, where he had removed Jaqen's manacles.
Lord Stark shouted at him. "Where are you going?"
"To get a shovel to bury Lommy."
"Aye. Don't wander far."
He found the shovel and then as Arya carried it he and Hot Pie took Lommy's body in the blanket to a small patch of open ground between two thatched roofed houses.
"This will do," Gendry said and then he started to dig. It felt good digging, doing work, making his body move. He always felt good when he got into a rhythm with his hammer, pounding on metal. This was no different.
"They killed him," said Arya in anger from where she sat on the ground nearby. "If Thoros and Harwin and the others hadn't attacked, Hoat would have taken us to the Imp. Hoat thought we tricked him. That's why they shot Lommy."
"Maybe he would have taken us," said Hot Pie. He was sitting on the ground as well, his back leaning against one of the small houses.
"He said he was," Gendry told them. "Well, he was going to say it. Who is Hoat anyway?"
"Don't know," said Arya. "Funny looking man."
"He talked funny, too," Hot Pie added. "Who were those that attacked them?"
"Beric Dondarrion's men," Arya answered. "My father sent them out weeks ago to find the Mountain."
"What mountain?" Hot Pie asked. "There's no mountains around here. Is there?"
"The Mountain," Arya said with a shake of her head. "His real name is Gregor Clegane. He's the Hound's brother."
"Hound, everyone calls him the Hound. He's name is Sandor…I think. Anyway, he's Joffrey's dog, so people call him the Hound. I think. I mean, he protects Joffrey. The Hound killed my friend Mycah so one day I'm going to kill him."
Gendry had to laugh at how silly she was. Killing men in the dark in the chaos of battle was one thing but the Hound was a monster. He knew who the Hound was, had seen him in King's Landing. No, Arya, he said to himself, you don't want to bother that dog.
"I will too!" she said fiercely after he had laughed. "Him, and Cersei, and Joffrey, all of them. They are liars and…"
"You best not say anything to anyone about that," Gendry told her quickly as he dropped a shovel full of dirt on the growing pile. "Especially Tyrion Lannister. And your father."
"Maybe he will kill them first," she said with a small grin.
"Who's Dondarrion?" Hot Pie asked again.
She sighed. "Look. The Mountain started killing people. Dondarrion is a lord. My father sent Dondarrion and a bunch of men to stop the Mountain. That's how the war started." She chewed her bottom lip. "Maybe."
"Oh," said Hot Pie. "I got it. I think."
Arya suddenly laughed a bit. "My sister's friend Jeyne Poole said Dondarrion was handsome."
"You've got a sister?" Hot Pie asked in surprise.
"Stupid," Gendry said to him. "Lord Stark told us last night Arya's sister was a prisoner in King's Landing. Of course, she has a sister."
"And three brothers. No, four," Arya said quickly.
"Is it three or four?" Hot Pie asked.
"Four. Definitely four," Arya told him.
"One's like me," Gendry said as he dug deeper, piling more dirt to one side.
Hot Pie looked puzzled. "He's a smith, too?"
"No. A bastard," Gendry told him.
"Stop calling him that!" Arya scolded him in a fierce tone
Gendry stopped digging and looked at her. "Sorry, my…sorry." She had that fierce look in her grey eyes but then it softened and he started digging again.
"Who was the man in red? He knew you, Gendry," Hot Pie said next. He was full of questions, Gendry thought, too many questions. Maybe he just wanted to talk so he didn't have to think about Lommy.
"Thoros. He's a red priest. From Myr, people said."
"One of the Free Cities," Arya added.
"What's a red priest?" Hot Pie asked next. Gendry just wished he shut up but Arya answered his question. Maybe she didn't want to think about Lommy and what they were really doing here as well.
"I think they believe in only one god," she said. "Got something to do with fire."
"I met him before, in King's Landing," Gendry told them as he started digging again. He found two big rocks and picked them up and put them on the dirt pile. "He used to come into my master's shop to get his swords made. He liked flaming swords but the flames ruined the blades."
"My father told us Thoros used a flaming sword when he attacked the Greyjoys at Pyke," Arya told them.
Then Hot Pie asked about that and Arya told them as much as she could remember about the Greyjoys and their rebellion and about Theon, her father's ward. She used to think Theon was one of her brothers since he had come to Winterfell at the time she was born so he was always there as far she as she knew but when she got older she soon learned he was a hostage to his father's word not to rebel again.
