Kira's professionalism

"I am here to help." Sam said nonchalantly.

"Why do you want to help me?" Sky is still felt uneasy to get his help.

"I don't need a reason to help you."

Sky noticed his seriousness and agreed "Done, If you need my help anytime, let me know."

"Don't worry, I will not take your kindness for granted." He said after noticing her uneasiness and worry.

Sky nodded, "Since you know about my plan, get the videos and be prepared. I will tell you when to release."

"I have them." Sam replied nonchalantly.

Sky crossed her arms leaning back and smiled at him. "Are you like this with everyone?" she asked curiously.

"Nope. Only for you."

Sky's lips twitched. She couldn't understand anything from his expression. "To protect me!" She said more like she convincing herself.

Sam didn't continue the conversation, Sky continued her work. After sometime Andy entered the office and delivered the news,

"Ms.Sky, Kira Robbie is blacklisted from the Star entertainment and the company made her pay the compensation for the movie and Advertisements she signed. So she lost bank balance, house, and car. she has nothing left as per news."

"Nothing? I think she will be sheltered in that CEO's one of private apartment or mansion." She analyzed as per her instincts.

"Indeed!" Sam spoke and showed his tab.

Kira's face was red from crying and Forty years something old man supporting her to the apartment.

"He?" Sky didn't know the man. Andy who also watched the video responded quickly, "Star entertainment CEO."

"What about Kira fans? How are they responding?"

"They are in uproar, They are speculating all the possibility. Ms.Sky, If you make her leave this company, she can join another company. Isn't it waste of our time and resources?" Andy asked in confusion without understanding it.

"Another company? The show just began, wait till the end." Sky responded.

Andy didn't get anything but he could only nod his head, "Ms.Sky. Anything else?"

"Nothing." Andy left the office with lots of questions in mind.

"Should I release the video?" Sam asked.

"Nope, Let me get the call." As Sky finished her sentence and her mobile rang. She kept it on the speaker.

"You little bitch, you dare to say it to Harley CEO to blacklist me from my company? You don't know who is my backer, I will get back from you. You just wait." Kira's enraged voice sounded in the office.

"I can wait, But its pity that you can't execute your plan again." Sky repeated the same statement to provoke her.

"You little vix..." Sky hung up the call before she could finish her sentence.

"Smart woman!" Sam complimented Sky.

"So let's release the video of Kira's professionalism." Sky instructed him with a smile on her face.

Sam gestured OK and started working on his tab.

Even after long Sky didn't receive any information from Andy. 'If a video of Kira harassing Jai released, Harley will get to know. Why is it taking time.'

Seeing her dazed expression Sam asked, "What's wrong?"

"Did you release the video?" Sky asked directly.