Whining like a little girl

Jai clenched his fist, his face turned dark and his voice turned cold, "Mr.Harley, I did it for my sister. You don't have to mention it. Hope you keep your promise or else you know what I will do."

David was silent for a few seconds, "Don't worry Jai."

Jai hung up the call when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned and checked. Trainers were coming out. They just nodded at each other and they left.

Their training time was fixed for one hour and they finished at seven. Jai went inside to check on Sky who didn't come out even after five minutes.

Sky was exhausted after her training and laid on the floor without moving. Jai tensed up and went near her faster and kneeled.

"Sky, what's wrong?"

Sky opened her eyes, "Do you know Shavasana in Yoga? I am doing that."

Jai furrowed his brows and stood up. "Get fresh soon. We will have breakfast."

Sky cried, "Brother Jai, My body is aching. I can't even lift my hand."

"Go and take a bath. You will be fine." His heart ached for her but he couldn't go easy on this.

Sky held her hands in the air, "Pull me up."

"Lazy brat!" Jai pulled her up and went out with her listening to her whine.

"My left leg is paining... ahh My right leg... Why do I feel heavy? It's very difficult to walk. Brother, we will take the elevator down. there are many steps to go down."

"Its just one floor, walk." Jai pulled her towards the stairs.

"How am I going to drive to the company? I can't feel my arms... Brother, support me to get down the stairs. huh, Why are you going fast?"

"You talk too much." Jai closed his ears and ran away.

Sky pouted at him and descended slowly. A maid who saw her whining like a little girl, approached her, "Young Miss, Can I help you with anything?"

Sky had an indifferent look on her face even though she was in pain, "Can you fill my bathtub? Thank you."

"Sure Miss." Maid descended a few steps, glanced at Sky once and went down.

'She was behaving like a small kid and now she is normal. Did I see it wrong?' Maid thought to herself.

After the bath, due to tiredness, Sky dozed off near the dressing table while she was getting ready.

Seeing her not coming for breakfast, Jai sent Loran to get her. Loran woke her up and brought her to the dining hall.

"Brother Jai, Sister Sky was sleeping." Loran started his breakfast and reported what she was doing.

Sky felt like to hide under the table. She lowered her head and concentrated on toast.

"My dear little sister, You were the one who told me you are not weak. right?" Jai used his finger and lifted her chin to face him.

Sky face turned red due to embarrassment, "It's been a long time that I haven't had much physical activity. That's it."

But she knows very well that she was not physically active and strong as she was in her college days. Now she only works in the office and free time also she works on office stuff. Probably she can't trek as she used to.

  1. Corpse Pose