I'm just helping a friend.

Andy gulped his soup and answered, "Monday early morning, if any changes, I let you know Mom."

"Brother, Whose that sports car? It's a limited edition."

"It's the CEO's Car."

"Wow brother, you have a supercool CEO." Rony thought that the CEO must have given that car to Andy from the company.

Andy shook his head dejectedly but didn't clear his misunderstanding.

When Sky needed him the most, he blamed her with his mother. But his brother who behaved as if he doesn't like Sky tried to stand for her on that day. Andy didn't know how Rony would react to his current employer.

They finished their dinner, Stefan helped his wife to clear table. Rony pulled Andy to the terrace. Andy lay on the Bench and watched stars. Rony sat on the swing.

Seeing his brother watching Stars, "Brother, Do you remember you were sky gazing with..." Rony didn't finish and changed the subject.

"Brother, Mom said you got a new good job? How is it?"

"Yeah. Worked only two days. Good so far." Andy gave a faint smile.

"Good Good. We are not there so you take care of yourself and don't worry about here, I will take of mom and dad." Rony's mood got better.

"Yeah. What about you? Is your job good?" Andy turned to face his brother.

"My receptionist job? it is so and so. I am managing." Rony wanted to hide about his part-time jobs.

"Why are you working in the cafe?" Andy raised his brow.

"I... I'm just helping a friend." Rony lied.

"Rony!" Andy was displeased with his answer.

"Brother, I'm sorry. I'm working in a cafe as a part-timer on weekdays and full time on weekends. It will help us to pay back our loan."

Andy didn't know that he was also working as a part-timer. "Don't work in the cafe anymore." Andy was angry at himself and he doesn't want to throw a fit at his brother.

"Brother I just ..." Andy interjected "I will solve the problem which is created by me. You don't overstrain yourself. Understood?"

"Brother, Isn't your problem is also mine? Why are you doing this to yourself?" Rony felt bad for his brother.

"Rony, I don't want to argue about this. Do as I say." Andy said more like commending.

"Fine." Rony got upset.

Both fell silent for a long time. Rony was trying to say something but was stopping himself.

Andy noticed Rony's uneasiness and spoke. "Are you now scared to talk to your own brother?"

"Nope!" Rony shook his head. "I'm thinking that how to say this to you."

"From when did you start thinking all that. Come on, speak." Andy sat down and faced Rony.

Seeing Rony's hesitation, "Rony, you don't have to worry about what I will think. If it is something you want to do, I will support you. Don't worry."

Rony shook his head. "It's not about me." then he pushed his mobile towards Andy.