You are the one who is old

Even though Sky was the youngest one in the meeting, nobody doubted her capabilities. Everybody nodded in satisfaction and cheered her.

"We will support you, Ms.Harley."

"Yes, we will."



Sky gave a faint smile and sat on her seat. The meeting was headed by the chairman Harley.

After attendees got quite, David spoke, "So let's finish the formalities too. Is there anyone who opposes the idea or has a different request?"

Davide glanced at Sky and continued, "Our president will give you a satisfactory answer for it."

Sky who was sitting next to her dad, Looked through the hall and satisfied that everybody supported her. But suddenly noticing the change of expression in attendees saying 'Chairman Harley'.

Sky saw her dad and perplexed. He had a dissatisfied expression. Before she could react, VP asked him. "Chairman Harley, Are you not happy with the proposal?"

Sky felt like her dad humiliating her in front of so many people. When she tried to talk to him before meeting about the proposal, he brushed off the topic.

She felt an intense gaze to her and lowered her head. Soon she composed herself to give him a reasonable response and looked at her dad.

David glanced at everyone and stopped at Sky, "Ms. President, Last year you proposed the Diamond jewelry business. This time, its fashion industry. If you keep on proposing new ideas every year, Can we expect five more in next lustrum?"

Shareholders burst into laughter and David joined them.

Sky who was tensed felt light-headed in an instant and gave a small punch on his hand. "Dad, we are in the meeting."

David laughed again, "Isn't it a valid question folk?"

"You are right Chairman." Many said in unison.

"I have plans for Harley but let's take it slowly one after another." Sky responded.

"Hahaha, let's work on this as of now. Is there anything else to be addressed in this meeting?" David asked and looked around.

Seeing no response, David decided to end the meeting. "Thank you all for your time and suggestion at the meeting. Thank you Ms.President for your hard work. Let's go, I have booked rooms in La'vella hotel for you all to rest. We will meet in two hours at the Party hall for dinner."

Everybody started dispersing from the meeting. Sky remained on her seat.

"You coming to dinner?" David asked Sky as he stood up.

"No Dad, What will I do with senior citizens? I will work instead." Sky rejected as usual.

"You are the one who is old." David retorted.

Sky smiled but didn't say anything. David doting rubbed her head and left.

Sky was tried from a six-hour meeting. Andy who was sitting behind approached her when she was stretching.

"Ms.Sky, You look tired, You should head home and rest."

"No, I'm okay. Let's go to the office." Sky stood up but she felt dizzy and sat back on her chair.