He will screw me up

"That's great, I will send somebody to fetch you to my office." Loran coming to Harley for the first time, Sky naturally got excited.

"By the way, Are you coming alone?"

"As of now, I coming alone now. Jai will join us later. Oh shit. He wanted to give you a surprise."

Sky started laughing. "Sister Sky, Please act like you are surprised otherwise he will screw me up."

"Okay chill. I will not... " Sky noticed somebody standing near the room door and ran towards the door saying "Brother" leaving mobile on the bed.

Loran panicked when he heard Brother, "Hello"

"Hello, sister are you there? what happened?"


Loran cut the call and sped towards the office.

In the office, Jai came to her office early to surprise her. When she saw him, she ran to him hugged him forgetting about the call.

"How are you?" Jai asked as he patted her back.

"See, I am super. How are you doing?"

"Just like my sister, Super." He pinched her nose.

"Let's sit in there. Oh, how is my office?" Sky led him to the near couch and sat.

"Monochrome, It's exquisite." Jai scanned her office.

"Brother Jai, How did you come here? It's your first time here." Sky got confused, Nobody was allowed in to meet her without her permission.

"I met Mr.Harley before coming here. He arranged it."

"Oh" Sky nodded.

"Congratulations My little sister." Jai wished her.

"Thank you brother, Dad already told you about this. He is such a busybody. He almost gave me a heart attack in meeting today." Sky pouted.

Jai smacked on her head lightly. "I'm here because of him."

"Oh, Why? He didn't tell me anything? Is he complaining about me?" Sky shook her head.

Jai started laughing, "Why do you view him as a villain?"

"Then what! Because of him, I had to come here leaving you all and sit on this chair." She pointed at her chair with animosity.

Jai shook his head at her behavior, "Aren't you doing great now?"

"Of course I will give my cent percent in whatever I do." She said confidently by placing her hand on her chest.

"That's like my sister." Jai lightly patted on her head. "Loran is also coming, did he call you?"

Sky stood up suddenly, "Oh shit, I forgot I was talking with him on phone. He will kill me today."

Sky ran towards her office exit to tell Andy or Lilly to fetch him up.


Loran reached the reception, "I want to meet my sister Sky... I mean Sky Harley."

Receptionist: "Sir, Do you have an appointment?"

"Why do I need an appointment to meet my sister?"

Receptionist: "Sorry sir. We can't let you meet the CEO without an appointment."

"I'm calling her, she is not receiving my call."

Loran started pacing in front of the receptionist, suddenly he remembered something and made a call.