(Hello everyone! So, this is a fanfic that I've been working on for a while now. I borrowed several elements from Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. This is my first fanfic on this site, so constructive criticism is welcome. Appreciate!)
All of Sansa Stark's hopes and dreams had been torn apart in the last few weeks and sometimes she thought her heart would break in two from all the pain and humiliations she had suffered. Her father was accused of being of being a traitor and then had been forced to confess his crimes in front of the realm. Afterwards, when the rocks of the crowd had forced them back into the Sept of Baelor she had barely time to hug him once and say she loved him before the Lannister guards parted them and her father was dragged away. He was to join the Night's Watch, but she didn't know if that was true or another Lannister lie. Everything else had been a lie, after all she had done for them. All she had done for Joffrey. But even his love had been a lie. He was a monster. And now she had the bruises to prove it.
Sansa sat at a dressing table in her rooms in the Hand's Tower early in the morning. She was unclothed except for her small clothes. As she sat staring at her image in a Myrish looking glass on the table she saw the bruises. One was just above her right breast, another on her left shoulder. She looked down at her legs and there were two more large ones, one on each thigh, now turning an ugly purple color. All from a member of Joffrey's Kingsguard who had hit her on Joffrey's command as he sat back and laughed. Punishment he said, for her brother's and mother's and father's crimes.
The day before had been Joffrey's name day. There was a celebration and feast at night, meager celebrations compared to those when King Robert was alive. But the worst was the jousting tournament held in the day. It was held inside the castle, the Queen worried for her son's safety if it was held outside the city as Sansa father's tournament had been. Outside the walls of King's Landing a crowd was growing every day, a crowd of small folk fleeing from war in the Riverlands. They were scared and hungry and what little food they had brought with them was soon gone. They were getting restless and posed a danger to anyone leaving the city. Little food as coming in, the Roseroad closed with Highgarden now an enemy, the Riverlands were on fire, and Blackwater Bay was closed by Stannis Baratheon's ships at Dragonstone. Sansa heard all of this from one of the Kingsguard, Ser Ayrs Oakheart, who liked to talk to her when he was sure no one else was around to listen.
The field for the jousting was weak that day, and Joffrey had grown angrier as the poor hedge knights, old men, and young squires made a poor showing of jousting. Then one knight, Ser Dontos, showed up half naked and drunk and Joffrey ordered him drown in a barrel of wine for his insolence. Sansa thought to say something to help the man but her tongue caught in her throat and he was dragged away begging for Joffrey's mercy. She did not know what became of him.
That night after the King's birthday feast she had been summoned to his quarters. He had been sullen during the feast and drank too much wine. Then during the middle of it Grand Maester Pycelle had come into the hall and spoke with Queen Cersei. She at once told the assembled guests that she and the King were retiring but that the guests may stay as long as they liked. They cheered Joffrey's health once more and he drank in return, a puzzled look on his face as he followed his mother and Pycelle from the hall, with Lords Baelish and Varys close behind them, the Hound and the other Kingsguard following in turn.
An hour later she was about to leave the hall to go back to her quarters when the Hound approached her and commanded she follow him. The King wanted to see her at once. At his quarters Ser Meryn Trant was there and the Hound stayed as well. She thought Joffrey might have called her to forgive her for what her family had done, to say he still loved her and that she would soon be his bride. But he was drunk, and had only ranted and raved about her family's crimes. And then he told Ser Meryn to hit her, but not in the face. Ser Meryn did so without a second thought, and Sansa was too shocked to even raise her hands to resist. Four times he had struck her, the first two to the chest and shoulder and she had then fallen whimpering to the carpets. The second two were vicious kicks to her legs, so painful she screamed.
The Hound had stood by and done nothing but after the fourth blow he growled loudly. "Enough!" Ser Meryn stopped and Joffrey stared at the Hound for a few long seconds, terrible seconds where Sansa thought blood would fly.
"Get yourself and your crying bitch out of my sight dog!" Joffrey said at last, his drunken voice full of venom.
The Hound had said nothing and then helped her up and took her back to her quarters. As they walked she could not help but cry.
