That's good news

Andy unscrewed the water bottle and handed her, "Ms.Sky, Do you like to eat anything light? You didn't have lunch properly."

"Thank you, I am fine now. Let's go." Sky stood up and went out of the meeting room.

Andy followed behind her and entered the elevator with her. Andy searched his laptop bag and extended his hand towards Sky, "Ms.Sky, If you don't mind, please have this."

Sky saw a nutrition bar in his hand, subconsciously took it.

It was the same nutrition bar that they used to carry whenever they went out on trek or day out. Many past images came to her mind and she felt emotional.

She shook her head, composed herself and faced Andy, "Thank you, Andy."

Sky started eating. Seeing her eating, Andy felt glad that he could be of some help.

Watching her eating he felt like Sky was the same Chipmunk who couldn't control her hunger and still pretend like she was okay.

By the time they reached the thirtieth floor, Sky finished eating. Suddenly she realized something and turned behind to face him. "Sorry, I didn't share it."

"No, It's alright. I am not hungry."

Sky nodded and exited the elevator, "Tell the legal department and HR department heads to start the process." Sky entered her office.

"Yes, Ms.Sky," Andy responded and went to his desk.

Lilly kept a cup of coffee on his desk and asked about the meeting.

"It went well. They agreed to our proposal." Andy replied as he concentrated on the mailing.

"That's good news." She went back to her desk.


In CEO office

Sky's table had many files to check, She was tired, She was mulling over what to do, Her phone started ringing. She checked the Caller's name and got a bright smile on her face.

She answered the call and went to the room which is in her office. "Hey Loran."

"Sister, I called you many times in the morning and afternoon. Why didn't you answer or call back?"

Sky leaned on the headboard of the bed and patiently explained. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I had meeting all day. Mobile was in my office and just now I took it to answer your call."

"How are you? How is everything? why do you sound anxious?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine and everything too. I was worried about you" Loran sounded relaxed.

"So what's up? Where are you? You seem to be traveling." Sky heard faint sounds of vehicles.

"Sister, You sure very attentive. Surprise! I am coming to see you" Loran excited voice could be heard.

"Wow, my brother is missing me."

"Aren't you missing me? Shall I go back?" Loran threatened.

"Fine fine. I miss you too. How are you coming here? When you will reach?"

"I will reach your office in 15 minutes."