you are a ruthless person.

"Loran, Do you remember that we had a story to listen today?" Sky saw Jai's reaction.

"Yeah, I almost forgot that. Brother Jai." Loran dragged his words.

"There is nothing as a story to tell." Jai face turned red.

"Brother Jai, even though there is no light, Moonlight is enough to see your face turning red."

Loran noticed his face after Sky mentioned and started to tease.

"Brother, if I'm right she is your third girlfriend, right?" Loran asked nonchalantly.

"There was a second girlfriend too? how come I don't know?" Sky was astonished.

Jai glared at Loran. Loran ignored him and told about Jai's girlfriend.

"Do you remember you came home after three months of staying in Captial, Last year, February. That day he had his third date with her. Since you were coming, He canceled the date and stayed at home. She got angry."

"Is that a reason for the breakup?" Sky thought she was the reason.

"No, no, no. She was angry that he didn't go but she understood he must be busy. But, It was her birthday on the same day. He! My brother!" Loran pointed Jai, "He didn't even wish her, Poor girl's heart broke and she broke up."

Jai threw an empty juice bottle at Loran and gave a warning look.

Sky broke out into laughter. "I almost thought I was the reason. Brother Jai, You are awesome"

"Who knew you girls break up for such stupid reasons. yeah, Sky! you can get such tens of reasons from Loran." Jai threw the hot potato to Loran.

"Hahaha, Brother! you are soo cunning." Loran pouted.

"There are many stories then, Should I call home to say we are not going home tonight?" Sky got excited.

"Many stories? My sister, My many are equal to one. I didn't like anybody after the first date."

Sky chuckled, "You are hopeless!". She sat and started to drink the juice.

"My little brother, are you sure you like girls, but not the other one?"

"Pfft" Sky spat out everything and burst into laughter. "Brother Jai! you sure are a ruthless person."

"You... You...!" Loran didn't get any word to get back from them.

"You two are bullying the weak. Where is your morals and principles? I will tell Mom!" Loran started behaving like a virtuous frail lady.

"Why not? Go on."

They calmed down after some time. Jai received a call from home to ask what time they are returning. Seeing Sky yawning twice, Jai decided to return home.

They packed the things and kept in the trunk and left the mountain top. They reached around eleven o'clock to the mansion.

Sky and Loran were asleep in the car. Jai called the maid to help him clean the car trunk. He woke up both Sky and Loran and sent them to their room.

Jai checked on them before going to his room.