"Soon no more tears, little bird," he had said in his rough voice as they walked. "Soon the little bird will be released from her cage. You will leave King's Landing. Does that make you happy?"
Was this some sort of trap, she had thought. "I will be Joffrey's wife. I must stay here."
"Little bird still singing the same song," the Hound had said with almost a snarl. He then stopped her and glared at her in the darkness as they neared the Hand's Tower. "You will never be his bride."
Sansa had not known what to say except to sing the same song as before. "I am betrothed to my beloved Joffrey."
He grunted. "Not anymore little bird. You will go to Harrenhal soon. The ravens are flying and the Queen is crying. But not you anymore, I am sure."
He had been playing some cruel game with her, Sansa thought, some cruel game Joffrey had ordered him to play, to see where her true loyalties lay. "I don't want to go to Harrenhal. I want to stay here and marry my…"
This time he laughed, and his laughter had been vicious. "They trained you bloody well. I don't care if you believe me or not. Soon you will know."
"How do you know?"
"These lords and ladies talk and no one sees the Hound listening. They don't see him because he is nobody to them except a dog to guard their homes and royal persons."
With that he had said no more and had taken her back to the Hand's Tower and soon she was back in her rooms with two Lannister men outside her door as usual.
Now it was the next morning. As Sansa sat and looked at her bruises and felt aches in her legs a loud knock came to the door. "I am undressed," she said quickly and loudly. "Do not enter."
"Hurry up and put on your best feathers," came the Hound's growl. "The Queen commands your presence."
"A moment," was all she said and she started to dress. She had already washed her face and combed her hair. Sansa had many pretty clothes and selected her lavender dress with pink ribbons and flowery patterns, and then slipped on a pair of light pink shoes. She brushed her hair once more and then opened the door.
The Hound was in his black chain mail armor as usually with his white cloak and all his weapons. She had never seen him dressed any other way. He stared at her for a long moment and said nothing but she could not bear his scarred face and turned her eyes away. Suddenly she felt ashamed that she could not look at him after what he had done for her the night before, telling Ser Meryn to stop and suffering Joffrey's anger for her. Slowly she returned her eyes to his face. His eyes were on her and it was hard to read what was there. Not the leer Littlefinger gave her, or the pitying looks she got from Lord Varys the few times she saw him or the angry look that Joffrey always had now. There was nothing there in the Hound's eyes. He was dead inside.
"I am ready," she said at last.
"Come," was all he said. She followed him down the stairs and then across the courtyard toward the main part of the Red Keep. The two Lannister guardsmen that had been outside her door came as well but they soon marched off in a different direction. Sansa thought she was being taken to the Queen's private rooms, but soon they were heading towards the throne room. Two gold cloaks opened the doors and Sansa tensed up, expecting that Joffrey would be there as well but the throne room was empty. They crossed its vast expanse and as they did so Sansa looked up at the barbed Iron Throne and secretly hoped Joffrey cut himself to ribbons on it some day. After what had happened last night she had no illusions that he still loved her. She knew she could never love him again.
The Hound stopped by the door to another room, the small council room Sansa knew. Ser Boros Blount was outside and he opened the door and they entered. Cersei, Lord Baelish, Lord Varys, and Grand Maester Pycelle were all present in the room sitting at the table, with a map and some scrolls of paper there as well. A man she did not know, a Lannister man in Lannister colors and armor, but without weapons, stood nearby, standing very still, a soldier waiting for an order. She silently said a small thanks to the gods that Joffrey was not here.
"The Stark girl, Your Grace," the Hound announced.
"Thank you, Clegane," the Queen said. Sansa had wondered what the Queen would call him. She couldn't call him 'ser' because he was not a knight. He was not a lord either, and it would not be fitting for her to call him 'dog' like her son or 'the Hound" as most people did behind his back and sometimes to his face. Clegane was his surname and so he was Clegane to her. He turned to leave but the Queen stopped him. "Stay. You need to hear this as well."
"Yes, Your Grace," the Hound said and now Sansa really wondered what was happening.
"How are you, little dove?' Cersei asked her politely.