After that they grew quiet and the only sound was Gendry's shovel as he dug.
"It's not fair," said Hot Pie suddenly. Gendry saw Hot Pie looking at Lommy's body. "Lommy never hurt anyone. He just stole a few things. He wanted to go to Winterfell, too."
"Bad luck is all," said Gendry. "That crossbow bolt could have hit anyone of us."
Hot Pie gulped. "It could have."
"The hole is deep enough," said Arya suddenly as she stood.
"That it is," Gendry answered as he stepped out of the almost three foot deep hole he had dug. He handed Arya the shovel and then he and Hot Pie gently placed the body into the hole and Gendry took back the shovel and started covering it with dirt. Arya and Hot Pie helped him by pushing the dirt in with their hands. Just as they finished they heard several people approaching. It was Lord Stark, with the man in leather armor, and Tyrion Lannister, all of them on foot.
Gendry had seen the man everyone called the Imp a few times in King's Landing before but not from this close up. He was short, and ugly to be sure. His forehead jutted out over his mismatched eyes, and his legs looked a bit twisted, and he waddled when he walked. But he still held his head high.
"Ah, just in time for a funeral," said Tyrion Lannister. "And who is the dear departed?"
"Lommy…my lord," said Gendry.
"Do carry on," said Tyrion.
"We should say a few words," Arya told them. "I…I don't know what to say."
"May the gods look after him in death more than they did in life," said her father solemnly.
"That sounded good," said Hot Pie in a choked voice as he wiped away a tear. "Thank you, my lord."
"And now to business," said Tyrion after an awkward moment of silence. "Lord Stark has informed me of his adventures that brought him to this village last night. I wish he had told me so I could have provided a proper escort for him. But that is moot now. You three will be coming with us to Harrenhal and if things go well you may continue your journey to Winterfell. My name is Tyrion Lannister of Casterly Rock, by the way. And you are?" His eyes were on Hot Pie as he asked the question.
"Hot Pie…my lord," Hot Pie told him nervously. "Everyone calls me Hot Pie."
"Can you bake a hot pie, Hot Pie?" the man in leather asked with a smirk.
"Yes, my lord," Hot Pie replied.
"He's not a lord," Stark told them.
"Not yet," said Tyrion. "May I introduce Bronn, who is in my employ. He has many duties, including saving my life from time to time and swimming through sewers to bring glory to the both of us."
"Never again," the man called Bronn said with a wrinkle of his nose. Gendry had no idea what they were talking about.
"Let us hope not," said Tyrion. He cast his mismatched eyes on Gendry next. "Yes, I can see it." He turned to look at Lord Stark and then back to Gendry. "You are Gendry, correct?"
"Yes, my lord." Stark said the Imp knew who he was but Gendry was still surprised by him recognizing him.
"I heard you are a good armorer."
"Not bad, my lord."
"Modest, too," Tyrion said with raised eyebrows. "Quite unlike your father. Well, you can smith for my father at Harrenhal till the war is over and Lord Stark brings you north to Winterfell as he told me he promised."
"Do my best, my lord."
"Good." Then Tyrion cast his eyes on Arya. "Yes, I can see how many were fooled. I would have been myself if I didn't know who you were, Lady Stark."
"I'm not a…I'm not a lady, my lord," she answered, her tone respectful.
"No? Well, a good bath and a change of clothing at Harrenhal will set that to rights."
Arya made a sour face and Gendry thought she was going to yell at the Imp but she held her tongue.
"Now before we join the rest of my men I must warn you to remain quiet about your true identities," Tyrion said, his eyes moving from Gendry to Arya. "The fewer people who know who you are the better. As of now, Bronn and my squire Podrick know and that is all. It is still many days travel to Harrenhal. Podrick will find you food and bedding when we stop. Arya, try to pretend Lord Stark is not your father."
"I can do that…my lord."
"We've had some practice," Ned Stark added.
"Good," Tyrion replied. And then he looked at them again. "Lord Stark tells me you were riding donkeys from King's Landing. We so happened to have a few, yours I believe. So let us mount up and be on our way."
