(Hello everyone! So, this is a fanfic that I've been working on for a while now. I borrowed several elements from Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. This is my first fanfic on this site, so constructive criticism is welcome. Appreciate!)
Just after sunrise Tywin Lannister awoke in Lady Shella Whent's former chambers and prepared for the day. He was soon sitting in the solar of the former resident of Harrenhal, receiving messages from his commanders about the state of affairs during the night. Two men had gotten drunk and were fighting over some perceived insult. Tywin ordered them whipped and had the whole unit's beer ration reduced. Another report said that Ser Gregor Clegane was near the Blue Fork, disrupting supplies and intercepting messengers from the Twins towards Riverrun. Meanwhile Vargo Hoat was on the eastern shore of Gods Eye, causing chaos among the small folk. Ser Amory Lorch had come in two days before with plenty of plunder and the news that he had met Tywin's dwarf son Tyrion on the Kingsroad. He also reported that Cersei had ordered a group of her men out from King's Landing to bring Ned Stark back to the capital. Tywin had sent her a stiff raven message yesterday informing her that Ned Stark was to be brought to Harrenhal at once if her men found Stark before Tyrion did.
The solar was large like everything else at Harrenhal. Lady Whent had not done much to make the castle livable, with most of the buildings and towers left to the rats and dust for years. But her own quarters were decent enough. Lady Whent was gone but her whereabouts he now knew, and it only cost her maester one broken finger before he squealed out the truth. Lady Shella Whent had suddenly decided to visit some relatives in Maidenpoole, and then perhaps to take ship to Gulltown and the Vale. The Whents were related to the Tullys, one of Lady Whent's aunts or cousins or someone being mother to Catelyn and Lysa Tully. Tywin cared not where she went. She had fled, and the castle was now the property of the realm and he would depose of it as need be when the war was over.
There was a knock on the door of the solar and then one of his guards entered. "The maester, my lord."
"Bid him enter," Tywin told the guard. The maester came in, walking slowly, looking a bit pained. In his hands he held four raven scrolls, holding them awkwardly as his fourth finger on his left hand was wrapped tight in a bandage.
"Messages, my lord." The maester said as he moved toward the table. The guard remained in the room, his eye on the maester.
"How many and from where?" Tywin asked. Ravens were trained only to fly between certain locations. Most major cities and castles of the realm had ravens trained to fly back and forth to Harrenhal as it was a principle location of the realm for almost three hundred years.
"Four, three from King's Landing. One from Dragonstone."
"Yes, my lord."
That puzzled Tywin. Was Lady Whent involved in some plot with Stannis Baratheon? Was she off to the Vale to get Lysa Arryn more involved in this than she already was? Perhaps it was a mistake to leave her unmolested. He turned his attention back to the maester.
"Still no word from Casterly Rock?"
"None, my lord."
"Very well. Place them on the table. You may leave."
After it was done and he was gone, Tywin picked up the first message from King's Landing, wrapped tight and sealed with a few drops of hard melted black wax. He opened it and unrolled it. From Cersei, again.
Father, I hope this finds you well. The King and I and Tommen and Myrcella are well. We are preparing to fight with our last breath. Stannis continues to remain on Dragonstone, while Renly Baratheon gathers more men and moves quickly up the Roseroad to besiege us. We need your army. We must have its valiant men to defend us. I pray to the Seven that you will heed my words and swiftly come to our rescue. I also pray to the Seven that our beloved Jaime will soon be freed from his chains. With love and affection, Cersei, your loving daughter.
Tywin grunted. Now she was my loving daughter. Before she was the Queen Regent. Now she asks for my army. Before she demanded it. He picked up the second message from King's Landing and opened it. From Varys, he knew right away, knowing the Spider's handwriting.
Lord Tywin, I bring news of the war. Stannis continues to gather ships and men, many ships but not so many men, fortunately. Alas, I have no spies on Dragonstone and no ships can get near without being intercepted. Thus, I do not know when he will strike or how. Renly, on the other hand, has enough men but is taking a leisurely stroll up the Roseroad, stopping at every castle and town to feast and enjoy himself. It may be a few weeks or a moon's turn before he is at King's Landing. Still, the Baratheon brothers have not joined in a common cause as far as my little birds tell me. Renly and Stannis are both calling themselves the rightful king. There have also been some rumblings from Pyke. Balon Greyjoy's son Theon has returned to the Iron Islands. He is presenting an offer of alliance from Robb Stark. The outcome I do not yet know.
That was ill news about Pyke. The ironmen were tough warriors and fearsome seafarers. It would not do to have them allied with Robb Stark, not being so close to Casterly Rock and Lannisport. But it depended on how Stark made the offer. Balon Greyjoy was a prickly man, was of the breed of ironmen who took what they wanted and would not accept it as a gift for service. Greyjoy would want revenge for his dead sons and for his humiliation nine years past. But an alliance with the Starks? They had held his son for nine years, had part in killing his other two sons, and helped Robert batter down Pyke's walls. No, Tywin decided, Greyjoy would not join Robb Stark. He continued to read Varys' news.