"I am well, Your Grace." A lie, but she couldn't very well tell the Queen that her son was a monster who had ordered his men to beat her.
"Good. Come closer. We have much to discuss."
Sansa approached the table, the Hound right behind her. As Sansa got a good look at Queen Cersei's face it seemed she was exhausted or had been upset by something. Maybe both.
Sansa did not sit as she had not been asked to. She gave polite hellos to the others, and felt her skin crawl as Littlefinger leered in his creepy way. How could my mother ever be friends with him, Sansa thought. She had heard he owned half the brothels in King's Landing. And her friend Jeyne Poole had been sent to him to take care of but she had not heard a word about what had happened to her in over two weeks. Nor did she know exactly what happened to her father's household members and especially her sister Arya. Nobody had told her anything. She feared they were all dead. Except Arya, maybe. Yoren had said he heard she was just missing. But that could also mean she was dead.
Cersei nodded to Lord Varys and he spoke to Sansa. "Sansa, dear, you will be leaving King's Landing soon."
That surprised her. Was the Hound really telling the truth? She had to pretend he had never said anything to her. "Where will I go, my lord?"
"To Harrenhal," Varys told her. "To be with your father and sister."
Sansa felt a shock run through her. "My father and…sister? Arya is at Harrenhal?"
"Yes," said Lord Baelish. "Seems she slipped out of the city without anyone being the wiser." As he said this he cast a grin at Lord Varys.
"Your sister was very resourceful," Pycelle told her in his slow deep growl. "She left the city with a party of Night's Watch recruits, the same party your father was in."
Cersei took up the tale. "The exact details we do not know. The road they traveled was dangerous but fortunately my brother Tyrion found them before any harm came to them and took them to Harrenhal where my father is now in command. You will join them."
Sansa felt excited and wanted to smile but held it in. "But I am to wed the King, Your Grace."
Cersei looked at her carefully. "Would you like that?"
"With all my heart, Your Grace."
"Sorry to have to break your heart then," Cersei told her, her tone of voice almost emotionless. "The betrothal has been set aside by the High Septon."
Sansa felt a range of mixed emotions but could only ask one question. "Why?"
"Your father is a traitor," Cersei stated flatly. "Your marriage arrangement with my son was made by his father with your father in good faith, believing your father was an honorable man. That is not true now, is it?"
She knew what to say here. "No, Your Grace. I know he is a traitor."
"Good. We cannot have the King married to the daughter of a confessed traitor. Joffrey was reluctant to part with you but will do his duty for the realm. You and your sister and father will be sent to Riverrun to your brother and then his army will march north and we will have peace between our houses again."
"That is good, Your Grace," was all Sansa could think to say. She wanted to leap with joy but restrained herself.
Now Cersei's face clouded a bit. "You will have a companion on the road. Princess Myrcella will join you in Harrenhal and then Winterfell."
That took her by surprise. "That…that would be nice, Your Grace."
Cersei snorted. "Yes, for you and your father at least." Sansa did not know what she meant and so said nothing. "Myrcella is fond of you, she tells me. When I told her this news she cried at first but now she is looking forward to the journey. She actually liked Winterfell when we were there last. As befitting her rank as a royal princess she will have a royal guard." Cersei turned to the man in Lannister colors. "This is Ser Robyn Serrett. He and fifty men will accompany you as far as Harrenhal."
"Thank you for doing this, Ser Robyn," Sansa said to him. He was taller and older than her father she guessed, with black hair going to grey and a thick mustache and trim beard with flecks of grey as well.
The man smiled briefly. "I will make sure no harm comes to you or the princess, Lady Stark."
Cersei continued speaking. "Now, as a royal princess Myrcella also needs a royal guardsman to stay with her in Winterfell." She looked past Sansa to the Hound. "Clegane, you will go with them and continue on to Winterfell and stay with Myrcella as long as she needs you."
Sansa didn't know what to think as she heard this. The Hound in Winterfell? He was so dour and full of anger. But maybe better him than one of the others, especially the one who had hit her.
The Hound was a silent for a moment before speaking. "As Your Grace commands," was all he said.
