His heart ached

George sat at the head of the table, Georgia towards his left, Jai towards his right. Sky sat between brothers and they started eating.

Loran noticed that most of the dishes are Sky's favorite. "Mom, isn't all these Sister's favorite?"

Everybody thought that he would throw a tantrum and all turned towards him.

Before his mom say anything. He continued "Good, good." He used his arm and held Sky by her neck, "She must be missing your food for many days."

Sky pinched him to let herself loose, "Of course I missed. I'm going to eat everything. Don't tell me later you didn't eat well." She stuck out her tongue at Loran.

The Barton family enjoyed lunch and started to chat in the hall with a fruit platter.


In Gill's House

Andy arrived at his place in Sky's Sportscar which naturally attracted lots of attention in his neighborhood. Everybody thought he must be well off now and their miserable days were over.

He stepped out of the car after parking and noticed many eyes on him. Ignoring their questionable looks, He entered his house.

"Mom, Dad! I'm home." He went in sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

Stefan Gill who was reading the newspaper just gave a nod as an acknowledgment.

"Andy!" Sandra sounded happy. "Morning you called to tell that you are not coming. You didn't inform us about your change of plan."

"Mom, CEO came to this side, so I drove her here." Andy continued to change channels without any interest in any channels or shows.

"Good, Good. Have you had your lunch? Give me some time it will be ready." His mom ran towards the kitchen to complete her cooking.

"Sure mom." He turned off the TV and looked around for his brother. But he didn't find him.

So he went towards the kitchen and asked: "Where is Rony?"

Rony Gill, Younger brother of Andy. He was an Event Planner. Due to no orders and losses, he closed his Event management company. He was doing small jobs in the town itself to take care of his parents.

"Weekends he works in some cafe." She answered without raising her head.

Andy loved his brother. His heart ached for him. "Wasn't he working as a receptionist in an office that was open on weekdays?"

Sandra sighed, "He is working there also."

Looking at her son's worried face, She couldn't help but sigh again. "Go take rest. I will call you once the food is ready."

Andy nodded and went to his room. He changed into leisurewear and lay down on the bed to rest.

His eyes fell on a frame that had doodled heart design in it. Black wooden frame, Handmade doodle art in black and red on white paper. He got up and took the frame. He wiped the dust off the frame.