Why is he appointed for my sister?

"Peter, Answer the question we ask you. Jai, you can ask him." David spoke.

"Sure Chairman Harley" Peter responded.

"Where were you five minutes back?" Jai asked.

"We were in C street."

"Which is your car?" Jai threw one more question right after his reply.

"Chairman Harley, Are you in danger? Why is this man asking these?" Peter became cautious.

Peter was an Ex-military man. Specially appointed for Sky's safety.

"Peter, I'm not in danger. We sensed that Sky might be in danger. So co-operate." David ordered.

"Oh Sorry. Mister, We are in Blue BMW customized car." Peter answered to Jai's question.

Jai sighed deep. "How are they doing? Are they fine?"

"Yea Mister. They are in S street now." Peter answered.

"Mr.Harley, I will inform and convince Sky about guards. I don't want her to panic if she notices them. Ask your men to come to the CEO office after Sky reaches the office." Jai sounded determined.

"Go ahead." David knew Jai could convince Sky.

Jai hung up the call and called Loran.

"Loran, Come to the office. They are protecting Sky. So nothing to worry."

"Okay brother, we will reach soon." Loran sighed and relaxed after he hung up the call, he drove towards the office.

Jai who reached the basement while talking on the phone went back to Sky's office.

As he reached near Andy, He asked him, "Andy, I just asked Mr.Das to postpone the meeting, Is it possible to reschedule it asap?"

"Yeah, Ja... Mr.Barton, I will arrange it for you." Andy kept the reply to formal.

"Thank you. Let me know the time. I will be in the office." Jai pointed to the office while saying and went in after hearing to Andy's response.


Sky and Loran reached her office. Seeing Jai in the office, Sky approached him.

"Meeting is over?" Sky sat next to Jai.

"Nope. I postponed. I asked Andy to arrange it again." Jai responded and watched Loran signaling him to talk privately.

"Oh!" Sky responded and rested her head backside.

"If you are tired, rest for some time else go and work."

"I have to work. Brother Jai." Sky stood up and went to her desk.

Impatient Loran spoke up. "Brother Jai, let's go and check out recreation areas of the Harley."

Before Jai could react, Loran pulled him. Jai could only say, "Sky, we will be back."

Sky looked at them going out. She continued her work without responding.

Loran pulled Jai towards the elevator and let go of him.

"Loran, Relax. Why are you anxious?" Jai calmly asked.

Loran glared at him, "How can I be not anxious? Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Loran, You will get to know soon." Jai responded and one of the elevators reached the thirtieth floor.

"It must be you who spoke to me on the phone." A hoarse voice sounded.

Loran and Jai turned towards the voice direction. A fair, tall, well-built man was going towards them. Another man who was slender, had sharp features followed the first one. Both looked like they were in the late twenties.

"So you are the man Mr.Harley appointed for my sister." Jai checked both the men.

Loran was confused, "Brother Jai, Who is he? Why is he appointed for my sister?"