I will not sign with Harley

Sky dejectedly went to her room and slept.

At half past five, Jai woke up and went to Sky's room to wake her up.

Sky cursed the idea of fitness in her mind and went to the gym in her mansion. There were two trainers waiting for her.

Sky greeted and introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Sky. His sister." Sky pointed at Jai.

"Hello, Ms.Harley! Mr.Jai Barton already instructed us about you. I'm the trainer Jack."

"I'm the trainer Harry." Both shook their hands with Sky.

Jack looked like a very outgoing and fun-loving person. whereas Harry was the opposite, Strict and expressionless.

'Harry-Jack, Jack-Harry' Sky was dumbfounded.

"Aren't you guys the trainer of the new Martial art champion Dan Silva?" Sky mouth was wide open and looked at them in disbelief.

when Jai heard her, the corners of his mouth twitched. 'We shouldn't have a smart sister.'

Jack scratched his head and looked at Jai. Jai just gave them a nod and continued his workout.

Sky didn't miss their small interaction.

"Yes, You are right. We didn't expect you to identify us." Jack was impressed.

"Was it meant to be kept secret brother Jai? And why do I have to get trained by such top-notch trainers? Is it necessary? They could train somebody else to send them to nationals. Isn't it? Brother Jai, It's such a waste of their time..."

Sky went on and on as she strode towards Jai. Jai furrowed his brows and stopped his work and faced her.

He calmed himself, he knows a hard approach never works on his sister, so he held the right point.

"Then I will not sign exclusively with Harley." In a low voice that could be only be heard to Sky, Jai purposefully stressed the word exclusive.

Sky's expression changed, she doesn't want to provoke him more about it if incase Jai changes his mind. She gave a curt reply "Oh" and ran back to trainers. "We can start now."

Jai's lips curled up and went back to his workout. Trainers gave a nod and started her first day of training.

Jai finished his workout and watched Sky.

'Even if she doesn't like it, she will still do her best when she decides to do it. Silly girl.'

Jai noticed his phone lit up, He checked the caller name. He glanced at Sky and went out of the gym.

"Hello, Mr.Harley."

"Jai, Are you guys leaving capital today?" David's voice was hoarse

"Yes, We are going back today."

"Oh, Did you convince Sky to learn some martial arts?" David was hesitant.

"Don't worry. I have already convinced her and her first-day training also started."

"Good, good. By the way, did she agree on that soo easily?"

"Nope, I have to fulfill her wish." Jai responded nonchalantly.

"This child. I'm so sorry Jai for dragging you into this. What did she ask? I will help you with that."

"She wants me to be the brand ambassador of Harley fashion. I hope you are okay with that."

"No problem. Thank you for your help Jai." David was delighted.