Lord Baelish smiled. "Not to worry Clegane, the King will be well guarded in your absence. In fact, when this issue was put before him this morning he said he cared not where you went. Has the King's dog ruffled his feathers?"
The Hound snarled at Littlefinger. "How would you like me to ruffle yours, whoremaster?"
"Stop this!" Cersei said in a commanding tone. "The King said that Sandor Clegane was his most loyal and trustworthy guard and would feel better if he protected his sister on the journey."
"A wise decision," said Pycelle.
The Hound said nothing and Sansa choose this moment to ask a question. "When will we leave, Your Grace?"
"Soon. A few days time at most. There are details to take care of. Nothing for you to worry about. Now you may…"
"Your Grace, forgive me, but I was wondering about my friend Jeyne Poole."
Cersei was taken aback. "I don't seem to recall this friend."
"You gave her to me to protect," said Lord Baelish with a slimy smile and then he turned to Sansa. "She has decided to stay in King's Landing."
Sansa knew this couldn't be true. "But her father will want her to come back to Winterfell."
"Her father is dead," Lord Varys said with a sad shake of his head.
"Dead?" Sansa gasped.
Cersei cast her eyes away and then back to Sansa. "Yes, dear. It grieves me to tell you this but the members of your father's house tried to resist when he was arrested. They are all dead."
"All?" She had known there was fighting but had held out hope that someone had survived. She couldn't believe they were all dead except her and Jeyne. She had known them all her life.
Lord Baelish spoke up quickly. "Jeyne has told me she has nothing to return to the north for. She has decided to stay here and work as my assistant. She has some knowledge of ledgers and sums, seeing as her father was steward of Winterfell. I will train her well and she will have a good life here."
Sansa knew that was a lie. Jeyne was as bad as her at ledgers and sums. Arya had been the one with a head for sums, knowing how many bushels of wheat came from so many acres of land and how many jugs of ale ten barrels held, things that made Sansa and Jeyne get headaches.
"That is most kind of you, Lord Baelish," Sansa said, her voice a bare whisper as she felt like crying. "May I ask leave to see her before I part King's Landing?"
Lord Baelish smiled. "Of course. I will send someone to fetch you in the afternoon."
"Thank you, my lord."
"That is all, little dove," Cersei said in a gentle tone. "I am not sure of the day of your departure yet, but it will be soon and I shall see you again before you leave. Please escort Lady Stark back to her quarters, Clegane."
"Yes, Your Grace," the Hound said and he turned without another word. Sansa bowed and soon followed him, not daring to look back, her mind a mix of emotions, heartbroken at the dreaded news that her father's household members were all dead, but also happy that she would soon be leaving this cursed place. She would never return, she knew, and Winterfell would be her home now. Later her father would find her a proper husband… no, not her father. He was going to the Wall. Robb was Lord of Winterfell now. He would find her a proper husband, a good man, who would be kind to her and love her and never hit her. Sansa didn't care if he was a knight or a lord, as long as he was tall and handsome and was a good man. And never hit her.
As they walked the Hound suddenly cursed. "Fucking Winterfell!"
"Too bloody cold," was all he said. "What are your father's words?"
"Winter is coming," she told him.
"And too bloody soon, little bird. The long summer will end soon the small folk are saying in the wine sinks and pot shops. I hope your father has plenty of wine stored in Winterfell."
She had no idea how much wine there was, but she knew what he meant. "You shouldn't drink so much."
He laughed a bit. "All men shouldn't drink so much. But we do."
"To celebrate, to relax, to enjoy each others company. But mostly to forget and to drive away the pain."
She knew what he was talking about. The night of the feast at her father's tournament the Hound had been drunk and he told her how he had gotten his scars. He had then threatened to kill her if she had ever told that story to anyone. Since then she had been terrified of him. Now he was coming to Winterfell for a long time. At least now she could talk to him without fear he would hit her. Last night seemed to prove that. Maybe. Maybe she would have some scars if he hadn't said anything last night. Maybe Joffrey had really let him go, had sent him away, to protect his sister, but maybe that was not the real reason.
"Joffrey is mad at you, isn't he? For helping me last night?"
