Piercing glare of two brothers

His voice turned cold suddenly. "Loran here. I'm downstairs. Come and take me to see my sister now." without waiting for his response, he cut the call.

After two minutes, Andy came down and greeted Loran, "Hey Loran"

"Hmm, Let's go fast, She is not receiving my call." Loran went ahead of Andy.

Andy signaled the security to leave him. They went to the thirtieth floor. Andy pointed at the CEO office door, "That's your sister's office."

"Thanks!" Loran took quick steps towards Sky's office before he could reach, Door flung open.

Sky and Loran looked at each other. Loran ran towards her and held her shoulders and started looking at her, and went around her twice.

"Sister Sky, are you fine? Why didn't you answer my phone? ..." His questions went on.

Sky closed his mouth, "Andy can you get three orange juice with some snacks? Thank you."

"Sure, Ms.Sky" Andy responded and went to get them.

Lilly stood dumbfounded at the sight. Sky dragged Loran inside and pointed at Jai.

"Brother Jai is here already."

He pointed at Sky, "You... you forgot about me as soon as you saw him. Am I even your little brother anymore?" Loran stamped on the floor. He went and sat opposite to Jai and glared at him.

"My little brother, How can I forget about you? You are such a nice brother..." Sky started cajoling him.

By the time Loran calmed down, They heard a knock on the door. "Come in" Sky responded.

Andy entered the office with juice and some snacks. "Ms.Sky."

He kept the tray on the coffee table, turned towards Sky under the piercing glare of two brothers. "Ms.Sky"

"Thank you, Andy, since it's time to leave, you can head off." Sky checked the time and said.

Andy made a little bow gesture and went off.

"Brother, Just give me five minutes, I will wrap my work. Till that you guys eat, drink and relax. Then we will head out." Sky stood up and went to her desk.

Jai nodded, Loran took his juice glass and surveyed the office room. "Sister Sky, You have the best view of the city here, isn't it?"


"I wish I had this view from my studio."

"Then let's exchange our jobs." Sky raised her brows and looked at Loran.

"Sister Sky, I'm happy with my life. I don't want this Hahaha." Loran brushed it off.

Sky shook her head and went back to work.

Sky peeked at Jai and contemplated how to say. Jai sensed it and turned towards her after keeping the magazine on the table.

"What's cooking in your mind?" Jai asked as he stood up to go near her.

Sky closed her laptop and tidied her desk and stood up.

"Brother Jai, I am planning to ask you to be the brand ambassador of Harley's fashion." Sky took a few steps back and went behind Loran to hide.