Can I lay him off too

Jai saw them laughing and teasing each other. Even though he never expresses his feeling to them, he always enjoyed being with them.

One was jolly and sensible. Another one is sensitive and kind. Both were best at bickering at each other still never got angry at each other. He promised to himself to keep his lilliputs same and happy.

Jai reached them with three pink colored cotton candies. They started eating. "How about pictures with props?" Sky waved her candy to show it as props.

"Aren't you tired of taking pictures?" Jai raised his brow.

"Hahaha Brother Jai, Do think your sister plays like this with others? She is cold-blooded ..." Sky pinched his arm hard before he could finish.

"Why do you call me cold-blooded CEO?" Sky pouted.

"Sky, You are famous as a Cold-blooded CEO in the Capital. You don't know that?"

Sky looked at them in a confused expression. "Sister, Be kinder to your employees. Many families cursed you for laying off soo many employees."

"They... They were slacking off at their work. was.. was I wrong by doing it?" Sky started to think about her working style.

All the Directors supported her proposal hence she fired many and appointed new to those places. Company growth also increased hence she never cared about incompetent ex-employees.

Jai knocked his head, "Sky, You were correct as a CEO, don't worry. The public will have a different opinion. You don't have to care about that."

"Brother Jai, Can I lay him off too?" Sky asked Jai and glared at Loran.

Loran understood and laughed, "I'm not leaving you." Changed the subject to pictures. "Let's take pictures."

Jai and Sky both smiled. "Sky, Don't take them to heart. He was just making fun. He reads all the articles about Harley and you. He was mad on the day when he read your ex-employees defaming you. He wanted to talk to you many times but we stopped him. Probably that's why he took that topic to see your reaction."

Sky understood and nodded. "I understand."

"Don't worry! you are doing a good job. Harley venturing into new industries. Not bad Little sister. We are proud of you." Sky smiled in response.

The tripod was ready soon and again their photo session continued for ten more minutes. Then they returned home for dinner.


The Gill mansion.

Andy who went out angrily returned home as soon as he received a call from his brother at dinner time.

"Brother, where were you so long?" Rony was worried.

"Nowhere, I'm here now." Andy patted on Rony's shoulder and entered home.

"Dinner is ready." Sandra called everyone to dinner.

They started dinner. They had lost the liveliness and it was unusually silent. Sandra always had to think of a way to break the silence."

"Son, When do you have to return back to Captial?"