Gendry retrieved his helmet from the house and then they found their donkeys and mounted up. Gendry looked around at the mass of people Tyrion had with him. A large bunch of Lannister men on horseback with lances, and many strange large men and women in furs and leathers. One woman had a chain of something around her neck which Gendry thought looked like human ears. No, that couldn't be right. There were also several wagons, loaded with supplies. Lord Stark was about to get into one of these wagons when a shout came from the front of their large group. A minute later Vargo Hoat and with a much larger party than before came in on the track from the east. Gendry, Arya, and Hot Pie sat on their donkeys nearby as Lord Stark stood and Tyrion, Bronn, and the tall man in Lannister colors met Hoat in the street on horseback.
"Lord Tyrion," Hoat said with a nod of his head.
"Lord Hoat I presume," Tyrion replied. "My father tells me great things about you."
"Lord Tywin ith too kind," Hoat said and then he stared at Stark. "Why are you helping thith traitor?"
"Traitor, is it?" Stark said with a growl. "Your men killed one of the boys I swore to protect."
"You laid a trap for uth! Thix of my men are dead!" He waved his long thin arm toward the six bodies which had been laid out near one of the houses.
"Lord Stark has explained what has happened," Tyrion told Hoat. "He was unaware that Dondarrion's men were close by. They told Lord Stark that they were tracking you. You led them to this village. Stark was unaware of their presence. They attacked because you threatened Lord Stark's group."
"I call Lord Thtark a liar," said Hoat with a twisted angry look on his face.
"Get off your ugly horse and put steel in your hand and we'll see who the liar is," Stark declared. Arya took a small sharp inhale of breath as her father said this. Hoat smiled and started to take out his sword when Tyrion tried to put an end to it.
"Enough!" Tyrion Lannister said, glaring at Stark and Hoat in turn. "What is done is done. Lord Hoat I believe my father is paying you handsomely to find Dondarrion and his men. They are but thirty minutes ride to the north. If you hurry you may yet catch them."
"I will first have juthtice for my dead men with Thtark's blood," Hoat declared pulling out his sword the rest of the way. In an instant Bronn had his sword out and moved his horse between Hoat and Tyrion.
"Best put that away before you cut yourself," Bronn told him calmly. Here was a man who was not afraid of much Gendry decided.
"Out of the way thellthword!" Hoat shouted and slobbered. "Thomeone give Thtark a thword!"
"Aye," Stark said with what Gendry took to be glee. "Let it be done."
"No," said Arya but not loud enough for anyone up front to hear her. "He's hurt." She started to move her donkey forward but Gendry grabbed its bridle. "Stay put!" he said to her in a fierce whisper. She glared at him but did not fight him.
"Stark did not kill them!" Tyrion told Hoat loudly. Then he waved his short arm around. "Lord Hoat, I have twice your numbers! If you do not put away your sword I will order my men to kill every last one of you and your Brave Companions. Starting with you. Bronn."
"Be my pleasure," said the dark haired sellsword.
For a second there was real tension in the air. No one moved. Gendry thought Bronn was about to attack Hoat but then Hoat put away his sword.
"Thith ith not over Thtark!" he yelled.
"I'll be at Harrenhal when you're ready to say hello to the Stranger," Stark told him.
Hoat said nothing but fury was on his face as he turned his funny looking horse around, waved to his men and in a few minutes they had ridden out to the north, looking for Dondarrion's men Gendry guessed.
"That was fun," said Bronn as he put away his sword. He looked at Stark. "Sure you can fight with that leg?"
"Aye," said Stark. He looked up at Tyrion. "You tell your father that Hoat is a dangerous dog who should be put down."
"Oh, he knows," said Tyrion. "I do not believe Lord Hoat will be much longer in my father's employ. Maybe we'll get lucky and Lord Hoat's men will decide to geld him and elect a new leader after this little drama. If not you can kill him if you want. I care not. But not till the war is ended. I still have need of you, alive. Let's move while the weather is good and the day is still young."
After that Stark got back on his wagon and they started to move. Gendry, Arya and Hot Pie rode next to Stark's wagon but there were too many Lannister men about, behind them and forming a rear guard so it was hard to talk to Stark.
They made good progress that day, moving on tracks and narrow roads where they could, passing by more burned out villages, and finding more than a few dead bodies. Those that could had fled and the countryside was very quiet. The first night they made camp in an open field. Gendry, Arya, and Hot Pie were sitting by themselves around a small fire near the wagons, eating bread and cheese and dried beef, washed down with mugs of ale Tryion's squire Pod had brought them. As they ate, Pod came back to them.