Catelyn Stark has joined her son at Riverrun. There is little news from the north, as can be expected, except from the Night's Watch asking for more men as usual. Dorne is quiet, for now. A small piece of good news from our friend with the Dothraki across the Narrow Sea. Khal Drogo has killed Viserys Targaryen. Poured molten gold on his head. Terrible way to go. Your obedient servant always, Lord Varys.
Tywin almost grinned. Viserys Targaryen. A small boy when he had last seen him over fifteen years ago. The Beggar King they called him in the Free Cities. Robert loathed him and wanted him dead. Now it was done. But there was no mention of his sister. Was she still married to Khal Drogo or was she dead as well? News was so slow coming from the east, this may be many weeks or months old.
He then opened the third message from King's Landing. This time he sighed deeply. It was from Joffrey.
Lord Tywin Lannister. As Warden of the West it is your duty to help protect the realm when the King asks. The King commands you to bring your army at once to King's Landing. In addition, you are commanded to take up your post as Hand of the King forthwith. Any delay will not be tolerated. King Joffrey Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the….
Tywin crumpled the paper and tossed it in the fire in the large hearth nearby his table without finishing reading his grandson's titles. Little boy ought to be whipped. The insolent pup! King he was, only because his drunk of a father was silly enough to step in front of a charging boar. He was sure Cersei knew nothing of Joffrey's letter or she wouldn't have written one herself. Or maybe that was their plan, a soft plea from Cersei and stern note from the King. If they thought that would work on Tywin then they did not know him well at all. Or maybe Cersei really did not know what Joffrey was doing. Pycelle might have sent the raven message unread at Joffrey's command, with Sandor Clegane looming over his shoulder. Things were getting out of hand in King's Landing. Three people writing to him, all with different words and different tones. Varys he trusted, to a certain extent. The Spider had loyally served all Kings. At least Tywin believed he did, but he never fully trusted Varys. Cersei was going from commanding queen to fawning daughter, looking for her father to save her. And Joffrey, well…he was no king. Not yet. They all needed a strong hand to whip them into shape. But he was needed here. He needed someone there to take things in hand.
As he thought on this his mind came back to his dwarf son. Tywin never understood why the gods had chosen to take his beloved wife from him and burden him with a dwarf for a son all in one moment. Perhaps it was for his hubris, from bringing Casterly Rock and his family from where his father had almost destroyed them to the heights of glory. This was his punishment, he often thought, to let him know he was not all powerful, that the gods were always watching and just when you thought all was well, they hit you, and they hit you hard. Since that terrible day, Tywin had little to do with the gods. He did not pray to them, but did not mock them either like some men who had lost loved ones did. He just chose to ignore them.
Tywin Lannister had admitted to himself a long time ago that he did not love his third child. Tyrion had taken his wife's life coming into this world, and as much as he at first blamed the gods he could also not help but blame Tyrion. Then his sad incident marrying the whore who was not a whore had ended all hope he could ever have of loving him. He knew that the girl was what Tyrion believed she was. Jaime had told him the whole truth, but she was low born and not worthy of his son, even a son as low as Tyrion was. After that he thought of banishing him across the Narrow Sea, or sending him to become a septon or even a maester since he loved his books so much, or anything else so he did not have to suffer having him around and having people laugh at him. Oh, he knew they laughed behind his back and if there was anything Tywin Lannister could not stand it was people laughing at him and his family. He had suffered enough of that when his father was still alive. Few people laughed at Tywin anymore. When wronged his wrath was legendary. As my father's should have been, he thought. But Tyrion was still there, and he knew people laughed at him, his son, which rankled Tywin to no end.
But in the end he decided he could not banish him or force him into a life as a septon or maester. He was still a son of Casterly Rock and most people who knew him well admired him in many ways. Tywin's brothers and sister had treated Tyrion as if nothing was wrong with him as he grew up, and said he was intelligent and had a sharp wit, which Tywin could not deny. Jaime loved his little brother, Tywin knew that well. But Cersei had despised him from the beginning, blaming him for her mother's death.
Where was Tyrion now? Lorch said he was on the Kingsroad heading south, but that was more than a week ago. He and his sellsword and wild men had taken Harrenhal to his surprise. Using the sewers was a brilliant coup to be sure, but Tywin felt he might have to take a small share of the glory in that, since it was he who had set Tyrion to unplug the cisterns and sewers of Casterly Rock when he turned into a man. Tywin was sure that's where he got the idea from. And now Tyrion wanted to make his pet sellsword Bronn a lord. Well, Lannisters paid their debts. This Bronn would get a small holdfast and some minor lord's ugliest or fattest or natural born daughter for his wife and he would be in Tywin's debt forever. That's how the world should work.