"Fuck Joffrey," he said with a low snarl and she was so shocked she couldn't say anything. Soon they were at the Hand's Tower and two new Lannister guards were there and they escorted her to her rooms.
Finally alone, she could grin and laugh a bit, knowing she would soon be free. But then she thought on those who had died and grew sad and for a long time Sansa lay on her bed and did not move. Food came for her midday meal, and she nibbled on some cheese and bread, and ate the weak barley soup. Not long after the Hound reappeared at her door.
"Come little bird, Lord Littlefinger has said you can see your friend."
"Why did Lord Baelish send you?" she asked as they walked away from the Hand's Tower, the two Lannister guardsmen following close behind. "I mean…you don't work for him as well, do you?"
He growled. "Not for the bloody whoremaster. He did not send me. The Queen has asked me to guard you, so I am guarding you. I go where you go."
They left the Red Keep area by a gate and were soon in the streets of the city, heading downhill. The Hound stepped closer to her and the two Lannister men crowded close behind. Many people were in the streets, going about their business, but Sansa felt their eyes on her, and felt their anger. Was she to blame for being high born and having what they did not? No, but she understood why they were angry. The world was divided between high born and small folk and few moved up in the world. A man may become a knight with valor on the battlefield, but he was burdened by his family name and history. Unless he could change that history, like some of the heroes in the books she loved, who had saved a maiden or did some other great deed and they had risen far above their low born status.
As they passed the people in the streets some merchants shouted for her to stop and check out their wares, while others spit on the ground as she passed, and still others held out their hands, begging for coins or food. The Hound growled at them all and told them to leave her be or he would cut off their hands.
"Curse the whoremaster!" he said as they turned a corner. "He should have brought the girl to the castle to say goodbye to you!"
After a bit they arrived at an archway and stepped through. Inside was a small courtyard and there were five young women here, barely dressed, sitting on stone benches around a small fountain. They stopped their talking as Sansa, the Hound and the two guards came in.
One buxom blond stood and looked at the Hound, not afraid of his scars the way Sansa was. "Oh, aren't you a big lad. Are you big all over?"
"Sit down and shut your bloody mouth whore, before I make it bloody for real," the Hound growled at her and the woman laughed. "Feisty. I like that." But she did sit down again.
"Where is the whoremaster?" the Hound growled at them all.
"Here," said Lord Baelish as he came out of a doorway. "Sansa, please come in. Your dog and his pups can stay here."
"Not bloody likely," said the Hound. "Where she goes, I go."
Lord Baelish gave a small grin. "As you wish. But the others stay here."
The Hound told the other two guards to remain there but not to sample the wares, whatever that meant. Soon Sansa and he were inside, following Lord Baelish up some stairs to an upper level. There were more women in here and several men were seen entering rooms and Sansa knew with certainty this was a brothel.
"You've got some bloody gall, Littlefinger," the Hound said in his rough voice. "Making me bring the girl to your whore's den."
"Sandor, my friend," said Lord Baelish in a sort of mocking way. "How have I wronged you?"
"Don't like you, that's all," said the Hound. "Never have."
"But you like my whores enough."
"Shut your bloody mouth."
Sansa knew what he meant. The Hound must be one of Lord Baelish's customers. Sansa was not a child. She knew what men and women did in bed together. She knew what whores were for. The Hound was a man, and all men needed a woman, so Jeyne had said once and they had laughed and giggled and talked about what boys in Winterfell they liked, but Sansa knew she would never marry one of them. She knew her father would make her a match with some lord's son. She had never dreamed it would be the King's son. For weeks she had walked on air. But all that had turn to ashes and she had come back to the harsh reality of the world.
"Well, I suppose it makes no matter now," said Lord Baelish to the Hound. "You will soon be on your way to Winterfell and we are unlikely to meet much after that. Ah, here we are."
He opened a door and inside it was like a solar. There was a large table with several chairs. Jeyne was sitting at the table with many papers and scrolls, an ink pot and quills before her. She looked well, Sansa thought, and was dressed nicely in a dark green dress. Jeyne looked up and her eyes widened and she let out a cry.