"My lord wishes to see Gendry," he said.
"I'm Gendry," Gendry said as he stood. He followed Pod back through the camp until they came to a large red tent with two guards outside it. Pod let him inside the tent. There at a small table sat Tyrion, Lord Stark, and Bronn with the remains of their supper and cups of wine.
"Ah, thank you Pod," Tyrion said. "You may leave us but do come back in a while for the dishes. And bring my bed warmer as well."
"Yes, my lord," Pod said and then he left.
Gendry waited and then Tyrion spoke to him. "So you say you are a good armorer. My armor needs repairs."
Tyrion nodded to a wooden chest were a small suit of plate armor rested, breast plate, back plate and separated pieces of armor to protect the arms. Gendry picked it up and looked it over and then saw the damage to the right elbow.
"What did this, my lord?" he asked.
"A Stark morning star on the Green Fork. From Ser Geoff...something or other."
"He's dead now," Bronn said.
"Where was he from?" Stark asked.
"Said Barrowton," Bronn answered. "His horse fell on him, broke his leg."
"That seems to happen a lot," Tyrion said, looking at Stark. Then he turned back to Gendry. "Can you fix it?"
"Yes, my lord. If I had a forge and some sheet metal and the proper tools. Take no time at all."
"Well, we lack a forge or proper tools so it will have to wait till Harrenhal."
Gendry knew that and wondered why they had really called him here and placed the armor back on the wooden chest and stood waiting.
"So, Gendry, the famous bastard of King's Landing," Tyrion said after he drank deeply.
"Don't call him that," Stark said in a strong tone.
"Oh, yes," said Tyrion. "You have one of your own. Jon Snow. Nice lad. I told you how we went to the Wall together. He had no idea that the Wall was full of bastards and murderers and rapists. Thought it was some glorious brotherhood."
"The Night's Watch protects the land, my lord," said Gendry.
"Indeed?" Tyrion replied with raised eyebrows and a smirk on his face. "And you were all set to join this great brotherhood. Why?"
Gendry shrugged. "My master kicked me out. Said I was no good."
"He lied," said Tyrion. "I've seen your helmet. That is good work. Lord Stark said you made it yourself. Now why would your master lie about your skill?"
"Leave it be," Stark told him. "You know who he is. Isn't that enough?"
"No," Tyrion said strongly. "I would have the truth of this before I see my father. Someone wants this boy dead. That someone is the King."
"False king," Stark said with some heat. There it was again, Gendry thought. That was the third time Stark called Joffrey the false king.
Tyrion sighed. "If you say that to my father things may not go as you hoped. As for you Gendry, someone warned you to leave the city in a roundabout fashion. Someone knew Joffrey wanted you dead. Tell me what happened that day you left."
Gendry looked at Stark and Stark gave a short nod. "A man came to see my master, spoke to him. I didn't think much of it but next morning I was told to pack my things and get out."
"What man?"
"Don't know. Just a man. Got a glimpse of him but couldn't see his face well. He wore a hood, a cowl, my lord."
"Like he wanted to hide his identity," said Tyrion thoughtfully. "So you left, just like that?"
"Why join the Night's Watch?"
"Had no where else to go. Master Mott said a Night's Watch man was taking recruits and was at the Mud Gate."
"Mott seemed very informed for a master smith about the workings of Yoren's recruiting practices."
"I suppose so, my lord."
Tyrion looked at him closely. "You know who you are, don't you?"
"Gendry. Waters."
"Yes, a bastard surname. I suppose it would not do to call yourself Baratheon."
No, Gendry thought. I'll never have that name. Bronn gave a short laugh but Stark scowled at the Imp.
"Leave the poor boy alone, for pity's sake," Stark told Tyrion. "He's answered your questions and that's all he knows."
"Not yet," Tyrion said and turned back to Gendry. "What do you know of your father?"
"He was king," said Gendry. "He was a drunk. That's all."
Tyrion laughed loudly and Bronn joined him and even Stark smiled a bit. "Aye, he liked his drink lad, no doubt about it."
Tyrion grew serious again. "Why do you think the present King wants you dead?"