Now they were out there looking for Ned Stark. He needed Stark, much as he loathed to admit it. Tywin and Stark had never been friends. Tywin was almost twenty years his senior and had been Hand of the Mad King when Stark was still a boy. During Robert's Rebellion the Lannisters had come late to his cause, a point Stark never forgot. But he also forgot it had been left to Tywin and his son to do the dirty work in King's Landing before Stark and Robert arrived. Jaime had killed Aerys Targaryen, for which the realm had branded him Kingslayer. Tywin privately knew Jaime had done the right thing. Aerys would have burned the city to the ground. Stark and Robert also should have been grateful. But they were honorable men, and all they saw was Jamie's broken oath to protect the king, despite him being their enemy.
Now Stark was a traitor, a man who had broken his oaths when Robert had died. He needed to know the truth behind that madness as soon as Stark was found. But most of all Tywin needed Stark to get Jaime back. He also needed Stark's daughters, for Robb Stark would make no deals without getting all of his family back. Cersei mentioned nothing of the Stark girls in any of her recent letters. It might be time to send them from King's Landing to Harrenhal. Even if Tyrion did not find Ned Stark, he had to make Robb Stark some peace offer to get Jamie back and to free his forces to face the Baratheons.
As he thought on this his mind came back to the fourth letter, from Dragonstone. He opened it and saw it was addressed to Lady Whent from Stannis Baratheon. Tywin read and as he read his face grew white and he clenched his teeth together. He swiftly crumpled the paper and tossed it in the fireplace. Tywin stood and leaned with one arm against the fireplace mantle, breathing deeply, staring into the fire as its flames burned the crumpled paper with its lies written in maester's ink.
It was all lies, it had to be, Stannis' way to legitimize his claim to the Iron Throne. But he knew with dreaded certainty that Stannis had sent this same letter to every major house in the Seven Kingdoms. The ravens were now flying, bringing their ill news. News that would bring more shame to his house, despite its falsehood. The small folk would soon hear and they would eat it up. He was also sure Cersei and Joffrey knew of Stannis' accusations by now. King's Landing was much closer to Dragonstone than Harrenhal as the raven flies.
As he thought on this another knock came to the door. It was his breakfast, he thought, but he was in no mood to eat. Not now. The door opened and he was about to shout at the guard when his dwarf son waddled in the room.
"Tyrion," he said curtly and then he sat at his table. Tywin looked at his son closely. Tyrion was disheveled and dirty, his hair stiff and matted with sweat and grease, his chain mail a bit rusted, his clothing stained, his face tanned and his eyes very tried looking. He has just arrived and has hurried to see me, Tywin thought. He has news he wants to share. Good news. No one hurried to give bad news to their fathers.
"Father, it is good to see you, too," Tyrion replied. Before he could sit, the guard came in. "Sorry my lord, your breakfast is here."
"Take it away," Tywin commanded.
"No, please don't," his son said as he sat opposite Tywin. "I am famished and the road was long. We rode half the night to arrive here at the dawn." Tywin nodded to the guard and then a serving girl brought in a tray covered in dark bread, fried ham, boiled eggs, and small fried fish. "And some dark ale if you have it," Tyrion commanded her as she was leaving. He grabbed some bread and ham and ate.
"How was your journey?" Tywin asked as his son chewed rapidly.
"I have Ned Stark," Tyrion said with a grin after he swallowed.
That was the good news Tywin had expected to hear. "Well done. He is unharmed?"
"Aside from the broken leg Jaime gave him which is still healing, not a scratch. Well, maybe a few scratches. He had a fight or two. The road was not without its perils."
"Explain." Tyrion was about to talk again when the servant girl returned with a jug of ale and two large mugs which she placed on the table and left. Tywin poured for himself and his son as Tyrion talked. He told him the story as they drank and ate. Tywin even had some bread and a bit of ham, his appetite returning as the news of Ned Stark's recovery gave him some hope of freeing Jaime.
"Vargo Hoat is a vile beast," Tyrion said at one point, after explaining what had happened in a small village when Stark tried to save four boys gone missing from his Night's Watch group.
"I did not hire him or his company for their sweet dispositions."
"He wants to kill Stark."
"Over the loss of six men?"
"Loss of reputation I believe is more accurate. His men care not for Stark or your war. But the loss of some companions may irk them plenty. A commander of a free company who does not take care for what his men want is soon not a commander of a free company. If they come to Harrenhal there may be trouble."
"Hoat will do as he is ordered or he will hang, him and all of his men," Tywin told him in a stern tone. "Where is Stark now?"
"The maester is looking after him, checking his leg. Then I think a bath and shave and a change of clothes would be in order before you greet him."
Tywin could smell his son from across the table. "You need a bath as well."
"Yes, Father, but I believed you wanted to hear my news first."
"Which you have done."
"I am not quite finished."
"What else?"
