Somebody is following us

"Nothing" Loran responded and got down from the car.

Then he noticed another car pulling right behind them at some distance. He instructed Sky to be seated and dialed Jai's number after going behind the car.

"Hello! what's up?" Jai answered the call after a few rings.

"Brother Jai, I feel like somebody is following us. I managed to get rid of them and changed route but they again appeared. What should I do?" Loran sounded very anxious.

"Where is Sky? What is your location?" Jai's voice turned stony.

"She is in the car. I'm outside and watching the car." Loran quickly replied. he checked surroundings, "We are in C street."

Jai took a few seconds and asked, "Ask Sky if she arranged any guards to protect her whenever she went out."

"Okay, let me ask." Loran went near the shotgun seat and knocked on the window.

Sky rolled down the window. "Sister Sky, Do you have sentry for your safety?"

"Nope. I haven't arranged." Sky replied nonchalantly. She never liked to keep anyone around.

Loran made an ok gesture and went behind the car again.

"Brother Jai She..." Jai cut him off.

"Do you know the number of the car?"

"I can't see it from here. It's not soo near. It's a BMW navy blue color. I can't make out the model too." Loran tried his best to analyze but he couldn't.

He wanted to go near the car, but he doesn't want to leave Sky alone.

"Okay listen to me, I think they are guarding Sky because they haven't done anything but I'm not sure though."

"There must be a nearby police station. Take that way. Don't go to the secluded area or road. I will call you in a few minutes. Be safe." Jai instructed and hung up.

Loran returned to the car and after checking the nearest police station address. He did as he was told to do and waited for Jai's call.


In Harley meeting room

Without much requirements and complications, the meeting was going on.

Jai's mobile started ringing, He excused himself and picked the call. After listening to Loran, Jai's expression turned sour.

He asked Mr.Das to postpone the meeting and left for the Sky's room.

He looked calm but he had many things in the mind. He grabbed the car keys after giving him some instructions.

He left the office and called David.

"Hello, Jai." David's voice sounded on the other end.

"Have you arranged any guards for Sky?" Jai went straight to the point.

"I have. Why? Any problem?" David asked in confusion.

"Sky and Loran went out on a drive. Loran said they are being followed. Are you sure your men are following them but not others?" Jai's voice was cold.

"What?" David panicked. "My men will follow her at quite a distance. She never noticed it."

"Should I call the police? and check on them?" Jai got impatient.

"I will call my men and get back to you." David was about to hang up but Jai spoke.

"Don't cut my call, Add them to the conference call. I will ask myself."

"Sure!" David replied without hesitation and called them.

Jai took the elevator and pressed the basement button.

As call got connected, a hoarse voice sounded. "Hello, Chairman Harley!"