Now I have to return

"My gift?" He checked inside, "I will try it on now." He grinned ear to ear and went to his room.

By the time Loran came out, Sky gave the clothes which she brought for others.

"Sky, Why did you bring for us? Is this necessary?" Georgia voiced out her opinion.

"Mom,... " Before Sky say anything, Loran interjected, "You brought for everyone? You really forgot my birthday. You... You..."

Loran wanted to curse but nothing came out of his mouth.

He was still very possessive about his sister. When he was young, He never let her buy or give anything to his friends. Never let her share her chocolates or dessert with anybody.

He got pissed, "I'm not celebrating my birthday. Go back to your company. hmph."

"Loran" George glared at him.

Jai who was sitting next to Loran smacked his head.

Loran rubbed his head and eyed one after another and pointed Sky, "She is the one who forgot my birthday. Get angry on her."

"That's why I call you dumb." Sky held one more bag, "I thought you will give me a birthday party and brought this."

She shook her head as if she is said, "Now I have to return it."

Loran jumped in front of Sky with excitement, "Really? for me?"

"Yeah. Since you are not celebrating, Don't worry I will return it.." Sky teased him.

"Hahaha Who said I'm not celebrating. You must have heard wrong." He started laughing

"My dumbo brother, Happy birthday." she wished and gave him the gift.

He moved near the coffee table and squatted to unwrap the gift but suddenly stopped in his track. Everybody got confused.

He slowly turned towards Sky and seemed like he may blow up anytime "My sweet sister, Don't tell me you bought a gift to all?"

Everybody looked at each other in a serious expression and next second they burst out laughing.

Loran smiled and scratching his head, "Is that a no?"

Both Jai and Sky threw a cushion at him, "Of course No."

Seeing such a lively and cheerful atmosphere, Both Mr & Mrs.Barton got happy. They always missed their bantering in the home.

Finally, Loran saw his gift and started jumping with joy. "Mom, Look look. I got a new edition camera. Do you remember I told you that I wanted to change my camera and buy a new one? It's the same."

He went towards Sky, Pulled her up and hugged, "Oh Sister, You are my soulmate." then he spun her around.

She was pleased that Loran liked her gift even though he was exaggerating too much.

The maid informed that lunch was ready, So everybody went to the dining room for lunch.

Table full food looked like a feast and most of them were Sky's favorite dishes.