Tyrion grinned. "I have Arya Stark."
Tywin looked at him for a long moment. Someone was telling him lies. "Indeed? That is good news."
Tyrion's face fell flat. "You knew she was missing?"
"I did not. Your sister seems to have forgotten that piece of news in her many messages asking for help. Varys as well. And you seem to have forgotten telling me about her in your tale of the road."
"I was saving the best for last."
"This is not a mummer's show. You will get no applause."
"I expected none, Father," Tyrion said in a flat tone.
"Explain how she went missing from King's Landing and ended up with her father."
"The girl was hiding in the Night's Watch party, disguised as a boy, in boy's clothes, with short hair, mud under her fingernails, the works. Yoren, the Night's Watch recruiter, is dead so I am not sure if it was his idea, or hers, or Ned Stark's. The Starks are not saying but no doubt Yoren had a hand in it. She left King's Landing with them, out the main gate, bold as could be. She almost died along with Stark when that fool Ser Marcus attacked them at the holdfast and later when Vargo Hoat found them in that village."
"Ser Marcus is dead you say so he has paid for his stupidity. Hoat, he is another matter. I shall deal with him when the time comes."
"Good. By the way, it was Cersei's orders which sent Ser Marcus after Stark."
He likes Cersei as much as she likes him, Tywin thought, and now he wants to blame her for this mess. "Yes, Ser Amory returned and told me this news. And now it is done. If there is nothing else…"
"One more thing," Tyrion said after a gulp of ale. "You may hear this from Ser Marcus' men who are with me so I may as well tell you. There was a party of gold cloaks following Yoren's group. Joffrey commanded them to find a certain boy and kill him. I sent them scurrying back to King's Landing."
Tywin stared at his son. "What boy?"
"Name of Gendry, an apprentice armorer by trade."
"Why should Joffrey care about such a boy?"
"You'd know if you saw him. He has…"
Tywin interrupted his son. "Get to the point."
"He's Robert's bastard."
Tywin snorted. "And Joffrey wants him dead?"
"Has the boy made a claim for the throne?" Tywin asked in a half serious tone. What foolish thing was Joffrey up to now, he thought.
Tyrion almost laughed but stopped himself. He knew Tywin despised laughter. "Of course not. How could he? He's a bastard."
"Quite. So, Joffrey wants him. Should we send him back to King's Landing? Or his head at least?"
Tywin was testing his son. He wanted to see how Tyrion would handle such a delicate matter. To defy the King was not a thing most men could stomach without fear of losing their heads. To be Hand of the King you had to do so on occasion, especially a King who was still a boy. His son stared at Tywin for a long moment before speaking. "Ned Stark would not take kindly to that. He has fought tooth and nail to save the boy thus far. He is his dear friend Robert's son after all. Promised him a position at Winterfell when all this is over."
That was a good answer. Knowing Ned Stark it was probable the truth. Tywin raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Well, we must keep Lord Stark happy. For the moment at least. Let the boy stay here and work and when this is over he can go where he pleases, I care not. As a bastard he has no claim. Though in the future Joffrey might come looking for him."
"Perhaps he shouldn't tarry at Winterfell for long. The Wall is where he was originally heading."
"Good, now, if…."
"How goes the war?"
Tywin knew his son would not be put off until he told him everything. He always craved news, lived for it some would say. So Tywin told him all he knew about the Baratheon brothers and Balon Greyjoy and Catelyn Stark and the news about Viserys' death. He left out the contents of Stannis' letter to Lady Whent. He still needed time to absorb that and it was not something he wanted to talk about with Tyrion anyway.
"A golden crown? How fitting," Tyrion quipped as he drained his mug of ale. "A shame Robert is not alive to hear this news."
"What news of Jaime?" his son asked next.
"None, except that he is still alive and a prisoner at Riverrun."
"Not a prisoner for long."
"Hopefully," Tywin answered, then looked at him carefully. "You are needed in King's Landing."
"Anxious to get rid of me so soon, Father? I just got here."
"Perhaps you feel you are not up to the job?"
Tyrion bristled at that. "I will leave when you command. But we need at least a few days to rest and re-supply."
"Of course."
Tywin then decided something he had been mulling over for days. "I may have another job for you before then."
His son looked intrigued. "Indeed?"
"I have been debating who to send with Lord Stark to Riverrun with my terms."
Tyrion blanched, taken off guard. "Father, you would give Robb Stark two of your sons as hostage?"
"You will ride under a peace banner," Tywin told him. "And we have Arya Stark here and Sansa Stark will soon join her. You will be in no danger."
"And meanwhile Renly and Stannis bear down on King's Landing. I think I would be of more use there."
"Perhaps. I need to think on it. The baths await you."
"Thank you for breakfast. The livable part of the castle is quite crowded but I am sure my men and I shall find quarters in some dusty wing of a falling down tower. Where shall I put Stark and his daughter?"
