Chapter 2

-One evening, in the distance a pack of wolves were surrounding village, outnumbering the people in the village. With one horrifying howl by the Wolf King, Pale Tusk, the wolves agressively attacked the peaceful village. Devoured the villagers, house by house.

In a small cabin, a little girl is praying that their protector will come back to save thems from the terrifying beasts. Suddenly, a loud crash can be heard outside, the little girl went outside to see her grandparents fighting back against the wolves using scythes. They were all heavily wounded, blood all over their clothes. Ruby, terrified, just stood there, looking at them. Her grandpa turned around,



With one swing of his scythe, the wolf was wounded, it counter-attacked as a reply. The wolf hit him in the stomach and quickly crunch the shoulder of the man, sinking its teeth, causing the man to further bleed. And again, in a swift move, the wolf bites the hand off. The man falling to the ground.


The woman ran towards the wolf, charging at it. Deciding to strike, as expected, the wolf quickly hit her in the chest, she fell back. Then the monster turned to the little girl, licking its face with its red eyes. Walking slowly toward her, blood on its mouth, its body, its claws.

'N-no, please, Roger, I need you, PLEASE!'

The monster suddenly stopped, and fell on the ground. Behind it were the little girl's grandparents holding their scythes, breathing heavily, both of them pale due to the blood loss they're suffering. Both fell down next to the girl. The man smiled at her, and slowly closed his eyes and exhaled his last breath.


The little girl started to cry, then the woman reached her hand to the little girl's face,

'Listen, Ruby, no matter what happens *cough*, stay strong my child, we will always look over you, don't let fear get the best *cough* of you okay? Now, go hide, so the monsters won't see you, go inside the house'

'No no no, Granmama don't leave me, please stay with me dont leave!'

'Child, I'm always with you'

With that, the woman passed away. Ruby heard the loud howling of the monsters, and quickly acted fast. She hid under the corpse of her grandparents. Two wolves started to search the place. She stayed quiet for a while until the wolves finally searched another place. Ruby got up, looking at her grandparents, from the moment they died in front of her, she was filled with rage. She grabbed the scythe and rushed to the wolves. The wolves were startled, they couldn't move, shocked by a strange figure attacking them one by one. With one swift of her weapon, shining, reflecting the moonlight, she attacked the wolves. Slashing, striking the creatures with her scythe. Blood all over her body. Almost slaughtered them all. But there was one who survived, Pale Tusk. Tusk never expected this to happen, he left the village to survive the attack.

When Pale Tusk had left the village, Ruby recovered consciousness, steadily breathing, exhaling and inhaling deeply. Ruby closed her eyes, and take in the fresh air. As the sun rise, she looked at her scythe and gripped it tightly,

'I will avenge my grandparents, I will hunt those wolves down, I'll become stronger than before, and I will find you, partner...'-

"Ruby,Ruby, RUBY!!"

Ruby jumped out of surprise, someone was waking her up. Ruby looked at him.

"Wake up sleepyhead"

"I. Am. Up. Alucard"

"Good, now lets eat breakfast"

"You know for a handsome guy like you, you're not a gentleman as I expect"

"So wait, you think I'm handsome?"

Ruby went ruby red. And stuttered,


"Haha, okay kid let's go"


Alucard and Ruby head out to grab breakfast. Alucard was leading the way, when they arrived at the place, they went inside. It was full of warriors, sailors and saw a lot of hooks. They went up to a large man who has orange hair, cleaning a mug while whistling.

"Well what do we have here? Blondie, welcome back, how's the huntin'?" asked the man.

"Goodmorning Franco good sir! It was good, it was good, thank you sir for asking" Alucard replied.

"Well, well, who is this beautiful little lady with you?"

Ruby didn't know what to feel, to feel happy because she was called beautiful or angry because she was called little.

"Is she your lover? Boy, you're so lucky" teased Franco

"W-WHAT NO SHE IS NOT!", Alucard flustering

"DE-DEFINITELY NOT SIR!" stammered Ruby.

"EHAHAHAHA, what a couple, well, I assume that you both want some breakfest eh, I'll make you one"

"Yes sir, Thank you" replied Ruby

"Wait, I didn't know that you cook" said Alucard

"Boy, I may be a Frozen Warrior, but I am a chef also! If you taste my cookin', you'll be amazed, just wait"

"Let's sit there then" said Alucard pointing at a table with two chairs, Ruby agreed and they sat there and placed their weapons on the side. A few minutes later, Franco came up to them and placed the food on their table.

"Here ya go, fried eggs, bread, and caffeine"

Alucard looked at the food. And looked at Franco with a disappointed face.


"What?" said Franco

" this is what you're boasting about?..." said Alucard

"Oi, shut up and eat" replied Franco

Ruby began to eat the egg and tasted it, she was shocked of how good it taste. She was smiling and amazed by her food, eventhough it was just eggs, and she swallowed it.

"It was soo good sir! You're really a chef!" said Ruby

"Haha, I like this one, such a joyful girl! Why isn't she your lover Alucard?"

"Why would I go out with a ki-"

Ruby shoved bread into Alucard's mouth to shut him up.