"Cause I'm his father's bastard."
"Correct. Do you know of the Blackfyre Rebellion?"
"No. My lord."
"The Blackfyres were the bastard gets of King Aegon Targaryen, the fourth of his name. On his deathbed he legitimized all his bastards. I won't bore you with the details but there was rebellion and Blackfyre pretenders to the throne plagued the Seven Kingdoms for decades. I think Joffrey may have in his mind to forestall such an event. Even if he does not know much about the Blackfyres he knows or at least Cersei has told him by now that Daenerys Targaryen and her brother Viserys plagued Robert with sleepless nights."
"I don't know who they are, my lord."
"No? No, I suppose there is no need to learn history when you are learning to make armor and swords. They are the children of the Mad King, Rhaegar's younger brother and sister, fled across the Narrow Sea when your father took the Iron Throne. Robert wanted them dead and I'm sure Joffrey does as well. He wants no pretenders to his throne. Including his father's bastards."
Stark gave a snort but said nothing. "I don't want his throne," Gendry told them. Were they mad? He was just an apprentice armorer.
"Of course you don't," said Tyrion. "But Joffrey doesn't care about that. You are also a symbol of his father's infidelity. I can see why he wants you dead."
"Then why are you helping the lad?" Stark asked, a question Gendry also wanted to ask.
Tyrion drank again and grinned at Stark. "Because you asked me to. Ah, well, I think it is time we retire for the night. I have drunk too much as usual and am in need of my bed warmer."
"As usual," Bronn said with a grin and then he stood and waited for Stark and Gendry to leave. After a few strides behind them Bronn went off one way and they went back towards the wagons.
"Don't mind what he says," Stark told him as they passed a large group of the wild men, two of them wrestling on the ground near a fire as others hooted and laughed. "You are safe now. I will protect you. I owe Robert that much at least."
"He never knew me and I never knew him," Gendry said.
"Aye, but you are still his son. Someday I will tell you all I know about him."
"I would like that, my lord."
Soon they were at the wagons and Gendry found the small fire where Arya and Hot Pie were curled up on the ground, half asleep.
"Come on, get up," Stark told them. "You three can have my tent. It's warmer. I'll sleep in the back of a wagon."
"Won't it be cold?" Arya asked him as she stood and stifled a yawn.
"I'm of the north, I'll be fine. The wagon has sacks to lie on. More comfortable even if it's a bit cold."
"Maybe you need a bed warmer like the Imp," Gendry said.
Stark gave a short laugh. "He means a woman, lad, not a pan of hot embers to warm his bed."
"Oh," Gendry said, and felt his face flush a bit. He always got that way when people talked about women and made references to fornication.
They made their way back though the camp to where Stark's small tent was set up not far from Tyrion's. They saw Pod leading a dark haired woman to the Imp's tent. Stark ran over and stopped Pod as he was coming out. Stark spoke to him and ten minutes later Pod returned with three blankets for them. Stark gave them one each and bid them good night. Arya looked like she wanted to hug him but restrained herself.
Inside the small tent there was barely enough room for the three to lie down. There was a thin narrow mattress on the ground and in a fit of chivalry Gendry and Hot Pie insisted Arya take it. Gendry was much taller than Hot Pie so he stretched out on the ground lengthways beside Arya and Hot Pie curled up at their feet near the tent entrance.
"What did the Imp want?" Arya asked Gendry after they settled down under their blankets.
"Wants me to fix his armor. Got damaged fighting against your brother's men at the Green Fork."
He wasn't going to say anything about the Imp asking him about being King Robert's son. He might have told Arya, she'd understand and maybe treat him the same. But not Hot Pie. Gendry didn't want him to treat him any differently.
They were silent for a while, then Hot Pie spoke. "What's going to happen at Harrenhal?"
"Don't know," said Arya. "Suppose we'll stay there till my father finds Robb and makes peace."
"Then you'll be traded," said Gendry.
He thought about that and it made his head hurt thinking so hard but something wasn't right here. "You're not a thing to trade," he finally said.
"I know," she whispered.
"It's not right."
"I'm high born. That's what they do with us."
"It's still not right."
"Least you grew up in a castle and had food every day," said Hot Pie.
"I…I suppose so," said Arya. She sighed. "Look, I don't know what will happen at Harrenhal. But you two…don't treat me like a lady. Please. I'm just Arya."