"In this tower, in Lady Whent's handmaiden's quarters. They have all gone with her to Maidenpoole."
That took him by surprise. "Maidenpoole? Are you sure?"
"Yes. The maester told us."
"So he lied to me but told you. Is that why his hand is bandaged?"
"Yes. You didn't try hard enough to get him to tell the truth."
Tyrion grimaced. "Shagga wanted to trim his nose but I'm an old softy, Father. I prefer to talk a man to death than torture him. I bid you good day."
"Have yourself, Lord Stark, and his daughter presentable for a mid-day meal here."
"As you command, Father."
The rest of the morning passed well. Tywin put aside Stannis' accusations from his mind and prepared to inspect his army. He dressed in his best armor and mounted his horse and inspected his men and then had a meeting with his commanders in a large tent outside the walls in the fresh air of his large army camp. Well, not so fresh air. A large army in camp gave new meaning to the word stench. Midden heaps and latrine trenches were the worst of it, but the stale stench of sweat from thousands of men and horse flesh also played a role. He had ordered the men to go in groups to Harrenhal's massive baths and had ordered their clothing and armor and weapons to be cleaned as much as possible. This not only helped maintain the men's health and morale it gave them things to do and an idle army was not something that stayed battle worthy for long. He had also sent out many patrols and had drill grounds and archery butts and melee pits set up so the men could stay fresh.
As he sat with his commanders, including his brother Kevan, Tywin first heard reports from his scouts about Roose Bolton and Robb Stark. Everything was still static on those two fronts. The only action was with Hoat and Gregor Clegane. Hoat had not managed to catch Dondarrion yet, one patrol captain reported. He had met Hoat's group south of Harrenhal two days past. Tywin told them what happened in the village between Hoat and Stark. One of his commanders said Tyrion should have used his force to help Hoat but Tywin silenced him with a stare and said that Tyrion's mission to bring Stark to Harrenhal safely was of more importance. Hoat and his men were banished from the castle's interior when they returned, Tywin told them. Let them camp far from Harrenhal's walls. Under no circumstances were Hoat and Ned Stark to come to blows. He told them to kill Hoat if it seemed that was about to come to pass.
Afterwards, he commanded Ser Jason Matigar to come to his solar. He questioned Ser Jason at length about his adventures with Tyrion and it all seemed as Tyrion had said. Except Ser Jason was mystified as to why Ned Stark had taken off in the middle of the night to find four boys. He did not know one of the "boys" was Stark's daughter or that another was Robert's bastard son. Good. Tyrion at least had the sense not to let that news spread.
"Tell me how my son behaved," Tywin ordered Ser Jason as he finished asking about the details of the trip.
"Lord Tyrion commanded in a forceful manner and earned the respect of all under his command."
Of course he would not say anything negative about his lord commander's son. "Yes, yes. But tell me the details. What did he do at night, for instance?"
"I know not, my lord. I supped with my knights and men. Lord Tyrion supped with his sellsword and then with Lord Stark once we found him. On one occasion I drank wine with Lord Tyrion but he seemed more inclined not to have his subordinates as companions. Except for the sellsword."
Tywin sensed Ser Jason did not like Bronn but that was not important. "Did my son have any women? Any whores?"
"Ah…I'm not sure, my lord. I think it not wise to inquire too closely into my commander's personal affairs."
"No, of course not," Tywin said. "You may leave, Ser Jason. You did well. But I want you and your men to be refreshed, refitted, and re-supplied as soon as possible. I may have another mission for you."
"Yes, my lord."
After he was gone Tywin thought on his son's behavior. Ser Jason seemed indifferent about Tyrion but said nothing negative about him as well. Of course, maybe he feared to tell Tywin the truth. Maybe his son had drunken whores with him every night. There was no point in asking Bronn or the wild men. They seemed to have a certain loyalty to his son, despite being paid warriors. Tyrion did have a certain gift for making people follow him, no doubt. He thought on questioning Podrick Payne about what had gone on but knew he would most likely trip over his tongue and lie as well. Tyrion no doubt had won his loyalty as well.
The mid-day meal time came and Tywin had the cooks lay on a good meal of roast pork glazed with honey, boiled potatoes, barley and venison soup, a salad of greens and beans, and plenty of bread, wine and ale, with water for the Stark girl.
They arrived with Tyrion after he sent a messenger summoning them. All three were clean and presentable. Ned Stark had not bothered shaving and had a full growth of beard but he was clean at least and dressed in some common black colored clothing someone had lent him. The Stark girl had very short hair and was short as well, very thin and with a face like her father's. She was in a pale blue dress, too big for her, and had a bit of a sour look on her face, as if she wanted to be somewhere else
"May I present Lord and Lady Stark," said Tyrion theatrically as they entered the solar. He was refreshed and dressed well in doublet and breeches in Lannister red and gold.
"I've know your father for almost twenty years," Ned Stark said to Tyrion, while looking at Tywin. "No need for introductions. Lord Tywin."
