Chapter 1

Ruby woke up, uncomfortably, covering her eyes with her hand from the sun, she got up, yawned, picked up her red hood and her scythe from the tree where she was sleeping. Inhaling the fresh air, she puts on her hood, her eyepatch and decided to go on to her journey to the Land of Dawn.

"How much far am I?"

Ruby just sighed and continues to walk. As she was walking, two enormous terrifying monsters jumped at her way.

"What?! What are those creatures?! AND IT IS STILL EARLY!!"

Ruby tightly grabbed her scythe and attack one of the monsters. Surprisingly. he scythe just went through the body of the creature like it was just air, not dealing any damage. Ruby was shocked, then the monster teleported behind her and attacked her. Ruby groaned in pain.

"These... monsters are powerful...and extraordinary"

Getting back on her feet, she quickly ran to the second monster and attacked it. And again, it just went through, the monster counter attacked but Ruby quickly dodged it.

"How can I get to the Land of Dawn if I can't get past these creatures?!?!"

Suddenly, something came out from a bush and jumped to one of the monsters, attacking it with his large sword. The monster dealt damage, Ruby couldn't believe this. The strange figure continued to attack the monster, and the monster faded. The figure attacked the other creature and again faded.

"Tier 3.." said the figure.

"What? What tier 3??" Ruby still in confusion.

"Those demons, Tier 3 demons, where you attacked them with a simple weapon they don't deal damage, however if you attack them with a weapon that has the magical ability to attack a spirit, it will deal damage" said the figure.

"Wait wait, I'm lost, you said it was a demon then now a spirit, I'm confused" Ruby replied

"It is a spirit but it became a demon" the figure said.

"Oh ok, but quick question, WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!?!" Ruby escalated from sweet to scary.

"Geez kid, not even a single thank you for saving your life, you have to respect your elders kid, and a child like you should not be here, it is dangerous" he replied.

"First of all, I'm not a kid, and second, you didn't answer my question!" Ruby shouted.

The figure turned around to Ruby. He's a man with blonde hair, blue eyes , wearing a blue coat. On his right hand somewhat look like demon claws, wielding his large sword. He is taller than Ruby. Ruby slighty blushed.

"The name is Alucard shorty, I'm a demon hunter, can't believe you're not a kid"

"Don't call me shorty, I'm not short! You're just tall!" Ruby furiously answered.

"What's your name?"

"It's Ruby"

"Hello Ruby, nice patch and scythe, what brings you here?"

"I'm here on my way to the Land of Dawn, to train, to become stronger than ever"

"Well, in that case I'll join you, I'm going back to Land of Dawn"

"Wait, how can I make sure you're nit some crazy person who is going to kill me?"

"I saved your life, for crying out loud, I'm a demon hunter who serves justice and bring peace to the land"

"Ok ok fine, let's go"

Alucard and Ruby accompanied each other on their way to the Land of Dawn.

Both of them stayed quiet for the rest of the journey until,

"So, tell me more about yourself Ruby"

"Excuse me?"

"I just want to know more about you, to know why you're so sassy"

"I'm not sassy, ok?"

"ok ok, then, why is your weapon a scythe? Of all weapons, you have a scythe"

"It's from where I came from, I used this scythe to fight off wolves from our village"

"Wolves you say?"

"Yes, when I was little, a pack of wolves surrounded our village, the scythes were just hanging around, and..."


"How far away are we from our destination?"


"....How far away are we?"


"Let's not talk about it anymore"

"Well..ok then, we're actually now here"

"Here wher- OH WE'RE HERE!"

Finally Ruby and Alucard have reached their destination, Ruby, filled with mixed emotions, excited, nervous, shocked, happy. Then she remembered something.

'When I become stronger, you and I will be partners and hunt wolves together and bring peace to the world!'

'We'll be partners I promise'

"You promised.."

"Promised what?" asked Alucard

"NOTHING! It was nothing!"

"Alright, let me show you around"

Alucard was about to show her around when he bumped into someone.

"Ah sorry sir, I wasn't paying atten-"

"Alucard is that you?" asked the man

"Tigreal sir? It is you sir! Greetings"

"Oh stop Alucard, just call me Tigreal, I see that you found the love of your life"

Ruby and Alucard turned red.

"ITS NOT LIKE THAT, I JUST MET HER" Alucard said while blushing.

"How did you meet her?"

"I met her on my way back here, she was on her way here too but then there demons in the way and I saved her life"

"Well then what brings you here? Miss?"

"It is Ruby sir, my name is Ruby, I'm here to be stronger, to know more" Ruby replied politely.

"Well, if that's the case, you should rest for a while miss and you can train tomorrow, it must have been a long journey for you, you should rest"

"T-Thank you Sir" replied Ruby

"You're welcome here in the Land of Dawn"

Alucard and Ruby waved their goodbyes to Tigreal.

"You could stay with me, Ruby" said Alucard.


"Yeah, I don't want to see you too frustrated to find a place to stay in"

Alucard smiled at her. Ruby blushed.

'He's cute....WAIT NO NO NO HE IS NOT CUTE RUBY', Ruby thought.

"Ok then, I accept your offer Alucard", Ruby looked away.

Both of them walked to where Alucard is staying at. When they finally arrived, Alucard welcomes her. It was just simple, Alucard hangs his coat on a rack, and put his sword down on a table.

"You could sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the chair" Alucard said.

"No no, it is ok you sleep on the bed"

"No, you sleep on the bed" Ruby replied.

"No you sleep on the bed"

"No you should sleep on the bed"

"No I should sleep on the bed"

"No I should sleep on the bed Alucard"

"Ok Ruby deal?"

"Deal.....what just happened?"

Alucard giggled and said

"You should rest now Ruby"

"Oh alright"

"Goodnight Ruby"

"Goodnight Alucard"

Ruby placed her scythe on the floor, removed her hood and her patch and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of what will happen tomorrow.