"Sansa!" she said and they rushed towards each other and hugged and cried a bit.
"Please sit," Lord Baelish said as he and the Hound stood nearby, not saying a word. Sansa sat next to Jeyne and they talked and Sansa told her all that had happened and how she was leaving soon for Winterfell.
"Do you want to come with me?" she asked Jeyne.
Jeyne gulped and cast her eyes toward Lord Baelish and then back to Sansa. "My father is dead. I have no prospects in Winterfell. Lord Baelish will give me work and help me find a husband. He is kind and I am grateful."
Sansa nodded. "I understand." I understand you are trapped here as I was, she thought, but did not stay. "Lord Baelish says you are good at sums and ledgers."
She smiled slightly. "I always have been. Don't you remember?"
"Of course," Sansa said, playing along with the lie. "It was Arya and I that were no good at sums."
"Yes," she said. "Arya is fine?"
"I think so. I am told she is at Harrenhal with my father."
Jeyne nodded. "When you see her tell her I am sorry for all the times I teased her. I should not have done that."
"I will tell her." They talked for a few more minutes about the people who were dead, and Sansa asked her to forgive her father for causing all this trouble and of course she did. Sansa also knew she was partially to blame, for telling the Queen they were planning to leave, but she still could not say that to Jeyne whose father had died while hers was still alive.
"Time to go, little bird," the Hound said suddenly and with one more cry and hug she said goodbye to Jeyne, perhaps forever.
Lord Baelish escorted them to the first floor. As they came to the bottom of the stairs one of his women was coming towards them, half dressed like most of the others. She had red hair piled high and was curvy and Sansa could see her heavy breasts through her see through sheer clothing.
"My lord, you did not tell me we had a new girl? She is so pretty. Welcome dear."
The woman then hugged her, to Sansa's shock, and then held her hands. As she did so Sansa felt a small piece of parchment put in her right hand and she squeezed it tight.
"Back off whore," growled the Hound and he stepped toward the woman and she stepped away.
"Not a new girl," said Lord Baelish with a stern look to his woman. "Just visiting her friend."
The woman smiled and gave Sansa a stare that made her feel funny. "Oh? What a shame. I would have loved to put on an act or two for the lords with this one. When she is trained of course."
Sansa gulped. What did she mean?
The Hound glared at the woman. "She's not a whore like you slut. Now get out of the way!"
The woman giggled and then backed off and left through another door with Lord Baelish looking at her suspiciously. He turned to Sansa and was about to say something when suddenly there was a commotion in the courtyard outside. Someone screeched and then there were pounding footsteps and suddenly many gold cloaks of the City Watch were entering the building. An older man in front who had heavy jowls came straight up to Lord Baelish as the Hound stepped in front of Sansa.
"What is the meaning of this, Slynt?" asked Lord Baelish in an angry tone. "Here to kill more babies? I am afraid they are all gone, hiding from your cutthroats."
"It's Lord Slynt to you, traitor!" the man named Slynt snarled. "I'm not here for any baby. I have a warrant for your arrest for treason." He handed Lord Baelish a sealed scroll.
"An outrage!" Lord Baelish shouted as he opened it and then after a moment sighed heavily. "Well, this seems in order. I will see the King and Queen immediately and put an end to this infamy."
Slynt smiled. "I have orders to bring you to the black cells."
Lord Baelish now bristled. "Look here, I am a lord of the realm, the master of coin. I demand to see the Queen at once!"
"Oh, she'll see you alright. Maybe a bit later, after you beg to confess your crimes. Take him away!"
Two men grabbed Lord Baelish under the arms, one removing a dagger from its sheath at Lord Baelish's waist. "This is not over, Slynt!" he screamed. "I will see you hanged!"
"You first," said Slynt with a smile as Lord Baelish was dragged away still shouting. Slynt shouted to his men. "Gather all papers and books. Gather the whores for questioning. Kick out the customers but do not harm anyone." Then he seemed to notice the Hound for the first time. "What are you doing here? A midday fuck?"
The Hound reached out with his massive right hand and grabbed Slynt by the front of his chain mail. "Shut your mouth, pig. What I am doing here is not your business but the Queen's."