"Lord Stark," Tywin said with a curt nod. They did not bother to shake hands. Stark and the northerners might enjoy that custom coupled with a clap on the shoulder but Tywin Lannister never did and Stark knew this. Besides, they were enemies now. Tywin turned his attention to the girl. "And this must be Lady Arya Stark."
"Yes, my lord," she said in a strong voice, staring right at him. Not afraid this child, he thought. Or was she mad at him?
"Please sit. Let's eat. We have much to discus."
"Aye," said Stark as he limped to the table and sat on Tywin's right side, his daughter next to him and Tyrion across from Ned Stark on Tywin's left side. Two servants entered and poured wine and water and served the venison soup.
After they left Tywin spoke. "Your leg is healing I trust?" he asked Stark.
"Your son broke it," Arya Stark said sharply.
"Arya!" Ned Stark said just as sharply. "Hold your tongue or you'll leave."
"Sorry," she mumbled.
"Quite all right," said Tywin. "She is correct. My son did break your leg. And now your son holds him prisoner."
"And now you hold us and Sansa prisoner," Stark said as he torn a chunk of bread from a loaf and dipped it in his soup.
"Not for long," Tyrion said after he drank some wine.
"No," said Tywin. "I will write to King's Landing today to order Cersei to bring Sansa here. Soon this sad event will be behind us and we will have peace. In the north at least. I will give you my terms in private later, Lord Stark. But we must first discuss several things."
"I'm listening."
"I would like to know why you tried to take the Iron Throne."
"I did not try to take the throne," Stark said firmly. "On his deathbed Robert commanded me to be Protector of the Realm after his death, to help rule until Joffrey came of age."
That was news to Tywin. He looked at his son who shrugged slightly. He had no idea as well. "How did Robert make this command?" Tywin asked.
"A letter, signed by Robert and sealed with his sigil. Witnessed by Pycelle and Renly. Ser Barristan Selmy saw the letter unopened, the seal intact. He opened it after Robert died and read the letter before Pycelle and Littlefinger and Varys. They all heard the contents, King Robert's last command. If you know one man to be true it is Barristan Selmy. He will tell you the truth of its existence. When I gave the letter to your daughter, she tore it up in my face and in front of the whole court. That's when the killing began."
"After you ordered her, Joffrey and her other children arrested," Tywin said, bristling.
"Oh? She told you that much at least," said Stark as he drank some wine. "Left out the most important parts, such as why I ordered them taken into custody, I am sure."
Tywin suddenly sensed that he did not know all that had gone on in King's Landing besides this issue of Robert's last command. He needed more information. "Let us leave that for the moment. Now I wish to know why your wife arrested my son."
"He tried to kill…" Arya started but her father silenced her with a glare. "Sorry," she mumbled again as she took a spoonful of soup.
Tyrion sighed and looked at his father. "Lord Stark and I have discussed this endlessly. They still believe I tried to kill Brandon Stark."
"A falsehood," Tywin said strongly. "Tyrion had no reason to kill your son."
"No?" said Stark. "I think he might have."
"Oh? And what reason would that be?" Tywin asked and Tyrion sucked in his breath, raised his eyebrows, seemed about to speak but held his tongue, a very unusual move on his part. Something was not right here. Something Tyrion forgot to tell me. Or was afraid to tell me.
Stark put on his stern northern face. "I will not discuss such foulness in front of my daughter."
Tywin had raised his wine cup to his lips but stopped and put it down. Tyrion had cast his eyes down to his food and said nothing, like he used to do when he was a boy and had done something wrong. The Stark girl was sitting with eyes wide open, waiting to hear about this foulness her father did not want her to hear about. Tywin stared hard at Ned Stark and Stark stared back just as hard. He suddenly knew Stark knew what Stannis had said in his letter to Lady Whent. He knew that Tyrion knew also and was afraid to bring it up. "What has Stannis Baratheon told you?"
Stark snorted. "Oh, so you do know the most important part? What Stannis knew was nothing I couldn't see with my own eyes once they were opened. I've laid eyes on one of Robert's true sons. Jon Arryn laid eyes on him." He was talking about Robert's bastard, the one they brought from King's Landing. "Jon Arryn knew," Stark continued. "I know. Your son right here knows. And if Stannis is the man I think he is he will soon tell the whole realm."
Stannis already has, the message to Lady Whent proof of it. Tywin breathed deeply. "A falsehood. A lie to serve Stannis' claim to the throne." He was losing control of this conversation and did not like that one bit.
"Aye, maybe I would believe that if I did not know the real truth," Stark replied. "My son Bran saw them at their crime. At Winterfell, the day of the hunt. They pushed him off the tower. Then Tyrion paid someone to silence Bran before he awoke and told us the truth."
"Not me," said Tyrion strongly. But Tywin also saw that Tyrion did not try to defend his brother and sister.