"We can't," said Hot Pie. "People will get angry."
"He's right," Gendry added.
"It's so stupid," Arya said in the darkness.
They were silent for a while, then Gendry asked something he wanted to know the answer to badly. "What's going to happen later? At Winterfell?"
"What do you mean?" she asked. "Hot Pie will bake pies and you will work in the forge."
Somehow that made him feel bad. He didn't know why, but the way she said it made it sound so final. "And what about you?"
"Me?" She sighed. "I will go back to studying and learning stupid things like needlework and the great houses of the realm."
"You don't want to do that?"
"No," she stated strongly. "I want to ride a horse and learn how to fight with Needle and have my own castle and my own men."
That made Gendry smile in the darkness. She was very different.
"You can have a castle if you marry a lord," Hot Pie said and Arya cursed. "Seven hells! I hope not."
"They'll make you." Gendry told her. Somehow that made him feel bad too.
"I'll run away!" she declared. "I'll marry who I want, when I want!" Hot Pie and Gendry now both laughed.
"Oh, shut up!" she said. "Go to sleep."
"Yes, my lady," Hot Pie and Gendry both said at the same time. She growled and kicked Hot Pie and smacked Gendry's arm and then all three started laughing. After a while they grew quiet and let sleep overcome them.
Gendry didn't know how long he had slept when he heard a whimpering noise. He opened his eyes and listened. It was coming from Arya. Then she made a growling sound, and whimpered again and then all of a sudden she sat bolt upright and cried out and was breathing hard.
Gendry sat up and grabbed her and suddenly she flung her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.
He felt awkward and patted her back, not knowing what else to do. "What's the matter? Bad dream?"
"Yes…maybe," she said, not moving, speaking into his shoulder "I dreamed…I dreamed I was a direwolf. I was hunting with my pack. I killed…I killed a man. And then…no, no."
"Shsssh," Gendry said gently, wrapping his arms round her. "Just a bad dream."
She looked up at him, and in the semi-darkness her eyes shone as if wet. "I don't think it was a dream. I think I was the direwolf. I think I was inside the direwolf. Nymeria."
"My direwolf." She pulled away from him a bit and he let go, then she wiped her eyes. "She bit Joffrey."
Gendry smiled in the darkness. "Smart wolf."
"Direwolf," she whispered. "Bigger. She was my pet. There were six. One for each of us. But Nymeria bit Joffrey and she had to run away but they killed Sansa's Lady to punish us."
Gendry had no idea what she was talking about but now she was calmer he knew they should go back to sleep before Hot Pie woke up. "Tell me all about it in the morning."
Suddenly she reached out and grabbed his arm. "Gendry, tell me why they want to take you back to King's Landing. Please."
He sighed deeply. "You'll never believe me," he whispered.
"You believed I was inside a direwolf. Don't you? It can't be stranger than that."
"It is."
She waited and said nothing, her small warm hand on his arm, not moving.
"I'm the dead king's son," he said at last. There. He had told her.
She gasped and then a second hand was on his arm. "King…Robert? Your father?"
She took her hands away and was silent for a moment. "But…why does Joffrey want to take you back to King's Landing?"
"He doesn't. Those men were sent here to kill me."
She gasped again and her hands were back on his arm. "I'll protect you. With Needle."
Gendry wanted to laugh but knew that would hurt her. "You already have, at the holdfast. You killed that gold cloak."
"He deserved it. They all did," she said in a fierce tone.
From their feet Hot Pie sighed loudly. "Now we know his big secret. So if my lord and lady are done talking I would like to sleep."
"Shut up!" Gendry and Arya said at the same time, and they kicked Hot Pie and he groaned and they laughed and then tried to go back to sleep. After a while Gendry heard Hot Pie snoring. He sensed Arya was still awake.
"I'm not a lord," he whispered. "Just a bastard."
"Don't call yourself that," she whispered back.
"Yes. But it's true."
"Being a bastard doesn't make you a bad person," she said. "I know two bastards. You and Jon. And to me you two are more noble than the Imp or Joffrey or the Hound or his brother or any of those other sers or lords."
That made him feel good. "Thank you. Good night,…my lady," he teased.
She hit him once and then she said "Good night," and after a bit sleep overcame Gendry at last.