As they spoke Sansa had quickly looked at the small piece of parchment the woman had handed her. Written in small letters was a message from Jeyne. Save me! Take me home! Jeyne.
Sansa had no time to think how the woman had gotten the message or why she had given it to Sansa. Maybe Jeyne knew Sansa was coming to see her. Maybe Lord Baelish told her Sansa was coming to say good-bye because she was going to Winterfell. She quickly crumpled the message in her hand as two of Slynt's men brandish spears at the Hound.
"Let go of me or my men will kill you!" Slynt was shouting.
The Hound laughed. "They can bloody well try. I have not killed a man in a few weeks. My sword is itching to taste blood."
She had to end this. Sansa reached out and touched the black chain mail covering his left arm. "Sandor? Please stop," she said, saying his name for the first time.
He flinched and then with a sigh he let go of Slynt. "Yes, my lady," the Hound said.
"We should go," Sansa said and then knew what she had to do next. "After I get my friend we came to take with us."
The Hound turned and looked at her. For a long few seconds he said nothing and then he nodded. "Right you are, little bird."
"Who is this…Lady Stark?" said Slynt in surprise as he got a good look at her standing behind the bulk of the Hound. He turned to his two men, gave them a shake of his head, and they lowered their spears.
"Yes…Lord Slynt, is it?" she asked and didn't wait for an answer. "Sandor Clegane was asked to bring me here by the Queen to meet my friend who is employed by Lord Baelish as a ledger keeper. I was about to ask her to join me for supper. She is free to go, is she not?"
"A ledger keeper," said Slynt. "She may know things…"
"She knows nothing," the Hound growled at him. "Littlefinger lied to Lady Stark. Her friend is not a ledger keeper, she is a whore in training like the rest. Only kept here against her will. Lady Stark lied as well. She asked me to save her friend, not bring her to supper."
Sansa felt a shock run through her. She had suspected it was true but now she knew it was. Poor Jeyne! "Please Lord Slynt, help us. She is my friend from Winterfell. I am going to be going home soon and she wants to come with me."
Slynt paused and then nodded. "Yes, I know you are leaving soon. Very well. Baelish is a traitor now, the Queen will not care what happens to one of his little whores. Get the girl and be gone."
Sansa didn't wait a second. She raced upstairs and the Hound shouted at her to stop and then she heard his footsteps pounding after her. Upstairs it was chaos. Gold cloaks were dragging naked men and women out of rooms, people were shouting and cursing and when she came to the room Jeyne was in she was standing crying as three gold cloaks started gathering up all the papers, scrolls and books in the room.
"Sansa!" she shouted and ran to her. A gold cloak tried to stop her but the Hound was there and he shoved the man back, so hard he fell to the floor.
"Hands off!" the Hound growled and the other men stopped what they were doing as the third scrambled to his feet. Two drew their swords and the Hound smiled in joy and drew his. Then Slynt was there in the doorway shouting at his men.
"Put away your steel!"
His men paused but did as he commanded and Slynt turned to Sansa, the Hound and Jeyne. "Go, before I change my mind!"
The Hound grunted and slid his sword back into his scabbard. "Come, little birds. Time to fly."
Soon they were back in the courtyard where the two Lannister men were being held at spear point by several gold cloaks. The Hound was about to speak but Sansa did so first. "They are with me, and are not employed by Lord Baelish," she said in a commanding tone, not knowing where it came from, not liking these men but not wanting to see any bloodshed. "Can't you see they wear Lannister colors? The Queen will hear of this if you do not let them go."
Slowly the spears were lowered and the two men fell in step behind Sansa, Jeyne and the Hound as they left through the archway.
"Thank you, my lady," said one of the Lannister men as they quickly walked away from the brothel.
"What has happened?" asked the other.
"Lord Whoremaster has been arrested for treason," the Hound told them.
"Treason? Baelish?"
"Yes," said Sansa. "We don't know why. Come, let us get back to the castle."
"As my lady commands," said the Hound and Sansa felt a little thrill shoot through her as she grabbed Jeyne's hand and they swiftly followed the big man through the streets.