"As you continue to say," Stark said to Tyrion before he drank some wine. Tywin looked from one to the other and then to Arya. The little Stark girl had her spoon half way to her mouth but she was not eating. She was listening intently, and he guessed most of this was news to her. Perhaps it had been a bad idea to have her here for this first meeting. He turned his attention back to her father. "Let us put aside your and Stannis' accusations for the moment. What I want to know is why your wife accused my son? What is her evidence that the dagger belonged to him?"
"Baelish," said Tyrion in disgust.
"Aye, Baelish,' Stark echoed. "He told Catelyn and me that the dagger used to attack my son was Tyrion's."
Tywin growled. "Baelish." That was something else Tyrion had forget to mention.
Just then the servants returned and started to take away the soup dish. Arya Stark shouted at the servant as she rapidly spooned up her soup.
"Hey! I'm not done!"
Tywin looked at her. "Not to worry child, there is plenty more to come." The girl then let the servant take her soup bowl and then carved glazed pork was served with the salad and potatoes. Tywin ate some and the others did as well, the girl eating as if she had not been feed in days. "Hasn't my son taken care to feed you on the road?" he asked her.
"Yes, my lord, but it was mostly bad cheese, salted fish and meat, and hard bread."
"Our supplies barely held out," Tyrion told his father. "We had so many extra mouths to feed."
As they continued to eat Tyrion told a story about the time he was a boy and Jaime had tricked him into eating what he thought was beef but turned out to be dog. He said it was quite tasty and wanted more when Jaime started making growling and barking sounds and told him the truth. Arya laughed loudly at the story as Tyrion made funny faces and noises. For once Tywin let his son play the fool as his mind was on what to do about Baelish. He let them eat some more as he picked at his food and thought on this and on what the realm was learning about his first son and only daughter. A monstrous infamy. It couldn't be true. But Stark believed it was. And Tyrion knew something but he was afraid to say it.
Then Stark admonished his daughter to slow down eating and she did, just a bit.
"Where did you get your dress, Lady Stark?" Tywin asked her to break the silence.
"It was left by one of Lady Whent's handmaidens. It's too big," she said as she pulled up a sleeve. "And please call me Arya, my lord. I am not a lady."
She was quite bold. He almost smiled at that. Smiles came rare to Tywin Lannister. He did not trust people who smiled too much. "Of course you are a lady," he replied. "Someday you will marry a lord and…"
"No," she said firmly. "Never. I will ride a horse and.."
"Arya!" her father said sharply. "I think it is time you went off and got some rest. Lord Tywin and I have serious things to discuss, things not for your ears. Did you eat enough?"
"Yes," she said just as she wolfed down another piece of potato.
Tywin turned to his son. "Tyrion, please escort Lady Stark…Arya…to her quarters."
"Thank you for this food, my lord," she said as she stood and dipped her head in respect.
This time a slight smile did come to his mouth, unwittingly. "You're welcome."
"I want to go to the armory," she then told Tyrion.
Tywin looked at her in puzzlement. "Why?"
"Gendry is fixing Needle."
"Gendry…oh yes," said Tywin. But now he was puzzled. "What is an armorer doing fixing your needles?"
"Needle," her father said with a sigh. "It's a sword. A dirk."
"My sword," Arya told Tywin proudly. "It got nicked in the fight at the holdfast when I killed a gold cloak. Must have nicked it on his chain mail when I stabbed him in the back. My lord."
Tyrion gaped at her as Tywin also looked at her in astonishment. Ned Stark took hold of his daughter's shoulders and glared at her. "Arya, don't be telling that story to anyone else. Least of all your mother when we finally see her again."
"She's at Riverrun," Tyrion said.
Tywin winced a bit. He was saving that news for Stark himself.
"Aye?" said Stark, surprised. "That is good to hear."
"When will we go there?" Arya asked her father, a sense of longing in her voice.
"When Sansa gets here," he told her gently. "First I have to go talk to Robb."
"A day or two," Tywin told her. "Then all this will be over and you can go home to Winterfell." He looked at his son sharply and nodded towards the door.
"Come Lady Stark…" Tyrion began.
"Arya, my lord," she told him boldly.
"Arya," he said with a grin. "Let us find your apprentice armorer and your Needle. Come to think of it, he promised to fix my armor as well." And then they left.
A silence lingered for a few moments. Tywin had to ask. "Did she really kill a gold cloak?"
"Aye," Stark said heavily and he could see it pained him. "Two, if what the other boys say is true. And a stable boy in King's Landing when she escaped from your men. My little girl a killer because of what your daughter started."
Now he was glaring at Tywin and Tywin glared back. "She did not start this war. Your wife did when she took Tyrion hostage."
Stark nodded. "That may be. But it all goes back to what happened in Winterfell. And Baelish gave us the information that caused Catelyn to believe Tyrion paid the assassin, whether it is true or not. Baelish is playing his own game. I want to see Baelish's head on a spike."