"HAHAHA, little lady, I like your spirit, HAHA!"


Alucard looking furiously at Ruby, he ate the bread and proceeded to eat the eggs. Franco grabbed a chair and sat between them.

"So tell me young lady, how did you and Alucard meet?" asked Franco

"Well, I was on my way to the Land of Dawn, and then suddenly, two huge demons were in my way. Apparently, I can't hit the demons and they attacked back. And then, he came out from a bush and attacked the demons and they faded away" said Ruby

"Ooh, knight in shinning armor eh? eh?" Franco said while nudging Alucard.

"I'm a demon hunter, I hunt demons, it's my duty" replied Alucard.

"And why did you want to come to the Land of Dawn young lady? What is your name?"

"Oh I'm Ruby sir, my name is Ruby"

"Nice to meet ya, the name is Franco"

"Well sir, I came here to become stronger dear sir! I want to fight evil and bring justice and..."


"I want to find my partner"

"That's new, I haven't heard that from you" said Alucard.

"Yes, he saved our villages years ago then he went missing and never came back"

"What's his name then Ruby" asked Alucard.

"Roger, his name is Roger"

"Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, hmmm, doesn't ring a bell to me" Franco scratches his head

"I don't know any Roger" said Alucard.

"And I'm here to train, get stronger, and find him, I know he's out there somewhere"

"Well, you want to train?" asked Franco

"Yes sir" replied Ruby

"Come and try with me and the warriors, you will learn a lot"

"Th-Thank you sir!"

"I'll come but I'll just watch" said Alucard

"We'll train in a forest near here, let's go now!" stated Franco

"Now?!" said Alucard and Ruby

"Yes now! My comrades lets go train!"

"HUURAH!" said the warriors.

Franco and his men went out, so did Alucard and Ruby, both of them followed the warriors outside until they reach the nearest forest to train.

"Okay men, we have a warrior that will join us today in our training! Please come here Ruby"

Ruby step foward to Franco and faced the warriors.

"Men this is Ruby! She will join us! Go there and join them Ruby, Now let us COMMENCE!"

"HOO!" shouted the men

First, they did the daily routine, exercising, stretching their bodies and such. When they finished that,

"Now! Let's begin the combat, where I will pick who will fight each other and show how they fight, this way your mind and body are trained. Starting with me and Henry!"

A man came up to Franco who is known as Henry. The men circled between them, Alucard just watching from afar.

"Let's now fight!" Franco said.

Franco was wielding a hammer and hook. Henry was wielding a hammer and shield. Then suddenly, Henry charged at Franco. Franco quickly dodge and hit Henry on the back, it was a hard hit, Henry tried to run away in a curvy line, he ran so fast but Franco used his hook. The hook grabbed Henry.

'What an accurate hook aim' Ruby thought.

After he hooked Henry, the hook pulled him back and Franco hit him again and Henry was stunned, while he was stunned Franco hit him multiple times. When it was over, Henry just standed there and finally fell down.

"Your strenght has improved Henry" said Franco

"Tha-Thank you oof" said Henry

After a lot of combats,

"Ruby and Igor!"

Alucard then became interested, and turned to them.

Ruby came forward grabbing her scythe and a man with brown hair and a brown beard wielding a sword.

"A scythe? Well okay then, FIGHT!" announced Franco

Igor came towards Ruby with his sword in hand. Ruby dodged the attack and swiftly slashed Igor on the chest. Igor dealt damage, and again charge at her attacking her above, she shielded herself with her scythe holding the end of her scythe and the other near the blade. After that she quickly came to Igor slashed him many times, Igor couldn't take it anymore he ran away from her. In an instant, Ruby remembered Franco's hook and decided to hook Igor with her scythe. With a swing, she hooked Igor and pulled him back. Then slashed him many times until he surrendered.

"EXCELLENT! Now on to the next fight!"

Ruby took a break and towards Alucard under the shade.

"Hi" greeted Alucard

"Hey, how are you?"

"Well just here, under the shade, nice skills Ruby, what a fighter"

"Thank you"



"Your first thank you to me, that is so sweet"

"Oh shut up"

"Here, water and bread eat"

Alucard and Ruby sat under the shade and ate.

After a lot of fights, the sun was setting and it is about to get dark.

"Okay Men, let's go home now!"


The men began to go home now.

"Excellent fight there Ruby, where did you learn to hook with a scythe like that" said Franco

"I learned from the best, I learned from you" Ruby replied.

"HAHA, a beautiful girl and knows how to fight, you are one lucky man, Alucard" said Franco

Both Alucard and Ruby blushed.

"I'll see you two again, go home now" Franco waved goodbye to them.

The two went back and put their weapons away. And decided to rest.

"Goodnight Alucard" Ruby yawning.

"Goodnight Cutie"

Both stopped, realizing what Alucard said. Both flustered.

"I-I was talking to the mirror!" Alucard stated

Then Ruby went to bed thinking what Alucard said, and blushing. Then drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile,

"Why did I said that? Well she is kind of cute- WAIT NO, SHE IS NOT CUTE!"

Unaware of what is outside, someone in a suit and a hat was looking inside and was following them all along. The strange figure ran away.
