You sure know how to talk.

Jai woke up at his usual time for exercise. After his workout, He typed a message,

"Meet me at Barista at sharp 9."

He selected the contact and clicked on the send button. Later he got fresh up and checked Sky's and Loran's room.

They were sleeping peacefully. He went in and drew the curtains to avoid sunlight.

When Jai went down, breakfast was ready. He went and sat on his chair.

"Good morning mom, dad."

Father Barton gave a nod and continued to read the newspaper.

"Good morning Jai. Why aren't they coming down?" Georgia looked at the stairs.

"Mom let them sleep, They will eat when they wake up. Don't wake them up." Jai applied butter on his toast and responded.

"Are you going anywhere? Sky is staying here today." Georgia noticed how Jai dressed so she asked.

"Mom, Probably I will be back before they wake up or please give me a call when they come down." Jai requested his mom.

"Sure" Only three finished their breakfast.

Jai left to cafe Barista after his breakfast and reached five minutes to nine.

As soon as he entered the cafe, he noticed a man sitting near a window and went near him.

"Hey, Long time!" Jai greeted and sat down opposite the man.

The man hesitated for a while, "Hello."

"Relax Andy, Why are you nervous?" Jai saw his uneasiness.

"It's nothing, I ordered Lemon Iced tea for you. Is it okay? or should I order something else?" Andy knew Jai don't drink coffee but he was not sure about Lemon tea.

"No problem. Thank you." Jai watched Andy's expression and couldn't understand what he was thinking.

Andy nodded and took a sip of his coffee and noticed Jai watching him intently. He kept his cup down and asked, "Is there anything you want to talk to me?"

"Shouldn't I meet my old friend without a reason?" Jai asked nonchalantly.

Andy shook his head, "Of course you can meet, but we both know that we are not on good terms"

"Oh! so you know that... Good!" Jai sarcastically remarked.

Andy understood why he said like that. Jai just implied that he shouldn't have met Sky. He lowered his head but didn't speak anything.

Jai sipped his iced tea and spoke, "Don't you have anything to ask or say?"

Andy took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to trouble your sister either. But I had left with no choice. I'm sure you know about my family situation."

"What's done is done! What are you planning to do now?" Jai patiently asked.

"I'm just working as a secretary. I will just do my job. Or if you want me to resign, I will do that."

Jai smirked, "You sure know how to talk."