Tywin couldn't agree more. "He shall be arrested forthwith and the truth gotten from him. The raven shall leave this afternoon."
"Good," Stark said with a sense of some satisfaction. Then he looked at Tywin. "Stannis has written to you, hasn't he?"
Tywin sighed deeply, wanted to avoid this topic but Stark would not let it go. "He has written to Lady Whent, whose letters I now get."
"It's true," Stark said quietly. "I fear it is true, terrible as it is to hear such news."
Tywin felt his blood rising. "Stannis Baratheon is not the true king. Joffrey is!" His last words came out in a shout.
"Your son warned me not to mention this. Said you would not take it well. He knows the truth. Why can't you see it? Let's end this madness before winter comes and we are all doomed."
Tywin snorted and put on his formal commander's face again. "We are not here to discuss my family history, Lord Stark. Now to terms."
"Aye," Stark said resignedly as he poured more wine for himself. "I'm listening."
"You will go to your son under an escort and a peace banner. First order of business, Jaime will be exchanged for you and your daughters."
"If Robb agrees."
"You will make him agree."
"I am not the Lord of Winterfell anymore. Your daughter striped me of all titles."
"You're his father. He will listen."
"Do your children always listen to you?"
Tywin bristled again. "You will make him listen to reason."
Stark nodded. "I can only try."
"Good. Now, second. His armies are to return to the north."
"What of the Tullys of Riverrun and the Freys and the other families that are allied with him?"
"All will swear fealty to Joffrey or will be destroyed."
"Including Robb?"
"He will not go to King's Landing. My family knows the folly of that now more than ever."
"He can take his oath at Riverrun to me or Jaime. Joffrey may not like it but I am sure he will accept it."
"If you somehow manage to defeat Stannis and Renly, then some day that boy king will be a man. He will want his revenge on Robb," Stark said. "And you are not known for being forgiving to those that wrong you."
"I have never taken kindly to those that wrong me. This is well known," Tywin told him without really needing to. "I would offer you a pact of peace in writing, but after Cersei's folly I think you would not trust anything on paper to be permanent."
"Never again."
"What would be acceptable?"
"A hostage."
Tywin grunted, taken a bit off guard. "We are about to exchange hostages now to end this war. You want more hostages?"
"Just one. Myrcella or Tommen."
Tywin felt his blood rising again. He had not expected this. "Tommen is heir to the throne."
"Not truly."
That made his anger worse. "If we are to discuss this rationally you will stop making accusations about my grandchildren's parentage this instant."
Stark paused and then nodded. "Aye. They are still your grandchildren. That is enough to hold you to your word. Then Myrcella will come to Winterfell. She will be well cared for and can be a friend to Arya and Sansa. May our two houses someday heal this wound with their friendship."
Tywin did not like it but had to play along for now. "And who will you give us in return?"
"No one," Stark said calmly. "None of my family will ever set foot south of the Neck ever again as long as I live."
"Then you shall have no grandchild of mine as hostage!"
"Then the war will continue," Stark said sternly.
Tywin stood and his face turned red and he glared at Stark. "I have your two daughters and you!"
Stark stood as well. "Aye. And if they must die then I will have them die with me here. My wife and sons will grieve, but the realm will know you for the monsters you and your family are and the north will not forget or forgive. And you forget that Robb has your son as well. I think Cersei will give up her son or daughter. If she loves Ser Jaime the way I know she loves him, she will give us one of her children to free their true father."
Tywin felt himself lose control, and for a brief instant he almost struck Stark. But he controlled himself and said nothing.
Stark drained his cup of wine. "I'll be in my quarters," he said. "Let me know if you change your mind."
He then turned and limped out of the solar without another word. Tywin sat, and did nothing for a long time but think and think and think. The servants came and took away the dishes and he said nothing and still he sat.
Finally it came to him. Finally he knew what he had to do. Oh, I will give you want you want Lord Stark, he said to himself. But the road north is long and perilous. Who knows what could happen between here and Winterfell? If he gave him Myrcella, she would come with a Kingsguard and a royal escort, to protect her on the road north. That should suffice to protect the child.
Now all Tywin needed was someone to betray Stark. From a shelf he took down a map of the Riverlands and the north. He looked at the map of the roads leading north and the north itself. Who would do such a thing to their precious Ned? Someone who felt wronged by him in some way. Or someone who always wanted more. His eyes fell on the Dreadfort. The Boltons were no life long friends of the Starks. Maybe. And then his eyes fell on the Twins. Walder Frey always wanted more, and felt slighted when he got nothing in Robert's Rebellion. Varys' spies told him that Robb Stark had to promise himself and little Arya in marriage to two of Frey's children or grandchildren for use of his bridge and his soldiers. But maybe a royal marriage would be more to his liking. Maybe then Walder Frey would take care of his Stark problem for good.