Let's go and have fun

"Brother Jai, How many times I told you not to frighten Sister?" Loran only cared about Sky.

Sky looked at Jai's calm face, took a deep breath and sighed. Jai went near Sky and noticed a trace of a tear and his heart broke.

He hugged her, "Silly girl! You have to be strong. How can you manage your employees like this."

"I'm managing them well. You manage your anger." She raised her head to look at his face. "It will affect your sports life."

Jai rubbed her head but didn't respond.

"Let's go in, Hosts should be at the party." Sky said as she looked at her two brothers.

Loran swept a glance at Ken, Looking at his fake yet difficult smile, his posture, he guessed Jai must have beat him. But he kept quiet and didn't want to talk in front of Sky.

Hearing to Sky's words, "Let's go and have fun."

Jai and Sky went ahead, Loran deliberately stood. "Brother Ken, I may see you soon." He said a word for a word in a threatening tone and left.

Ken shivered and rooted there for a long time. When three entered the hall, they had no mood to enjoy.

Jai was worried about Sky.

Sky is worried about Jai,

Loran thinking about what happened.

Loran couldn't stand looking at their dampen mood and suggested to leave the party soon. Jai and Sky agreed and left the party after paying.

Seeing the complex expression on the faces of her brothers, Sky managed to excite them. "Loran, aren't we taking your souvenir birthday picture?"

Every year Loran framed their pictures on his birthday in his room wall. This year he would be hanging the 21st picture. Initially, Sky and Jai laughed at his thought but later they loved the idea of picturizing.

"My sister still remembers it. Where should we take this time?" Loran hooked Sky's arm to his and started thinking.

"As we still have time to dinner, How about we go near the ferries wheel?" Jai suggested.

"Cool!" Both Sky and Loran said in unison.

It took them only 15 minutes to reach near the ferries wheel from Caged. Loran took his new camera with a tripod and went in front of the wheel. He positioned the tripod so that it can cover the complete wheel and set the timer.

Three made different poses together and captured more than fifty pictures with solo pictures of three. Sky was exhausted in her heels standing for a long time. She sat to rest and saw a cotton candy shop.

She pointed to the shop and saw both Loran and Jai with a puppy face. Both laughed.

Jai went to buy for them and Loran teased, "Your Highness!" Loran made a bowing gesture, "You bring your childishness whenever you be with us."